But she felt helpless.

This lady is a young master from a super aristocratic family, don't offend him!

We all hope to hold on to her thighs.

Qi Xin didn't know why. She just wanted to tag Ye Yi.

She didn't know why, but after meeting him, her mind was full of Ye Yi, and she couldn't get rid of him.

She just thought he was so handsome and domineering.

Even the big brother Long Fei in the circle had to be respectful to Ye Yi. How could he not be domineering?

Anyway, all she thought about was Ye Yi.

So she tagged Ye Yi.

But Ye Yi didn't say anything and ignored her tag.

The little witch got excited.

So she kept tagging, but Ye Yi still ignored her.

So she was angry all the time!

How could she not be angry.

Ye Yi ignored the things in the group and didn't care anymore.

After dinner in the evening, Ye Yi received a call from Zhao Lu.

Ye Yi didn't know what his relationship with Zhao Lu was now. They were definitely not boyfriend and girlfriend, and Ye Yi didn't completely like Zhao Lu.

But Zhao Lu seemed to like him completely.

This gave Ye Yi a headache.

But Ye Yi still picked up the phone, and Zhao Lu's pleasant voice came from it.

""Hey Ye Yi, are you free the day after tomorrow?"

Zhao Lu said happily. Her pretty face was blushing.

She had never called any boy, only Ye Yi.

But Ye Yi was a fool.

He would never take the initiative to find her.

Only she could find him.

Ye Yi nodded when he heard what Zhao Lu said.

"Yes, I have time the day after tomorrow, what's wrong?"

Ye Yi smiled and asked on the phone.

When Zhao Lu heard Ye Yi's words, she immediately spoke happily.

"It's like this, Ye Yi, our company was about to go bankrupt before, but you saved it. Now, not only will it not go bankrupt, but it will even be able to move to a higher level."

"My dad's company is ready to go public, and its market value is definitely more than 3 billion. My dad said this is a good thing."

"So I planned to hold a banquet to celebrate and invite relatives and friends to come. My dad said that the first person to thank is you."

"So do you have time the day after tomorrow? You must go."

Zhao Lu spoke up and stated the purpose.

It is true that Ye Yi should be thanked first, so of course Ye Yi needs to be the first to go. As soon as Ye Yi heard it, he understood.

It seems that he wants to hold a banquet.

It is true that the Zhao family is not only not ruined, but has been listed on the stock market, and has a market value of 3 billion.

It is indeed time to celebrate.

After understanding, Ye Yi thought about it and he had time the day after tomorrow.

Besides, he should also go to such occasions.

After all, in the hearts of Zhao Lu's parents, he is already Zhao Lu's boyfriend.

Although Ye Yi pretended to help Zhao Lu.

But he is at least half a boyfriend, right?

Ye Yi nodded.

"I have time the day after tomorrow. Please tell me the address and time. I will go there directly the day after tomorrow."


Zhao Lu was very happy. How could she not be happy?

It didn't matter who didn't come. She just hoped that Ye Yi would come.

So of course she was very happy.

Zhao Lu quickly told Ye Yi the address.

After telling the address, there was no problem with Ye Yi.

Then Zhao Lu hung up the phone reluctantly.

After the phone call,

Ye Yi naturally continued to play his beloved Landlord!

At night, near the end of the night.

Wei Xin was very entangled.

At this time, Wei Xin was sitting by the dressing table. For some reason, she usually liked to sit here and admire herself.

But tonight she didn't have the mind.

Instead, her mind was full of Ye Yi!

Wei Xin didn't know why it was all Ye Yi.

Since the day Ye Yi saved her, her heart seemed to be full of Ye Yi.

Today she met Ye Yi again.

He was really handsome and excellent.

She was even more in love with Ye Yi.

And no matter how hard she tried to put it aside, she couldn't ignore it!

Finally, she couldn't help it and picked up her phone.

But unfortunately, there was no WeChat message from Ye Yi!

This blockhead!

He won't take the initiative even if he adds a beautiful girl's WeChat?

Wei Xin cursed angrily in her heart.

Then she was tangled.

How can she take the initiative to find Ye Yi?

But girls should be reserved, how can she take the initiative!

As a graduate of the top university in the country, Wei Xin has received a strict family education since childhood and is a very well-educated girl. There are countless suitors around her, but she has never looked at them straight in the eye, and she is very reserved and well-educated.

Not to mention taking the initiative to find a boy!

Oh, Ye Yi helped me once, so what's wrong with inviting him to dinner? Just consider it as returning a favor!

Angels and demons fought in Wei Xin's little head.

In the end, the devil won.

Wei Xin couldn't control herself anymore.

She took the initiative to find Ye Yi..

She also found an excuse to treat Ye Yi to a meal as a reward.

Even Wei Xin herself didn't believe this excuse!

After making up her mind, Wei Xin sent a message to Ye Yi.

Asking if he had time tomorrow night?

She would treat Ye Yi to a meal.

She also told Ye Yi not to think too much about it, and that it was purely to repay him for his help last time.

Ye Yi was playing Landlord at this time.

When he saw the message from Wei Xin, he wanted to refuse.

But Ye Yi thought, if he didn't give Wei Xin a chance to repay the favor, he would probably remember it for the rest of his life.

Well, he had better agree.

Otherwise, the little girl would be uncomfortable all the time.

So Ye Yi thought about it and simply agreed directly.

So he sent a message back saying that they could have dinner together tomorrow night.

In fact, Ye Yi is so rich, why does he need others to treat him to dinner.

Wei Xin was overjoyed when she saw the reply.

She was very happy.

How could she not be happy?

Ye Yi actually agreed.

Actually... Really agreed.

Wei Xin, who was sitting next to the dressing table, was so happy. She immediately dressed up.

She was thinking about giving Ye Yi the most beautiful scene tomorrow.

At this time, on the other side of the villa.

Qi Xin was also in her own villa.

Qi Xin also had her own villa in Yangcheng Guoshuyuan.

It was normal for her to buy a villa with her status, and she bought one of the most expensive ones, but it was not as outrageous as Villa No. 1. The villa worth hundreds of millions was just her pocket money.

At this moment in the villa.

Qi Xin was immediately angry!

She tagged Ye Yi in the group a hundred thousand times.

Why did this blockhead ignore her?

Qi Xin didn't know why, but she just felt like she liked Ye Yi!

Soon she couldn't help it and decided to take the initiative.

So she chatted with Ye Yi privately.

She sent a message asking if he had time tomorrow night?

As soon as Ye Yi saw Qi Xin's message, he had a headache.

He had a headache when he saw Qi Xin, she was just a little witch.

Ye Yi immediately replied that he had no time tomorrow night.

Of course, Qi Xin kept asking why he had no time.

Ye Yi had no choice but to answer that he had an appointment with Wei Xin tomorrow night. Qi Xin was so angry after hearing Ye Yi's answer. She replied Ye Yi with a big word - Hum! At the same time, she felt deeply threatened by Wei Xin. Ye Yi, a blockhead, felt confused. I didn't offend you. Why reply with a hum? Ye Yi was speechless. How could he not be speechless? He couldn't understand Qi Xin. But he was speechless.

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