People in Zhangjiajie were already laughing. People gathered around him, noisily asking questions.

"Qin Shaochen, were you pretending just now that you could have won the game a long time ago?"

"You must be showing weakness just to make more money, right?"

"You are really powerful! With one against three, you win every game. This time, let's see what else those guys are crazy about!"

"I have known for a long time that you, the third place, are no worse than Qin Zhenzhen! As expected, as expected!"

"Even if Brother Qin Qi is here, he may not be able to win three games in a row!"

"What's going on with your body-protecting magic, we never know...!"

Qin Shaochen suddenly felt dizzy and had to pretend to be dumbfounded, saying a few humble words and laughing dryly.

This time, there is no way to keep a low profile!

Master Ming's face was livid, and he wanted to rush up to Qin Shaochen to say a few words, but Qin Chao held him back and whispered a few words to him.

A look of surprise flashed across Master Ming's face, and he glanced at Qin Shaochen again before turning around angrily.

At this time, Xu Huang had stood at the edge of the ring, glanced at Qin Shaochen first, and then announced loudly.

"Quiet, everyone! Listen carefully. Anyone who wants to participate in the exploration of the secret realm must gather at the Nonwu Hall immediately. No one is allowed to be absent!"

"On the martial arts hall, where is that place?" Qin Shaochen asked Qin Baofeng.

"Over there!"

Qin Baofeng was still excited and pointed to a large hall in the distance.

"Usually every afternoon, there will be a martial artist teaching martial arts there and occasionally answering some questions."

"It's very interesting. Let's go over and have a look!"

Qin Shaochen was also a little interested.

A group of people, surrounded by Qin Shaochen, walked through the playground and walked into the hall.

Qin Shaochen looked around and was not polite. He led everyone and sat down in the first few rows in front of the podium.

The people of Xu Tian's lineage looked at each other and did not follow him. Instead, they found another remote place to sit down.

After Master Ming and his group walked in, they saw Qin Shaochen and others occupying the middle position, with dissatisfaction on their faces.

But he didn't take the initiative to stir up trouble anymore. He sat down to the side a few seats away.

Qin Baofeng, Qin Wan'er and others were sitting on their seats, looking left and right, beaming with joy.

Several of them had been despised and humiliated since arriving in the provincial capital. Until today, I felt proud and proud!

After everyone talked lively for a while, martial artist Xu Huang strode to the middle of the podium.

The voices of the martial arts disciples then became quiet.

"I asked you to come here today because I have good news to tell you."

There was also a hint of excitement on Xu Huang's face.

"Wait a minute, I'm here to preach to you, but he's a big shot from our Qin family! You little guys, cheer up!"

"What big shot? Could it be that a great martial artist will come to give us a sermon?"

Someone asked out of curiosity.

"Haha! That big shot is even rarer than a great martial artist!"

Xu Huang's face was full of pride.

"You brats are in luck! Let me tell you, the one who will come to preach in a while is a spiritual master from our clan!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent, followed by an uproar.

"What, the spiritual man came to preach to us, did I hear it correctly?"

"Why would Master Lingshi come to teach martial arts? This is so rare!"

"Yes, I have been in the Qin family for so many years, but I have never seen a spiritual master up close! I didn't expect that a spiritual master would come to preach today. This... is incredible!"

All the little martial arts disciples were very excited when they heard the news!

Especially the people from Zhangjiajie and Xutian Town, who had never seen a spiritual man before, were all surprised and excited!

Qin Shaochen couldn't help but be very interested.

Also, a little confused!

He is a young spiritual warrior himself, so of course he knows that spiritual warrior training is very different from martial arts.

There is not much connection between the two.

How could a spiritual man come to preach to the little warrior disciples?

"Quiet down, what a mess!"

Xu Huang's face darkened.

The discussion among the people in the field gradually subsided.

Xu Huang stroked his beard and nodded with satisfaction.

"I know, you are all wondering, how come there is a spiritual master coming to preach?"

"That's because, soon, the four major families' trip to the secret realm will begin. There are a lot of dangers there!"

"And it is very likely that there will be fierce conflicts with other families."

"In order to prevent you little guys from being completely at a loss when encountering the enemy's spiritual warriors. Therefore, the Council of Elders specially sent an adult over to introduce you to the spiritual warriors' fighting techniques."

"I hope it will be helpful during my upcoming adventure in the secret realm...!"

As soon as these words came out, there was another burst of excited whispers in the audience.

"Don't think that in the secret realm, you only have to deal with poisonous insects and beasts in the jungle,"

Xu Huang's face turned serious.

"Let me tell you, in the secret realm, the real dangers are people from other families!"

"Especially the people from the Wang family and Cai family...!"

"Teacher Xu, didn't the four families agree not to fight in private?" someone asked loudly.

"Hmph! What's the binding force of a piece of paper? It's just to give face to the city lord and not to fight openly."

"In fact, as long as they are not in Huaitian City, as long as there is a chance, the four major families will severely attack each other's forces."

"And this time, the secret realm exploration, a life-and-death struggle is inevitable!"

The people of the old Qin family nodded one after another, and they obviously understood the current situation better.

The warriors of Zhangjiajie and Xutian Town looked at each other. Only then did they understand that the relationship between the four major families in the provincial capital was so tense!

"Many of you also know that among the four families, our Qin family and the Wang family in the north of the city are fighting the most fiercely. Whenever there is a chance, there will be a big battle, and this time is probably no exception."

Speaking of this, Xu Huang sighed lightly.

"Moreover, the situation this time is probably even more dangerous."

"The Elders' Council has received news that those bastards of the Wang family have recently won over the Cai family and formed an alliance. They want to join forces to suppress our Qin family during this secret realm trip."

The group of young martial artists suddenly quieted down. Many people's faces also became more solemn.

"But you don't have to worry. We are not pushovers. For this operation, the Qin family has also reached an agreement with the Chen family. The two families will help each other in the secret realm and work together to deal with the Wang family and the Cai family."

Hearing this news, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

"In general, this trip is quite stressful. Most of you are following the spiritualists for the first time and have almost no experience."

"You must know how to cooperate with the spiritualists. When the spiritualist comes over later, he will also explain this to you!"

"So that's it!"

Qin Shaochen and others suddenly realized it.

"This time, the Qin family's several fourth-generation young spiritualists will be entrusted to you"

"You all cheer up and don't let the family down."

Everyone nodded in unison.

Just then, a woman's voice suddenly came from far outside the door.

"This time, we have to protect not only our spiritualists, but also the Elders Council has assigned us additional tasks before I came here!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked outside the hall, only to see a group of five people who had appeared at the door and were slowly walking in.

Xu Huang and Cheng You beside him both changed their expressions. They said loudly: "Fairy Yuexia is here, everyone stand up to greet her."

After that, the two rushed to the door to greet her.

The warriors in the field also stood up and looked at the five people who came over.

Qin Shaochen frowned slightly and glanced at the roof intentionally or unintentionally.

He had heard that a person with extremely high martial arts skills suddenly appeared on the roof.

I immediately realized that it must be the entourage of the Yuexia spiritualist who went to the roof to be on guard first.

"Sure enough, spiritualists are accompanied by great martial artists when they travel!"

The man on the roof had a faint breathing sound and footsteps. The experienced Qin Shaochen could already determine that he was a great martial artist.

The five people were getting closer and closer, and many of the young martial artists were whispering.

"Look, the one in the middle must be the master of spiritualism. I didn't expect it to be a woman!"

"What woman? Don't be so vulgar. You should call her 'fairy'. Didn't you hear Master Cheng say that it was Fairy Yuexia!"

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