The Stone Fairy Who Is Not Afraid of Thunder

Chapter 95 The Spiritual Master Attacks

The ugly old man was stunned, as if he saw something funny, and laughed strangely again.

"Boy, do you know what you are doing? You put on that posture, do you want to fight with me...? And you put on a serious posture, do you want to look better when you die?"

Qin Shaochen looked indifferent.

"It's not certain whether I will die or you will die! Ugly hunchback, come and try it, and you will know the answer!"

"Stinky boy, your mouth is really stinky! Well, I will break your hand first, then break your foot, and finally ask you... about the talisman!"

As soon as the voice fell, the old man suddenly came to Qin Shaochen like a wisp of smoke.

He hit Qin Shaochen's left arm with a fierce palm, and the move was fast and fierce!

Qin Shaochen knew that he could not dodge or block it, so he simply ignored it.

He just shouted loudly, and when the opponent hit his arm, his left hand had been put down, and his right index finger was raised, and a small fireball suddenly flew towards the ugly old man.

The old man snorted lightly, and casually slapped his hand, trying to knock the fireball away, but suddenly, he screamed loudly!

He raised his hand and wanted to shake off the things in his hand, but after shaking it twice, he found that... his hand was gone.

At this time, he screamed with horror: "Spiritualist, you are also a spiritualist...!"

His screams soon stopped, because the flames soon swallowed him up, along with the sound.

Qin Xiaoluo opened his eyes wide and stared at the empty space, obviously not reacting. What happened?

Qin Shaochen then let out a long breath.

He began to cover his shoulder, grimacing in pain. After a while, he felt better.

He carefully pinched around his arm a few times and checked it out.

He found that although his arm was in great pain, his bones were not broken.

Qin Xiaoluo still didn't come back to his senses, and looked at him blankly.

"Brother, what about that bad guy?"

Qin Shaochen shrugged his shoulders and spoke calmly.

"It should be burned!"

"Burned, how... burned?"

"I just used a spell called fireball, which hit the bad guy. So, it... burned!"

"Fireball..., spell! So... that's the spell, it's so powerful!"

Qin Xiaoluo saw something pop out of Qin Shaochen's hand, but it was too fast and he didn't see what it was.

"Yes, that's the spell that spiritualists can use, which can burn a person to ashes in an instant! Well! There's not even ashes."

Qin Shaochen just saw that scene, which was a bit too scary! Try to keep your tone as calm as possible.

"But spells also have shortcomings, that is, the brewing time is a little too long."

Qin Xiaoluo said "Oh!" in a daze. Still a little confused, for a moment, unable to speak.

Qin Shaochen stretched out his hand and pinched the light shield on Qin Xiaoluo's shoulder. When his fingers touched the light shield, it was like touching a real object, and he could no longer reach in.

"Sure enough, it's strong!"

Qin Shaochen nodded with satisfaction. He had just used his greatest strength.

However, he couldn't destroy the light shield at all, let alone touch Qin Xiaoluo.

The talisman is really a good thing!

Qin Shaochen saw with his own eyes that Qin Xiaoluo was hit hard by the great martial artist and flew out. If it were him, he would also be injured!

But Qin Xiaoluo was obviously fine!

It seems that even a great martial artist can't do anything to get the talisman for a while.

He walked to the side of the ash again and observed it carefully. Sure enough, there was nothing left around.

He curled his lips and frowned.

"Although the bad guy is dead, we can't go back now. Alas! I don't know when this light shield on you will disappear?"

"It's not urgent. There's nothing to do. I'll go back later. This light shield... is not inconvenient. In fact, it's quite fun!"

After saying that, he moved his arms.

Qin Shaochen saw that the light shield changed with the change of the movement. It's really magical!

"I don't know who leaked our news to those people?"

Qin Shaochen looked solemn.

Qin Xiaoluo also shook his head.

"That person knows the evacuation plan very well. It must be someone from the Qin family."

Qin Shaochen pondered for a while and had no clue.

"From what the ugly man said, he seems... not a member of the Yinshan Gang. Could it be... that there are other forces that have come to Zhangjiajie?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but move in his heart.

"Stay here and don't move. I'll go around and take a look."

After saying that, he walked deep into the woods.

At the same time, pay attention to the surrounding movements.

Sure enough, not long after walking, he could vaguely hear that there seemed to be a few people walking on the other side of the woods.

He walked a distance forward and hid behind a big tree.

Now, he could hear more clearly that there were three people. They were talking there.

One or two of them had normal breathing sounds.

But the third person had intermittent breathing sounds, most likely he was another great martial artist.

Because he suspected that the other party had a great martial artist, Qin Shao walked very lightly and did not dare to get too close.

He knew that if the great martial artist spread his senses, his hearing would probably be not much different from his.

It was very likely that he could be found at this distance.

He stood quietly behind a big tree, listening carefully.

"Why did Xiesou, that idiot, go for so long and not come back? Did he... meet a master?"

A voice said with dissatisfaction.

The man spoke in a hoarse voice, like a duck's voice.

"It's unlikely. As far as I know, there are only a few martial artists escorting the little spiritualist this time."

"The one with the highest martial arts skills is only an intermediate martial artist. Those few people don't even have the qualifications to escape in front of Senior Xie! Most likely... those people haven't escaped to the forest yet!"

The person who said this was another person.

Qin Shaochen heard this voice and it sounded familiar. Could it be an acquaintance?

He suddenly reacted!

That must be the person who leaked the evacuation plan.

It must be someone from the Qin family, but who could it be?

"Gao Yuan, why don't you... go over and take a look to see if there is any accident over there?"

The duck voice opened and ordered.

"It shouldn't happen. The evil old man is a mid-level great martial artist, so there won't be any accidents."

"Besides, if... there really is a great martial artist taking action, I should be able to sense it here."

The great martial artist replied.

"Just go when I tell you to go. Why are you being so long-winded?"

The man with a duck voice spoke in a very impolite tone!

Qin Shaochen's mind moved, and he thought of something!

The great martial artist was obviously a little hesitant.

"Spirit Master, it's not that I won't go, but... if I leave you, there will be no one to protect you!"

"You're so long-winded. Look here, are there other people? What kind of protection do you need?"

"Besides! If there is really a little accident, isn't Brother Qin also a martial artist?"


The great martial artist was still hesitant and had some concerns!

"Okay! This is not the provincial capital, where can there be so many masters!"

"Besides, if someone really attacks, as long as Brother Qin helps me resist one or two, I can go over with a fireball, and everything will be solved!"

The man who doesn't know martial arts seems confident.

Qin Shaochen, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but sneer.

It seems that he guessed right!

That man is really a spiritualist.

The great martial artist named "Gao Yuan" is of course his follower.

And the ugly old man before was probably this man's subordinate.

"Listening to their conversation, these people are probably from the provincial capital."

"But, I don't know which family they are from? How did they come so quickly? They even got ahead of the Qin family!"

Qin Shaochen couldn't help but feel a little confused!

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