The Stone Fairy Who Is Not Afraid of Thunder

Chapter 144: The Technique is Complete

The second level of meridians has twenty-two spiritual points, three of which have been filled before.

It will take more than a hundred days to fill all the second level spiritual points.

But at this time, practicing with "Zhiyun Dan" immediately made a big difference.

The derived spiritual energy is very dense, almost ten times more than the external spiritual energy.

After being purified by the Five Elements Wheel and injected into the spiritual acupoint, there is almost no loss.

Within two hours, the fourth spiritual acupoint had been filled.

Qin Shaochen was surprised and happy, and deeply felt that the effect of "Zhiyun Pill" was indeed heaven-defying!

This practice quickly passed for two days and two nights.

In the middle of the process, I only reached out and grabbed a steamed bun, took a few bites, and never stopped.

Finally, on the third ugly day, the last spiritual point was completely filled!

Qin Shaochen urged his spiritual energy to rush through his spiritual veins. Hearing a "click" sound, the spiritual energy passed through the barrier and returned to his dantian.

When the cycle reaches 10%, the spiritual energy in the body instantly rises.

With just a little guidance, the spiritual energy transferred to a new spiritual vein and began to flow rapidly again.

"This should be the third level of Qi refining!"

"I didn't expect that the effect of the 'Zhiyun Pill' is really so overbearing. It just raised my cultivation level by a whole level!"

He was already overjoyed!

But he didn’t dare to be too distracted.

The effect of "Zhiyun Dan" is still there, so how can it be wasted!

He immediately focused his mind and guided the dense spiritual energy to circulate in the new meridians. Pour it into the third level spiritual cave!

Perhaps the improvement effect of the "Millennium Spiritual Stone Liquid" is too good, or the effect of the "Zhiyun Pill" is far beyond expectations. It wasn't until the five spiritual points were filled that the efficacy of the elixir began to weaken.

Finally no more emergencies!

Obviously, the effect of "Zhiyun Dan" has been exhausted!

And Qin Shaochen is now a little spiritual warrior at the third level of Qi refining.

"It seems that that boy He Guanzhong really didn't lie. He uses the "Zhiyun Pill" to practice, and he is indeed called... Qingyun Zhishang!"

“I just don’t know if taking this elixir for the second time will have such a heaven-defying effect?

"Qin Shaochen couldn't help but think about it.

"Thinking about it, the effect is still there, but it won't be that significant."

"Alas! It's great luck to have such a good thing happen once! How can we expect such a good thing again!"

He thought about it leisurely for a while, and then his excitement gradually calmed down.

After practicing for two days and two nights in one go, I already feel a little tired. So I ate something casually and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept, but when I woke up, it was already bright outside the cave.

He walked out of the cave, moved around for a while, then returned to the cave happily, sat on the futon again, and began to read the book "Wood Immortality".

The first half of the book is all about the cultivation of spiritual techniques.

However, the entire article talks about how to cultivate wood spiritual energy, and does not mention a word about other attribute spiritual energy.

It seems that "Wood Immortality" is only suitable for wood spiritual energy practitioners.

"No wonder the father and son of the He family want to seek the "Spirit Opening Secret"."

"Come to think of it, He Guanzhong was unwilling to only practice one kind of spiritual energy, so he decided to work with the old Qin family."

What really makes Qin Shaochen happy is that there are three spells recorded in "Wood Changsheng".

They are the basic spell "Woodvine Technique", the mid-term spell "Wooden Arrow Technique" and the late-stage spell "Musheng Technique".

The three spells are all wood attributes. Among them, "wooden archery" can only be practiced after reaching the fourth level and entering the middle stage of Qi training.

"Musheng Technique" will have to wait until the seventh level of Qi training!

Therefore, the only thing he can practice is the "wooden technique".

However, I am already very satisfied!

He carefully studied the details of the spell training twice, and only then put down the book after making sure it was correct.

Start practicing.

When the spirit formula is activated, a stream of spiritual energy emerges from the Dantian in the body and flows into the Five Elements Wheel.

The five spiritual apertures were also absorbed at the same time. Under the urging of his consciousness, only the wood spiritual energy flowed out, and the other spiritual energy slowly flowed back to the Dantian.

The Five Elements Wheel not only accelerates, but also has unique advantages in purifying or controlling spiritual energy alone!

To practice "Wood Vine Technique", you only need wood spiritual energy, the purer the better!

A considerable part of the detailed explanation of the "Wood Vine Technique" is to separate the wood spiritual energy, condense it into a bundle, and then transport it to the fingertips.

This process is quite cumbersome.

No wonder He Guanzhong spent so long concentrating his magic.

But with the Five Elements Wheel, there is no such trouble.

When the spiritual energy comes out from the other end of the Five Elements Wheel, it is already very pure wood spiritual energy.

According to the method, the wood spirit energy was guided, and soon it emerged from the top of the index finger.

He saw that the bundle of wood spirit energy was green in color, round like a thin vine, and agile like a small snake, twisting and entwining between his fingers.

Like a living creature.

"Interesting! I didn't expect that the condensation was successful the first time. It took less time than He Guanzhong!"

