This time, he went deeper into the valley and ignored other herbs. He just looked for dead animal bones along the way.

In this way, he walked faster.

Fortunately, the stream never stopped flowing.

After walking for a while, he accidentally saw a round black rock in front of him.

Although there were many rocks in the valley, most of them were grayish white.

He was a little surprised to see such a big rock with a different color.

He walked up and touched it twice. It felt like a stone with a very hard texture!

Qin Shaochen was amazed. He saw a large piece of white flowers behind the big black stone, which made it look even more strange.

However, after a closer look, those were not flowers, but a large piece of broken bones. It was just that the bones were very white, so he mistakenly thought they were white flowers.

"Bones! These bones are so small, they should all be the skeletons of birds, how come there are so many of them?"

He didn't have time to think about these questions, he began to open his eyes wide and carefully examine the white bones again and again.

Sure enough, among these thin bones, one of them had a round head and a thin stem, trembling slightly in the wind, and it turned out to be a grass fungus.

"Soul bone fungus!"

After searching in the valley for so long, he finally saw one, and he couldn't help but cheering.

What made him even more happy was that he looked a few more times and found that there was another one not far away.

Then, one by one, the soul bone fungus jumped out of the place, and he was identified from the white broken bones!

"At least no less than ten!" Qin Shaochen was overjoyed, and immediately took out a single knife from the medicine basket and prepared to start digging.

A "whoosh" sound came, and an object came quickly!

"There is a hidden weapon!" He was startled.

He heard it clearly, and swung the single knife in his hand, and the hidden weapon was chopped away.

In a hurry, Qin Shaochen also saw clearly that the hidden weapon turned out to be a stone.

Looking up, he saw three monkey-like animals jumping from the cliff to the ground dozens of feet away. Once they landed on the ground, they picked up a stone and threw it at Qin Shaochen.

"It's a baboon!"

There is a kind of fierce beast in the mountains. It has a bad temper. It is small in size but strong. It likes to hurt people with stones.

Hunters in the mountains are most troubled by this kind of animal.

The three baboons were obviously full of hostility towards Qin Shaochen. They kept throwing stones at him while screaming.

Qin Shaochen was furious and swung the single knife in his hand to knock all the flying stones away.

At the same time, he also leaned down, grabbed a stone and threw it back.

The stone made a much louder "whoosh" sound and was full of power!

But the aim was poor. With a snap, it was smashed on the cliff over there, but it was far away from the three baboons.

The baboons jumped up and down, making a constant "squeak" sound, as if they were mocking Qin Shaochen. They picked up stones and threw them at him.

Qin Shaochen felt a headache. No matter how many stones flew at him, they could not hurt him.

But one or two of these stones fell into the broken bones, hitting the thin bones and splashing them everywhere, which made him feel extremely sorry.

He hurriedly moved his feet to avoid the broken bones.

While casually knocking away the flying stones, he gradually approached the baboons.

The three baboons seemed to know how powerful he was. When he crossed the stream, they all jumped to the cliff to avoid him.

Although Qin Shaochen was also good at rock climbing. But he also knew that he could not compare with these baboons on the cliff.

He could only stand on the ground angrily, shouting helplessly!

But as soon as he returned to the other side of the stream, the three baboons would jump off the cliff and start attacking him with stones again.

It seemed that they wanted to stop him from picking bone-washing fungi.

Qin Shaochen was furious.

But facing this dilemma, he was helpless for a while.

But at this moment, the three baboons screamed and quickly rushed up the cliff. They jumped all the way and actually climbed over the cliff and disappeared.

Qin Shaochen was surprised instead of happy, and turned his head to look deep into the valley.

Sure enough! Not far away, the black fog was already spreading. In an instant, it covered the sky and the sun!

Qin Shaochen didn't hesitate at all. He glanced at a deep pool of water not far away and jumped in.

The moment he jumped in, the black fog had already surged. He felt a black in front of his eyes, and the sky suddenly dimmed.

Qin Shaochen lay at the bottom of the dark water, and he secretly said in his heart that it was a close call!

At the moment he jumped into the water, he could feel a slight tingling sensation on his skin. Most likely, he came into contact with the floating black fog and sensed a trace of black fog toxicity!

Although he was underwater, he was still in fear. After a while, he felt that the air permeability in the water was normal and there was no feeling of suffocation, so he was truly relieved.

It seems that his method is indeed feasible.

For the rest of the time, he could only wait in the water.

Fortunately, the pool was deep, and he had a little room to move in the water, so that his hands and feet would not be stiff!

I don’t know how long it took, maybe about two hours, and finally saw light in the water.

After a few more breaths, the bottom of the water became bright and clear!

Obviously, the black fog has dispersed.

Qin Shaochen waited for a while before slowly poking his head out of the water. He looked around first, took a few breaths of fresh air, and finally felt relieved.

He didn’t dare to delay any longer and quickly rushed to the broken bones.

He took out the tools and began to carefully dig out the soul bone fungi.

He was digging and counting. His mood was getting better and better.

And the three annoying baboons did not come to make trouble again.

This busy work took half an hour.

After half an hour, he checked again and again, and found that there was no soul bone fungus in this piece of broken bone land, so he stopped.

"A total of 32 plants, which is much better than my initial expectation!"

"Elder Zhou said that as long as there are 20 plants, he can exchange the True Spirit Pill for me first."

"Doesn't this mean that the True Spirit Pill has been obtained!"

He was quite happy in his heart, and he didn't want to go forward. After a simple packing, he turned around and walked quickly towards the outside of the valley.

When he approached the exit of the valley, he suddenly stopped!

Because he actually heard that there were people moving outside the valley, and there was more than one person.

Listening carefully, it seemed that there were four people outside the valley.

"What's going on?"

He was immediately alert.

"This place should be deserted, why is it so lively?"

"Could it be that the two people from before didn't leave, and they called two more people!"

When he thought of this, his face darkened.

It took him a long time to enter the valley, nearly three hours.

Under normal circumstances, the two people were injured and should have gone home to recuperate!

If they have delayed until now and invited two more people. Then it is not difficult to guess what they want to do!

Thinking of this, he immediately slowed down his footsteps, quietly walked to a big tree near the entrance of the valley, and hid behind it.

Listen attentively!

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