The Stone Fairy Who Is Not Afraid of Thunder

Chapter 1393: Stand firm and wait for help

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!"

Blue streams of light were swimming around in the high sky, and streaks of astonishingly powerful thunder and lightning shot out from the blue light.

One after another, they hit the demon king who was constantly fleeing.

Thunder and lightning are powerful,

Extremely fast,

The demon kings cannot hide or escape!

After a flash of thunder,

There were heavy casualties and corpses everywhere!

In just over twenty breaths, the sixteen demon kings surrounding Chen Fa's room died cleanly.

The furthest one has fled five hundred feet away,

But he still didn't escape Qin Shaochen's pursuit.

In the end, it turned into a ball of charcoal and could not die anymore!

Suspended in mid-air, Qin Shaochen looked around and nodded with satisfaction.

It seemed that the power of entering the battle with his own body was much better than he expected.

The other monsters on the ground were so scared that they pissed themselves and fled everywhere!

Qin Shaochen turned a blind eye.

His goal is those demon kings, and he is not interested in those big demons and small demons at all.

First, he scanned the spiritual veins in his body with his spiritual consciousness.

Sure enough, I saw that some places in the spiritual veins were already a little red and swollen.

"It's really hurtful!"

Spiritual pulse is the foundation of cultivation, no matter how small it is, it is important and should not be underestimated!

Something moved in my heart,

Then he pulled out a trace of dragon energy from the golden elixir, urging the red and blue gas to flow into the spiritual veins.

I was still worried,

The spiritual veins are full of thunder and lightning, and the dragon energy cannot be integrated into it.

Unexpectedly, dragon energy and thunder and lightning did not interfere with each other and entered the spiritual veins without encountering any obstacles.

Not affected at all!

Qin Shaochen was amazed!

Immediately let the dragon energy flow to those areas that are a little red and swollen.


His spiritual consciousness "saw" that the red and swollen spiritual veins began to recover quickly under the wash of dragon energy.

Although, because of the dragon energy, the spiritual veins are quite painful.

However, Qin Shaochen, who had long been accustomed to pain, was basically indifferent to that pain.

"You can actually heal your wounds at the same time!"

"Wouldn't that mean that my attack method of entering the battle with one's body can continue forever!"

Qin Shaochen was secretly excited.

He raised his head and looked outside the formation,

Duan Zhengwen and his party were still besieged by a group of monsters.

There are more than thirty golden elixirs in Dzogchen, and four or five of them have been injured.

Relying on the support of his fellow disciples, he was still suspended in the air, still fighting bloody battles.

There were already more than a hundred demon kings participating in the siege.

The number is still increasing.

Qin Shaochen did not dare to neglect and continued to rise. When he reached the same height as Duan Zhengwen and others, he raised his hand and a bolt of thunder and lightning was fired out.

This lightning strike was not intended to hurt the enemy.

The electric light streaked across the sky, hit the light curtain, and immediately began to disperse.

The blue arc continued to expand, spreading like water stains, quickly tearing open a huge hole in the light curtain.

"Come in!"

Qin Shaochen spoke calmly.

Duan Zhengwen and others were resisting a group of demon kings with their backs against the formation light screen.

Although the spell is powerful, there are too many demon kings.

And most of them are at the late stage of Demon King or above.

It's basically a one versus three situation.

It was quite difficult to deal with.

Suddenly, I found that the light curtain behind me suddenly cracked into a huge hole.

A figure with blue light was suspended in the air and spoke calmly,

Listening to the voice, it is Master Daozi.

Everyone is very happy!

Although I don't quite understand why Daozi didn't come out and asked them to go in instead.

But don’t think too much!

"Daozi has an order, let's join the battle together!"

Duan Zhengwen quickly issued the order.

The elders increased their strength almost at the same time, launched a round of attacks, forced the demon kings back a certain distance, and then retreated into the formation light curtain.

When Qin Shaochen saw this,

Play the formation tactics,

The electric light from his left hand was transmitted into the main pillar of the formation.

There was another burst of thunder and lightning in the sky above the formation, forcing the Demon King outside back several dozen feet.

Then he turned around and flew towards the direction of the formation room.

Although the formation room was destroyed by Qin Shaochen, the main formation pillar was still buried in its original place.

That's the center of the "Heavenly Thunder Formation".

Although Qin Shaochen was flying around in the formation, there was always an electric light in his left hand connected with the formation.

Only in this way can we control the formation while fighting.

Although now,

By controlling the formation, he can easily break out of the demon clan's siege.

But his goal has not been achieved yet, so naturally he is unwilling to leave just now.

Therefore, he led a group of spiritual medicine sect elders back to the formation room.


"What are we doing here?"

Duan Zhengwen, Zuo Jiangjian, Qiu Feng and others are all figures who have experienced battles for a long time.

Seeing that there are more and more demon kings and the war is becoming more and more dangerous,

I don't understand it a bit,

Why didn't Daozi rush to break out?

Instead, it led them to the enemy's heartland.

What kind of tactic is this?

Could it be that Elder Xuekun has not been found yet?


Now Master Daozi's whole body is glowing with dazzling blue light,

Only Daozi's figure can be seen, but his face and expression cannot be seen.

Fortunately, Daozi spoke in an unhurried voice and seemed quite confident.

"This is the center of the camp protection formation. In this place, the power of this thunder element formation will become the strongest!"

"Currently, the formation is completely under my control."

"We will fight the enemy here and teach the Nine-Life Lion King's men a severe lesson!"

Qin Shaochen also knew that he needed to explain a few words to the elders.

However, he didn't want to explain too much,

and still spoke vaguely,

"The Nine-Life Lion King injured the ancestor,"

"We don't have the ability to deal with that sky demon,"

"Killing a few of its subordinates can also be regarded as a sigh of relief for the ancestor."

After a pause, he said,

"This Taoist is ready to kill 100 demon kings in this battle,"

"To warn the demon clan not to provoke the Spirit Medicine Sect!"

"This is the best battlefield,"

He waved his hand and began to give orders,

"Everyone can be divided into four directions, spread around this Taoist, each responsible for one direction, to deal with those demon kings."

"This Taoist is right above, using this third-level thunder formation to support you in the middle."

At this time, countless demon kings also rushed into the light curtain again,

seeing that the people of the Spirit Medicine Sect did not flee, but gathered near the formation room, they immediately dispersed and completely surrounded the people of the Spirit Medicine Sect!

In just a short while, dozens more demon kings appeared.

Many demon kings at the early stage also rose to the air, ready to join the battle.

The total number was about 200.

Many elders of the Spiritual Medicine Sect also changed their expressions.

Although Daozi controlled the camp formation, how could a formation deal with the endless stream of demon masters.

What's the point of defending here?

Could it be possible to kill all the demon kings here?

Qin Shaochen obviously saw the confusion of his men,

smiled calmly, and said:

"Everyone, don't worry, after we kill 100 demon kings, our reinforcements will be here soon!"

"So, we are holding on and waiting for help,"

When the elders heard Daozi say this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Duan Zhengwen's face was even more delighted.

"It's good to have reinforcements,"

"I hope our reinforcements are strong enough to help us break out of the siege,"

The implication was that he wanted to ask Daozi,

who exactly were the reinforcements and where did they come from?

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