I didn't expect this spell to be used so smoothly.

"Mostly because...the cultivation level has reached the third level!"

"Woodvine Technique" and "Fireball Technique" are both basic spells and can be practiced by just one level of Qi training.

With the third level of Qi training, practicing basic spells will naturally make you feel more relaxed.

The blessing of the "Five Elements Wheel" must also have contributed a lot.

He glanced back and forth, selected a protruding stalactite, and shouted "Go!"

With a flick of his finger, the bunch of green vines flew out.

As soon as it touched the stone, it immediately expanded like a child's arm and quickly wrapped around it. It was just like a long vine, tightly wrapping around the stone.

"It really wraps around everything it touches!"

Qin Shaochen could feel that the wooden vine had a slight connection with his mind.

Just like a fireball, he could control it with just a thought.

With a thought in his mind, he slowly retreated.

As the distance increased, the induction was also weakened accordingly.

After reaching fifteen feet, the induction was vague.

He nodded, knowing that within fifteen feet, attacking the enemy with the wooden vine technique could be as flexible as the mind, and it was easy to control.

But beyond this distance, it was not easy to control.

He walked forward a few more steps, returned to about ten feet, and shouted "Collect!"

With only a "click" sound, the stalactite, which was as hard as iron, cracked instantly.

Then it all collapsed, turned into several pieces of rubble, and rolled on the ground.

The green wooden vine then... disappeared.

"This force is really great!"

"A martial artist who has not practiced body protection skills will definitely be seriously injured by this."

"But I am afraid that it is still not enough to deal with a great martial artist!"

"It seems that it is still not as powerful as the fireball technique."

But the advantages are also very obvious.

That is, you can capture the enemy first, so that he will not be killed immediately!

"That counts as... I have learned it!"

He was happy!

He cast the spell again, letting a wooden vine slowly rise from his fingertips.

He was very happy while observing and practicing.

"There are spells for fire spirit and wood spirit. I wonder where the basic spells for water spirit, earth spirit, and gold spirit are!"

"There must be some at Lao Qin's house. I have to work hard to get it when I get there!"


After that, he repeatedly practiced the "wood vine technique".

Spells are easy to learn but difficult to master, especially in terms of speed. Only constant practice can improve.

He ran the spell over and over again. After the twelfth time, the wood spirit in his body was finally exhausted.

"It can be used twelve times, and the condensation time has been increased to about four breaths."

After the wood spirit was exhausted, he did not rest, but turned to the fire spirit and practiced the fireball technique.

After a while, a large area of ​​the ground in front of him had been scorched. All the stones turned into ashes.

"Eleven fireballs!"

He was overjoyed!

Previously, he could only condense five. Unexpectedly, a "Zhiyun Pill" would more than double his strength!

Moreover, the sensing distance was also increased.

The mind sensing has become ten feet away.

Within a distance of ten feet, you can control the fireball to chase the enemy.

In this situation, you can fight against the great martial artist head-on.


In the next few days, he focused on practicing the fireball technique and the wood vine technique.

When the spirit was exhausted, he practiced the Five Elements Formula.

Only occasionally did he practice the Yanyan Gong.

Unexpectedly, the results were completely opposite.

After practicing for six or seven consecutive days, the sixth spiritual point in the spiritual vein was still not filled.

On the contrary, the casual practice of Yanyan Gong successfully broke through the last sealed point and completed the ninth small cycle.

Reached the peak of the ninth level of martial arts apprentice!

Now, he is ready to attack the martial arts barrier in the meridians at any time.

After a little attempt, he quickly paused.

Because, it is obvious that the promotion barrier in his body is not so tough.

Just casually attacking two or three times, I feel that... if I try a few more times, I can break through it in one fell swoop!

"How can this be? This kind of promotion barrier should be difficult to break through?"

Qin Shaochen was a little puzzled.

"Could it be that last time, I swallowed a lot of "Millennium Spirit Stone Liquid", which made the barrier in the meridians easier to break through!"

Looking back, after the mistaken use of "Millennium Spirit Stone Liquid" to heal the wound, he always felt much more relaxed when attacking the sealed points.

"It's a good thing to improve your cultivation, but it doesn't make sense that it's almost this level!"

"I can't attack anymore! Otherwise, if I'm not careful... I'll break through and become a martial artist, which is not good!"

He shook his head helplessly and could only stop the Yanyan Gong.

Others are worried about the slow progress, but he is worried about the fast progress!

Qin Qi and Qin Zhenzhen have long been level nine martial artists. It's natural for them to be promoted to martial artists.

But he is a well-known martial artist level eight. If he becomes a martial artist after a few days of not seeing him, wouldn't it be too abnormal!

"Alas!" Qin Shaochen couldn't help but sigh!

"Let's build the sealing rune first, and then break through!"

Qin Shaochen had no choice but to guide the internal breath and start building runes in the dantian.

Although the sealing rune has been completed, the spiritual energy and internal breath are essentially too different, and it is completely different to build them.

Although he has a lot of experience, he still fails repeatedly!

There is no point in being anxious about this matter. He can only be patient and explore it bit by bit...!

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