Ye Tian heard the shouting and looked over.

"This is a 100-gram non-attribute superb magic spar. In addition, tell me your bank account, and I will transfer the rest of the money to your account!"

Ye Tian nodded towards the military magician.

The military magician had a look of surprise on his face, but he didn't expect Ye Tian to exchange for the best-quality magic spar without attributes.

After the transaction, Ye Tian left.

The young military magician was slightly taken aback when he saw the bags that had been opened in front of Ye Tian, ​​and then said.

"The price of the best-quality magic spar with no attributes is five times that of the best-quality basic magic spar. One gram of the best-quality basic magic spar is only about 100,000 yuan, while one gram without attributes costs 500,000, which means 100 grams. , need fifty million, little brother, are you sure?"

The military magician saw Ye Tian's changing face, and immediately shook his head helplessly, and did not continue to say anything.

The military magician placed the bottle containing the best-quality non-attribute magic spar in front of Ye Tian and continued.

"Okay, there are a lot of things, I have to count some time, you wait a moment!"

After more than half an hour, the military magician finished the inventory, looked at Ye Tian and said.

As for the undead system, he always felt that the price of the non-attribute magic spar was too high, and he did not think about using it.

At that time, what do you use to cultivate? Money is only an external thing, and improving your strength is the most important thing!

But the matter of fighting against the secret world is not only the duty of the military magician, but the matter of all the mankind of Shui Lanxing.

Ye Tian didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly explained what he wanted to exchange.

"Think about it, exchange some things, and give me the rest in cash!"

Every time a country in the secret world attacked a city on the ** side, it was also the military magician who lost the most.

Ye Tian didn't say much, just nodded in agreement.

The military magician heard the words and said with a chuckle.

He can't always leave a lot of cash, and he will go back if he has no resources left?


Immediately, he stood at the table and waited, and the military magician started to count the contents of Ye Tian's bag.

Ye Tian also understands the meaning of the military magician's words. If the resources from Shui Lanxing are brought to the exchange office in the magic city, then there is no such good thing. This is also the meaning of the military department. Encourage everyone to go out of town to find resources.

This is not something that ordinary people can afford. Even some special magicians sometimes prefer to practice on their own, or buy spiritual potions, rather than use non-attribute magic spar.

If the resources can't be handled, the military will handle it for you, no matter what!

Soon, Ye Tian received the transfer information, a total of 372 million in cash.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian almost made a decision, so he would buy the non-attribute magic spar specially used by the undead system.

Ye Tian nodded, and immediately looked at the military magician, said indifferently.

They work hard, even when everyone is unwilling to enter the secret world and face the magician of the secret world, they are blocked at the forefront by them, sticking to the foreign land 365 days a year.

The military magician said slowly, and listed a detailed data sheet for Ye Tian.

"Okay, little brother, please say, as long as what we have in the magic city, and the little brother gets the resources from outside the city, our side is all equal exchange!"

Other series will be slightly worse.

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll get it for you!"

ps: Please subscribe, please customize!

And guarding the 13th city, in fact, are mainly military magicians.

Ye Tian's face changed for a while, the corners of his mouth twitched, he didn't dare to think too much, and hurriedly agreed.

However, he is now a small local tyrant who is worth hundreds of millions, so he doesn't need to worry about these problems for the time being.

It doesn't matter if the resources are gone, the most important thing is that the strength can be improved.


"In total, it is 422 million. Do you want to exchange something? Or direct cash!"

Sure enough, no matter what world it is in, the military is a group worthy of respect and admiration.

The reason why other departments can improve so fast is mainly because of the use of magic spar.

Ye Tian hesitated for a while, he came here this time, but he brought all the gains from this time out of the city, and he had nothing left.

Ye Tian recognized it at a glance, this is the best-quality magic spar with no attributes.

A gram of 500,000 stone, there is nothing comparable to this stone, two grams is enough to buy a house in a small county, before, if Ye Tian heard about this kind of stone, he would not believe it. .

Immediately, he placed the resources he brought on the table in the trading office and said.

Next, Ye Tian told him the account, and the military magician also transferred the remaining money to Ye Tian's account.

This is Ye Tian's own business, what he likes to do is his business, and it has nothing to do with himself.

In terms of statistics, it is the same as the statistics of Ye Tian's system wealth, a total of 422 million.

He was afraid that if he thought about it any more, he would immediately regret it.

ps2: Thank you: 13656...Brother's reward.

"Little brother, it's over!"

"In you, there are 120 second-order beast cores, each 500,000, worth 60 million; 45 third-order beast cores, 1 million each, worth 45 million; 70 bottles of advanced recovery medicine, 500,000 each, worth 45 million 35 million!"

It didn't take long for the military magician to come back again, with a small jar in his hand, which contained small grains of small stones that were like masonry.

The undead system that helped Ye Tian the most before has only communicated with 395 magic stars, and the effect is much weaker.

At the same time, he was also trying to persuade himself that he had earned so much this time, enough for him to cultivate for a long time, so let him spend it willfully.

Except when there is a war, other magicians will come to support.

"In addition to these, there are two primary magic equipment, worth 2 million; 11 intermediate magic equipment, worth 110 million; 2,000 grams of mixed magic spar first-grade, worth 20 million; second-grade 7500 grams, worth 150 million "


Mainly because Ye Tian couldn't afford it, one gram of non-attribute magic spar could be more beautiful than five grams of basic magic spar.

"Give me 100 grams of high-quality non-attribute magic spar!"

Although other magicians will enter the secret world from time to time, most of them will only stay for a while before evacuating back. In general, most of the time here are guarded by military magicians.

In front of him is a three-star military magician, not very old, about 20 or 30 years old.

Ye Tian's attention also shifted, without opening, waiting for his result.


"That's all, can you help me see what the approximate value is?"

He also didn't know what to say, and some of the meanings were difficult to understand, although the duty of a soldier was to protect the family and the country.

The Earth system is the system that communicates with the largest number of magic stars except for the Thunder system, but it only communicates with 478 magic stars.

That is a military magician wearing a military uniform. It may be rare outside the water blue star, but it is not uncommon in the secret world city. The military magician here is the most water blue star in the whole country of China. place.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Tian considered his current situation. The Thunder System has now reached four stars, and has communicated with 936 magic stars, which is not far from the five-star advanced magician level.

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