When he faced Qin Shaochen and the others, the humble expression on his face turned into arrogance again.

He first glanced at Qin Shaochen and the others.

"Listen, you guys. My name is Qin Hai. I will be the first to appear in today's challenge."

He pointed at Qin Shaochen and smiled triumphantly.

"I am always fair. You are the only country bumpkin who has not been dealt with. I will choose you!"

Qin Shaochen also smiled and nodded.

"Okay! Since the rules of the old Qin family are like this, I accept the challenge."

The freckled boy snorted.

"Boy, you are straightforward and don't refuse! Then stop talking nonsense and go to the ring directly."

"I will let you know that the geniuses cultivated in your countryside are actually inferior and crappy stuff!"

After saying that, he laughed strangely and turned around excitedly.

Qin Shaochen discovered that there were actually two rings built next to the big playground.

"Let's go!"

He whispered and walked over first.

Qin Baofeng and others were all eager to fight, and followed closely with excitement.

Young Master Ming smiled and waved his hand, and a group of people followed.

Beside the steps of the ring, there was a wooden table covered with red silk. A middle-aged man with a full beard sat behind the table.

Seeing everyone coming over, he stood up and said with a smile: "There are two rules for the ring challenge. One is that real weapons are not allowed to be used, and the other is that hidden weapons are not allowed to be used."

"In addition, each ring fee is five taels of silver. Who will pay for it?"

Qin Shaochen was stunned.

"This... still needs to be charged?"

"Nonsense," the middle-aged man looked dissatisfied, "If there is no charge, who will be your referee."

"Am I a martial artist, working for you for nothing?"

Qin Shaochen only then realized that this middle-aged man had an aura and was really a martial artist.

The freckled boy bowed hurriedly.

"Coach Cheng, you don't have to be angry. Those country bumpkins don't know anything."

He turned to Qin Shaochen again.

"Our old rule here is that whoever loses pays the ring fee, how about that?"

Qin Shaochen, who was originally listless, suddenly became a little energetic.

"Five taels of silver! It's too cheap to fight with such a small amount of silver. In our Zhangjiajie, the ring competition has more than just this amount of bets!"


The freckled boy was stunned.

"How about this, let's bet bigger. Whoever loses, in addition to the ring fee, takes out another fifty taels of silver and loses it to the other party."


Freckles was stunned, not expecting Qin Shaochen to do this.

"What? You, the old Qin family, don't dare to even bet this little bit...?"

Qin Shaochen immediately looked contemptuous.

After saying that, he took out two ingots of silver from his arms and put them on the table.

One large and one small, exactly fifty taels.

"Fifty taels...!"

The freckled boy couldn't help but hesitate.

He wasn't worried about losing, but he was short of money and didn't have that much silver.

"Waste!" Young Master Ming's face darkened, and with a "clang", he casually threw a silver ingot on the table.

It was a large silver ingot of fifty taels.

"I'll pay for the silver, and you beat him up! Beat this arrogant bumpkin to the ground!"


The freckled boy was overjoyed, with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Young Master Ming! Not only will I beat him up, but I'll also make sure you win big!"

Young Master Ming smiled contemptuously.

"I don't mind the silver! As long as you fight well, all the silver will be yours!"

The freckled boy was overjoyed when he heard this, and he kept saying, "Thank you, Young Master Ming! Thank you, Young Master Ming...!"

It seemed as if the silver on the table was already his.


Qin Shaochen shook his head helplessly, ignored those people, and walked onto the ring by himself.

The middle-aged martial artist looked calm and didn't say anything.

He just quietly moved the silver to the side of the table, as if this kind of thing was already commonplace.

The freckled boy took another look at the silver on the table, and his heart became even more eager. He quickly stepped onto the ring and quickly got into a posture.

Qin Shaochen, however, stood casually in the middle of the ring with his hands down, looking a little absent-minded.

He really had no interest in fighting with such a young martial artist.

When he wanted to fight, he slapped the boy away with a slap.

But now... since it involves silver, he has to change his mind.

That young master Ming is a very rich man at first glance.

It would be too unfair if he didn't take this opportunity to make some money.

Although fifty taels of silver is not much, Qin Shaochen is now in a "money" shortage!

As long as there is money to be made, it can't be let go!

The middle-aged martial artist walked to the ring, looked at Qin Shaochen's appearance, shook his head, and shouted in a deep voice: "Begin!"

As soon as the voice fell, the freckled boy had already shaken his body and rushed to attack.

His fists flew back and forth, and in an instant he had thrown five consecutive punches, one after another, and his body movements and moves were indeed quite extraordinary.

Qin Shaochen resisted the urge to slap the opponent away with a slap, and used the "Rolling Stone Fist", also punching out with two fists, parrying one move after another.

Every time the two fists collided, he would shake slightly and step back half a step, as if he was slightly inferior in skill!

Young Master Ming in the audience couldn't help laughing.

"I thought that arrogant boy was so powerful, but it turns out to be an embroidered pillow!"

"Looking at his skill, it's ordinary, and his martial arts are even more vulgar. With this level, he dares to increase the bet, which is really stupid!"

The group of people around him laughed together.

Someone even said loudly: "Ming Shao's analysis is good! That crazy boy is probably going to lose."

"Qin Jiu practices the "Meteor Fist", which is known for its speed and fierceness. Once the fight starts, it will only get faster and faster. In my opinion, he can win within ten moves!"

But Qin Fei and others can't help but feel a little anxious.

In the battle of Qingzhu Town, Dali Qin was invincible and famous!

But now, although he is not at a disadvantage, it seems... a bit strenuous!

Could it be that without the pair of big copper hammers, Dali Qin's martial arts will be greatly discounted...!

And Qin Shaochen on the stage is indeed... a bit hard.

Of course, it's not because the opponent is strong, but because he is enduring hardship...!

Although he could knock his opponent down with just one move, he had to suppress his impulse, pretending to make a move and retreating half a step from time to time...!

"Alas! Money is so hard to earn!"

Qin Shaochen sighed in his heart!

After a few moves, Qin Shaochen had retreated to the edge of the ring.


The freckled boy saw victory in sight, and was excited. He shouted loudly and used a fierce move. Five consecutive punches blocked Qin Shaochen's position from top to bottom and left to right, and he was determined to hit the opponent in one fell swoop.

But at this moment, Qin Shaochen suddenly made a sideways move, and flashed out from the fist wind as if by some strange coincidence.

He also pretended to shout.


The "bang" punch hit the boy's side waist.

Although the punch was not heavy, the boy's body was unstable at the moment of losing control. After being hit by the punch, he immediately lost his footing and fell off the ring.

His reaction was indeed not slow. As soon as his foot touched the ground, he twisted his body and exerted force. While his body was swaying, he jumped up again.

This turn and jump was swift and agile. It was indeed a top-notch martial arts skill!

But no one in the audience applauded...!

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