
A lot of profits.

That's what he wants.

As long as Wei Xin's sister and brother are in his hands.

He is not afraid of not getting the money.

Thinking of this, Gu Huo smiled more sinisterly.

It seemed that he saw a scene of getting both money and beauty.

As for accidents?

Their family is all-powerful.

His father is one of the major underground leaders.

Who in Yangcheng can stop him?

In his opinion, as long as Wei Xin comes tonight.

She can't escape from his palm.

This is his absolute confidence.

Thinking of this, of course he is more proud.

Soon Wei Xin came into the private room.

When she saw her brother, her heart sank.

Sure enough, it was here.

Then she saw Gu Huo, the figure that disgusted her!

Gu Huo swallowed hard when he saw Wei Xin.

This is too beautiful! The evil fire in his heart rose.

It seemed that he had already seen the scene of Wei Xin posing in eighteen postures.

Gu Huo's men also swallowed their saliva even more.

Gu Huo said that if he did a good job tonight, he could let them have a taste.

Of course, they also swallowed their saliva even more.

"My sister saved me, they set a trap for me"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have lost 80 million. They set a trap to trick me!"

Wei Bin saw his sister coming. He immediately spoke anxiously.

Wei Bin was obviously not a fool. He understood at this time.

He was tricked.

That's why he lost 80 million.

When Wei Xin saw Wei Bin speaking like this, she probably understood what happened.

Wei Xin was an extremely smart and well-educated girl.

How could she not understand?

Combined with the fact that Gu Huo was a villain, she understood instantly.

It was probably Gu Huo who set a trap for her brother.

That's why her brother fell into it.

After understanding, she hated Gu Huo even more.

But there was no use in hating him.

Since she was here, she must rescue her brother.

Is it useful to reason with someone like Gu Huo?

Obviously useless.

She should discuss the conditions to let her brother go.

Wei Xin sighed instantly.

At the same time, she made up her mind.

After making up her mind ,

Wei Xin of course got straight to the point.

She spoke directly

"Gu Huo, just tell me, what conditions do you want to release my brother?"

"Of course, don't go too far, otherwise we have the ability to perish together with you!"

Wei Xin said.

Of course, Wei Xin also knew that she couldn't let others be slaughtered at will.

So she warned immediately.

Wei Xin is so smart.

Of course she understands that truth.

If she is not smart, she can't get a high education.

Hearing Wei Xin's threat, Gu Huo sneered.

What is Wei Xin's family?

Want to perish together with him?

Of course, he didn't take it seriously and immediately spoke arrogantly

"Give me 1 billion right now, and I will let your brother go."

Gu Huoshizi opened his mouth.

But Wei Xin's pretty face changed.

Her brother obviously only owed 80 million, and he was set up.

1 billion was obviously impossible!

Of course she refused directly.

Not to mention her, Wei Bin also refused instantly!

"Don't give it to him, I only owe 80 million"

"Sorry, I can't agree to it, because my brother only owes 80 million."

Wei Xin also refused directly.

How could she agree to such an unreasonable request?

If it was 80 million, her family could barely make up for it.

After hearing Wei Xin's words, Gu Huo spoke arrogantly

"It was 80 million an hour ago, but don’t you know that my family is a loan shark?"

"Now the interest has compounded to 1 billion. If you don't give it to me, I will kill your brother."

Gu Huo looked like he had Wei Xin in his hands. He was not being reasonable at all.

In his opinion, what could the Wei family use to fight him?

Their family was so powerful.

How could they be afraid of a small Wei family?

So of course they asked for a lot.

When Wei Xin heard this, her pretty face changed.

It changed instantly!

How could her pretty face not change?

The interest has compounded to 1 billion?

Wei Xin's family claimed to have 6 billion in assets, but those were real estate.

At most, they could raise 100 million or 200 million in cash.

If they wanted to take out 1 billion, they could only sell the group's assets.

But suddenly selling a large number of group assets would lead to a big depreciation.

In this case, it was hard to say whether 6 billion could be sold for 3 billion.

1 billion was taken away all at once. One third of their assets.

So of course her face changed.

How could she not change her face.

She instantly felt Gu Huo's greed.

And she was even more disgusted with Gu Huo.

She was even more deeply disgusted.

But after she became disgusted. Wei

Xin had no way to deal with Gu Huo.

Gu Huo's family was all-powerful in Yangcheng.

One of the big bosses.

Her family was just doing business.

How could they do anything to such a powerful person? So at this moment, although she was disgusted and desperate. But she had no way to fight back. After despair. Wei Xin forced herself to calm down. Continue to negotiate with Gu Huo. She had no choice. She was no match for Gu Huo. She could only negotiate to change the conditions and release her brother.

"This is impossible. Please change the conditions. We can't afford 1 billion."

"Then you stay with me for a month, and I will let your brother go."

Gu Huo was not surprised to hear Wei Xin's words.

He had already calculated it.

So he immediately continued to speak and stated his conditions.

This was the second pit he dug.

First, take possession of Wei Xin, and then blackmail the Wei family.

Wouldn't it be possible to get both money and beauty this way?

He has done this kind of thing too many times.

So it is quite easy to do.

As for Wei Xin, does she have a choice?

Thinking of this, he seemed to see a scene of enjoyment!

The fire in his heart was rising!

Not only did he want to taste it himself tonight, but he also wanted to let more than a dozen brothers taste it!

Thinking of this moment.

Of course, he looked more like he had Wei Xin in his hands.

Wei Xin's pretty face changed completely in an instant.

How could it not change completely?

She never thought that Gu Huo was so insidious and vicious!

It turned out that this was Gu Huo's ultimate goal.

Dirty scum!

After knowing Gu Huo's ultimate goal.

Her heart was full of anger! Her pretty face turned pale.

Of course, Wei Xin was a smart person and quickly calmed herself down.

She knew that the hard way She would definitely not be able to leave tonight.

She had to stay calm.

She had to keep Gu Huo steady.

Otherwise, everyone here was Gu Huo's people. How could she resist if Gu Huo came to her head?

After making up her mind, she immediately responded calmly. She deliberately made a thoughtful expression to delay time.

Then she said she wanted to go to the bathroom.

Gu Huo knew that Wei Xin was delaying time.

But he was not in a hurry at all.

He had already taken Wei Xin in his arms. With the power of his Gu Huo family, who could stop him from taking Wei Xin in his arms?

So he was not afraid at all. He was not panicked at all.

Since Wei Xin came here, no one could save Wei Xin.

Even the gods and the gods dared not intervene.

He had absolute confidence.

So he let Wei Xin go to the bathroom without any hurry. He was very proud of himself.

It seemed that he had already seen the scene of Wei Xin's eighteen postures...

Wei Xin soon arrived at the bathroom.

After locking the door, she knew that she was in great danger today.

If she didn't solve it quickly, she would definitely be doomed.

Wei Xin could imagine the scene.

So she made up her mind.

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