The sudden appearance of a great martial artist in Zhangjiajie is no small matter.

"Clan leader, since there is a great martial artist in the town, should we... go and visit him?"

Mr. Qin Er suddenly raised his eyebrows and spoke in a deep voice.

"Mr. Qin Er is right. We haven't been to Mr. San's house for a long time! It seems that we should go and see him!"

The clan leader sighed.

Mr. Qin Wu and Mr. Qin Liu also nodded at the same time.

Then, the clan leader asked Qin Shaochen and Qin Dachuan to leave first.

Those who stayed in the hall were all members of the elders' council, and of course they were going to discuss how to deal with Mr. Qin San.

Qin Shaochen and Qin Dachuan walked to a laurel tree not far from the meeting hall.

Qin Shaochen kept asking, "Dachuan, what's the matter with the uncle who just said he wanted to sell the shop?"

"Alas! What's the matter? It's because he's short of money." Qin Dachuan shook his head, "I can't explain it clearly. Let's wait for Uncle Nanshan to tell you!"

"Lack of money, how can you be short of money?"

Qin Shaochen frowned.

"Did something happen in the provincial capital?"

"Alas! There are many unexpected situations!"

Qin Dachuan sighed.

"The provincial capital is not as good as imagined! At least... we country bumpkins are not welcome there!"

"What do you mean by that? Does it mean... that the Qin family over there look down on us?"

"Humph! Not only the Qin family, but also those servants, maids and maids look down on us!"

When it comes to those things, Qin Dachuan is quite indignant!

"When we got there, the Qin family immediately allocated a large mansion to settle us. They also immediately took Xiao Luo to the inner courtyard."

"But since then, it has not been so good! Even if the eighth grandfather wants to see his granddaughter, he has to ask them again and again. After finally getting a reply, it is not certain that they can meet!"


Qin Shaochen's face changed.

"What about my mother? How is she?"

"Your mother is fine. She was also taken to the inner courtyard. I heard that she lives with Xiao Luo. The Qin family also invited a master of Qihuang to diagnose her and prescribe some medicine for her."

"Then what about the lack of money you mentioned?"

People from Zhangjiajie will inevitably be looked down upon when they go to the Qin family in the provincial capital!

Qin Shaochen had been mentally prepared for this.

But he didn't expect that he would start to lack money less than two months later?

Before leaving, he gave Xiao Luo 500 taels of silver, and his uncle and grandfather each 1,000 taels of silver. Even at Qin's mother's place, Qin Shaochen also forced three hundred taels of silver notes.

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation. I only know that according to the custom in the provincial capital, every spiritualist must be equipped with three great martial artists as personal escorts."

"The great aunt's lineage sent one. The old Qin family father-in-law sent one. The other one, but you have to find a way yourself."

Before the spiritualist grows up, he needs to rely on the protection of the warriors. Qin Shaochen also knew it.

But he didn't expect that the requirements would be so high.

"There is still a great martial artist missing! How could this be? The old Qin family, with such a big show, will still lack a great martial artist?"

"Who knows this? I heard that the three parties had a big quarrel in order to compete for Xiao Luo's ownership, and they were very unhappy with each other, which caused many things!"

"If we want to send a great martial artist ourselves, most likely someone wants to embarrass us!"

Qin Shaochen frowned.

"Great martial artists...are all people of noble status, so it's really...not easy to deal with!"

"Yes! I also heard that three great martial artists are actually...just the requirements for a single-orifice spiritualist. For someone like Xiao Luo, it would be reasonable to have five great martial artists!"

"Five, are you kidding?"

Qin Shaochen suddenly felt a headache. In the entire Zhangjiajie, the three major families of Qin, Sun, and Zeng, only have four great martial artists.

"What do the great grandfather and the second grandfather say?"

Qin Shang hesitated for a moment before hesitating, "I heard that the eighth grandfather also asked the clan leader and the second grandfather."

"But both of them said they were willing to help the eighth house pay some money to hire a great martial artist as Xiao Luo's attendant, but they themselves..."

"What do they themselves...?"

"They said that they are all Xiao Luo's grandfathers, and it's really...unbearable to go to serve as attendants for their niece's granddaughter!"

"Humph! Face! it that important?"

Qin Shaochen was a little dissatisfied and couldn't help but snorted.

But after thinking about it, it can only be like this.

If the two elders lower their status to serve as my younger sister's attendants, I think... there will be fewer people in the tribe praising them for being righteous, and more people saying that they are shameless.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

"There are only these two great martial artists in our tribe. Since the two elders are unwilling, we can only hire someone from outside, but..."

Qin Dachuan said this, shook his head, and stopped talking.

"But what? Just say it!"

"Grandpa Ba has asked someone to inquire. In the provincial capital, there is no shortage of great martial artists! But most of them have families and businesses."

"I heard that there are many people willing to serve as attendants for a spiritualist, but..."

Qin Dachuan looked at Qin Shaochen sympathetically, and then said: "Just when he opened his mouth, the price he asked... can scare people to death!"

"What is the price? Just tell me, and you can't scare me to death!"

Qin Shaochen's face looked ugly.

"I heard from Grandpa Eight that a total of three great martial arts masters responded."

"The one with the lowest asking price is someone who has just been promoted. He said that he only needs to pay him one thousand taels of silver every month, and at the same time prepare 12 "Strong Martial Pills" and one "Longevity Pill" for him every year. , that’s enough!”

Although Qin Shaochen was mentally prepared, he was still shocked.

"Every thousand taels of silver!"

"Actually, the money is not the most troublesome thing. The real headache is those pills!"

"Elixirs! The prices offered by those great martial artists are really inexplicable! Why do they still need... elixirs?

"Alas! They are all great martial arts masters! Which one of them is not high-minded and arrogant!"

"What do they want by lowering themselves to serve as the bodyguards of spiritual warriors? It's not just money, but what they value more is probably the miraculous elixirs that... spiritual warriors can refine!"

"But... this is too unreasonable, isn't it? Xiao Luo has just become a spiritual warrior, so how can he refine any elixirs?"

"Isn't this forcing others to do something difficult?"

"Alas! Those... are the so-called rules."

Qin Dachuan kept shaking his head.

"The little spiritual master can't do it, but the master of the little spiritual master can! The spiritual master's family does!"

"Grandpa Eight has also inquired about it clearly. There is nothing illegal about the prices they offered. The same is true for the retinues of other spiritual warriors!"

Qin Shaochen was speechless for a long time. After a while, he said feebly: "Then, where are we going to find those pills?"

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