Ye Tian swam to the side of the thunder category again, and picked up a book of advanced thunder magic skills.


How does this make us feel?

The speed of condensing intermediate magic scrolls is faster than that of us senior magicians, what else do you want?

Not to mention, there are some high-level magicians who can't even do instant magic, let alone condensation magic scrolls.

Through the introduction, Ye Tian also understood that the first three magic skills are all attacking.

But even so, the speed at which he condenses the magic scroll is far less than that of some advanced magicians.

Although Mu Lingxi is now a high-level magician, she has already learned these magic skill books, and she does not use them at all.


Now these are not in a hurry, so hurry up and look at other magic skill books that you are not qualified to learn now!

But he still thinks it's too slow!

Ye Tian thought about his current strength, he might not even have the strength to fight against a high-level magician.

In terms of skills, there is only one, and it takes 2,000 magic stars to consume!


Correspondingly, the requirements for magic skills are also much higher.

If his thoughts at this time were known by some senior magicians or tutors, he would definitely be ashamed!

He picked up the blank magic scroll stored in the window and left.

Since I haven't met the requirements for learning, it's okay to take a look at it. Let's talk about it first. When the requirements are met in the future, you can learn directly, save time and effort, and you don't have to run here again.

They are: Thunder of Death (500), Thunder Comes (500), Thunder of Rebellion (500), Raiying (500)

After reading all the skill books of earth magic, Ye Tian came to the storm area again.

The types of magic skills recorded in the book are similar to those of the Thunder Department, and the requirements are also the same.

At the duty window, Li Yi saw Ye Tian walking out and asked.

If you are not proficient in advanced magic, you need to learn advanced magic, and it will take a long time.

It takes 10 million wealth value to purchase advanced magic mastery.

"Well, found it!"

Time passed quickly, and it was the afternoon of the next day.

Finally, I looked at the Forbidden Magic and the Great Forbidden Magic, and the number of magic stars required was several times that of the ultimate magic.

At this speed, it would take about six days to condense twelve hours a day, which is still a bit long.

Ye Tian can also see that the power of this high-level magic is definitely much greater than that of intermediate-level magic.

But he also has his own advantages, that is, the fusion of the spirit species increases the magical power of 30%, so that he does not have the most basic resistance against high-level magicians.

You are a three-star magician, and you haven't even got four stars yet!

Each advanced magic skill needs to consume a full 500 magic stars.

He asked Mu Lingxi to get the intermediate magic skill book a long time ago.

Storm-type intermediate-level magic, he just woke up not long ago, and there is no place to find intermediate-level magic.

The flame magic level, he did not practice, only communicated with four magic stars, and he was a trainee at the fourth level, but he couldn't learn it even after reading it.

No matter how much you look at it, there is no chance to learn it for the time being anyway.

Thunder series advanced magic skills, divided into four advanced magic skills in total.

The last one is the displacement type, the speed of the whole person when using Raikage can be like a phantom, very fast.

If you want to compare, beginner and intermediate magic vs. advanced, ultimate magic can only be regarded as pediatrics.

I still feel like I haven't used the time effectively.

In the Earth System area, Ye Tian flipped through the Earth System Advanced Magic Skill Book.

After not finding any required magic skill books, he prepared to leave.

Regarding the power of the description of magic skills, it is also destroying the sky and destroying the earth. It is not at the beginning, and intermediate magic can be compared.

Walking into a magic practice arena, waiting for the barrier to rise, Ye Tian started to condense the magic scroll.

I just took this opportunity to learn.

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I read all the magic skill books in the storm area, even if it was an intermediate level magic.

But in total, more than one hundred intermediate magic scrolls have been condensed.

With this period of time, Ye Tian's magic level has increased, and the efficiency of condensation magic has also improved a lot.

It's just that he has no way to increase the speed of condensing, unless the magic level is increased.

His current wealth is only 4.35 million, which is still a lot worse.

Or it's okay to return it to Mu Lingxi when the class is on Monday.

Compared with the highest consumption of 200 magic stars in intermediate magic, there are 300 more magic stars.

At this speed, in another three days, he can finish condensing.

But this is someone else's thing, and it still has to be paid back. Take some time and go to Mu Lingxi.

The requirements for Ultimate Magic, Forbidden Magic, and Great Forbidden Magic are the same.

However, Ye Tian doesn't matter, anyway, there is no wealth on his body now.

He didn't have time to waste on learning magic, let alone, even if he learned it, he couldn't use it instantly.

It seems that I can only spend some more time and shorten this time a little.

From yesterday afternoon to the present, it lasted for a day of condensed practice, although there were also a few hours of rest in the middle.

Undead summoning magic, apart from constructing a gate to the abyss, condensing various contracts, and cooperating with undead creatures, there are no other magical skills.

In the next time, he didn't do anything else, just concentrate on condensing the magic scroll.

Behind each advanced magic skill, there is a corresponding magic skill that requires a magic star.

I opened a Thunder-type advanced magic skill book on hand, which is somewhat similar to intermediate magic skills. There are a total of four advanced magic skill books recorded. See the description on the introduction.

Ye Tian took a few glances, wrote down the casting method, and then walked to other positions.

"Brother Ye, are you ready to leave, have you found any books you need to read?"

From before, you can condense 4 sheets in an hour, each 15 minutes, and now 6 sheets per hour, each 10 minutes.

Speaking of this matter, he also forgot that he did not return Mu Lingxi's intermediate magic skill book to her.

After writing down the advanced thunder magic skill, Ye Tian put the advanced thunder magic skill book aside, and picked up the ultimate magic skill book, the ultimate magic, which is the most powerful magic skill under the forbidden spell.


Ye Tian sucked in a breath, two thousand magic stars, what level of magician?

Ye Tian nodded and responded.

Without returning to the dormitory, Ye Tian went directly to the magic practice field.

Even now Ye Tian and Thunder Magic Stars have communicated with a total of 412, which is not enough to perform advanced magic at all.

Ye Tian left the Magic Club's skill book storage and returned to the Magic Club's duty office.

After reading the storm magic skill book, Ye Tian glanced around again.

Later, when I took the intermediate magician level exam, I got another intermediate magic skill book.

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