Qin Shaochen then stood up.

With a wave of his arms, the vines on his body broke into pieces, like breaking a rotten rope!

"You... how could you...!"

He Guanzhong, who witnessed all this, was stunned and stammered.

"Since you want to kill me, I have no choice but to... kill you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Shaochen had already hit He Guanzhong's abdomen with a "rolling stone fist".

But the place where he touched was very hard, and it was obvious that he did not hit the flesh and blood body.

He Guanzhong was extremely frightened and could not avoid it.

He was punched several feet away, and his body hit the earth wall behind him before falling to the ground.

"Hey! This guy is still wearing armor!"

Qin Shaochen was slightly surprised in his heart, and he scanned with his spiritual sense and found that He Guanzhong was indeed wearing a piece of armor.

The armor was made up of pieces of thin sheets, and the area was not large, only covering the area between the chest and abdomen.

Instead, the more dangerous places such as the chest were exposed to the outside.

Very few people would use close-fitting armor like this.

Qin Shaochen's mind moved, and he suddenly understood a little.

"The reason why He Guanzhong's aura is not obvious may be due to the armor!"

He had used all his strength in that punch.

Even a martial artist would definitely be injured.

But after He Guanzhong fell to the ground, he was not seriously injured. He quickly got up and ran towards the stairs.

Qin Shaochen snorted coldly, strode forward, leaned over, picked up the copper hammer from the ground, and swung it straight up.

He Guanzhong hurriedly dodged sideways, but Qin Shaochen's copper hammer suddenly turned direction and swept to the right and hit He Guanzhong's vest.

He Guanzhong screamed and wanted to turn around, but he fell to the ground as soon as he turned around. He was breathing out more and breathing less.

A martial artist, of course, could not withstand the blow of Qin Shaochen's copper hammer.

That pair of eyes stared at Qin Shaochen, his face full of unwillingness and confusion.

It seemed that he could not figure out until his death... How did Qin Shaochen break his "wood vine technique" so easily?

Qin Shaochen didn't care about that. He turned the body over, reached into his arms, and took out a lot of things.

The first thing he saw was a thin book. At a glance, he saw the three words "Wood Longevity" written on it.

He couldn't help but feel happy!

He might not be interested in the spiritual formula in this book, but he was very interested in the magic "wood vine technique" recorded in it!

His fireball technique was powerful, but the disadvantage was that once it hit the opponent, the person's body would be completely destroyed and turned into ashes.

Even the spoils of war could not be left.

"Wood vine technique" was different. It could control the enemy very well without killing him, and it could also preserve the spoils of war very well.

This was of great significance to Qin Shaochen, who felt "poor"!

He was delighted and immediately opened the book and quickly searched for it. Sure enough, he saw the "Wood Vine Technique" in the second half of the book!

Qin Shaochen nodded with satisfaction and put the book aside.

He looked at other items and found two jade bottles and a brocade box in the pile. If the "Zhiyun Pill" was really on He Guanzhong, it must be among these three items.

He first opened a jade bottle and saw four or five pills in it. They were "Qi Hui Dan" used by warriors to restore their internal breath after fighting. Taking them normally can improve their cultivation.

Qin Shaochen had seen it at Qin Nanshan's place, and his uncle cherished it very much and always treated it as a treasure!

He put down the jade bottle and opened another bottle. He poured it out and saw that it was Xiaowu Dan.

The price of Xiaowu Dan is more expensive. There are five pills in that bottle, which is already worth a lot!

But Qin Shaochen was a little disappointed and put it aside.

He picked up the brocade box, took a deep breath, and slowly opened it.

There was indeed a pill inside, but Qin Shaochen was not happy.

The pill looked gray and... too ordinary in appearance, even more inconspicuous than Xiaowu Pill. How could it be that kind of... elixir with extremely amazing effects?

He picked up the pill with a bit of disappointment, and then froze for a moment.

The touch of his hand told him that the surface of the pill was clearly a layer of beeswax.

"The pill is sealed with wax! The gray color is not the true color of the pill, but a layer of wax!"

Qin Shaochen immediately remembered what He Guanzhong said.

"The man surnamed He said that the efficacy of the 'Zhiyun Pill' is about to expire."

"Using beeswax to seal is a way to protect the efficacy! Maybe this inconspicuous pill is the 'Zhiyun Pill'!"

Thinking of this, he became excited again, put the pill in front of his eyes, and looked at it repeatedly.

The layer of beeswax was sealed very finely, of course, nothing could be seen. He checked the cotton box again, and finally saw the four tiny words "straight up to the blue sky" at the bottom of the brocade box.

Qin Shaochen was ecstatic, knowing that this pill was most likely the "Zhiyun Pill"!

"If the stone milky liquid I got in the cave is the 'Millennium Spiritual Stone Liquid', doesn't it mean that I can swallow this pill now, and it won't take long before I can become the third level of the Qi training period!"

He was excited, but it was just a thought.

Before he figured out the situation, he didn't want to eat these tonic pills randomly.

The last time he swallowed bear bile, he suffered enough, and he was just a little bit away from having his meridians broken and going crazy.

Of course, he couldn't do that kind of stupid thing again!

"It seems that I have to go to Zhou Ziyao and ask him to see if the lotion obtained from the stone cave is the "Millennium Spiritual Stone Liquid!"

After making up his mind, he carefully put away the elixir and then looked at the remaining things. He saw more than 300 taels of silver notes, a few taels of silver, and two jade cards, one of which had the words "Eagle Claw Gate" written on it. There were also many other miscellaneous things.

Now that he had a storage bag, he didn't care whether those things were useful or not, and threw them into the storage bag first. He would take care of them slowly when he had time later.

Then he took off the armor on He Guanzhong's body, reached out and touched it, and felt that it was neither gold nor wood, and he didn't know what material it was. He exerted force on his hand and immediately felt that although the thing was not heavy, it was extremely strong.

He put the armor on his chest and abdomen, and then reduced the seal on his dantian. As expected, the spiritual light from the spiritual orifice was blocked by the armor.

It seems that He Guanzhong used this armor to block the spiritual light on his body.

"If there is no seal, this armor can be regarded as a good treasure, but now that I have mastered the seal, the value of this thing is not that great! "

Qin Shaochen felt a little regretful and put it into the storage bag.

Then he stood up and moved the three boxes in the earth wall cave one by one. He picked up the copper hammer and knocked it lightly, and knocked open a padlock.

After three consecutive hits, all the copper locks fell off. Then he opened the first box and saw that it was full of silver ingots. It looked shiny, but in fact it was only more than a thousand taels of silver.

Qin Shaochen shook his head and opened the second box. There was still silver inside. Finally, he found a small iron box in the corner of the box. It contained broken gold ankles, which should be worth more than a thousand taels of silver!

The third box contained jewelry, and he couldn't estimate how much silver those things were worth.

It seems that these are just a small part of the property that Qin Sanye is going to take away temporarily. Qin Sanye, who is known as the richest man in Qingzhu Town, has much more than these things!

"Not bad, at least five thousand taels of silver have been brought in! "

He threw all three boxes into the storage bag. Standing under the tunnel, he heard people walking around above the tunnel.

But no one came down.

It seems that without the order of "Uncle Jian", ordinary people dare not enter the tunnel casually.

He did not stop and ejected a fireball, turning Qin Zheng and He Guanzhong into a pile of ash. Then he went straight back to the small courtyard.

After walking out of the woodshed, there was still no one in the yard.

He deliberately made a big circle and returned to the front yard from another direction.

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