"Introduction to Cultivation" once mentioned that after reaching the seventh level of cultivation, a spiritual warrior will develop a perception ability that transcends the five senses - spiritual consciousness.

The introduction to spiritual consciousness in the book is quite detailed.

In essence, spiritual consciousness is also a kind of perception.

But it is more powerful than ordinary perception!

What you perceive is more detailed and subtle!

In a word, it goes far beyond hearing and sight.

“Didn’t the book say that spiritual consciousness can’t be generated until the seventh level, the middle stage of Qi refining?”

"Why do I have it now...?"

"Is it because...my senses are all closed, and under extreme pressure, my spiritual consciousness escapes early?"

He couldn't help but speculate...

In this way, in the pure darkness, he practiced while feeling the changes in his spiritual consciousness...

Some time passed….

After about a few days, that new perception seemed to have become stronger.

The growth rate is not small.

The distance he can sense now is constantly increasing.

First it was five feet away, but now... it was already ten feet away.

Not only can it sense where there are rocks and tree roots, it can even determine the size of those rocks.

Even stones as small as a fingernail can be felt.

On two other occasions, he felt someone above him pouring some liquid down.

That must be Xiao Liuzi pouring the liquid?

Sure enough, after the liquid medicine was poured down, the wood gas in the soil gradually increased again.

But the tree itself is getting weaker and weaker.

That kind of perception continues to extend forward...

When it reaches about fifteen feet, it becomes difficult to extend.

Beyond that, there was still chaos and darkness.

Fifteen feet is exactly what is mentioned in "Introduction to Cultivation" as the limit of spiritual consciousness expansion in the late stage of Qi refining.

It seems that this new feeling is really spiritual consciousness!

He actually...has spiritual consciousness!

If everything is true, what he gained this time was more than just a body-protecting Qi.

There is an even bigger surprise!

In "Introduction to Cultivation", the role of spiritual consciousness is repeatedly emphasized.

The book mentioned that the reason why spiritual masters can refine elixirs that ordinary pharmacists cannot refine is that spiritual masters have spiritual consciousness.

With that kind of magical sensing ability, the spiritual master can easily analyze the medicinal properties of medicinal materials and the changes in heat.

It is even possible to accurately grasp the changes in heat during alchemy.

Only in this way can magical elixirs be refined.

A spiritual warrior with strong spiritual consciousness is definitely the best among spiritual warriors!

But the strength of spiritual consciousness mostly depends on the growth of nature.

Generally speaking, the earlier it occurs, the higher the cultivation level, and the stronger the spiritual consciousness.

It seems that I have... made a fortune again!

He packed up his excitement and immediately began to study spiritual knowledge with great interest.

Even the cultivation of spiritual techniques was put aside for the time being.

Fortunately, the Five Elements Wheel has been completed. As long as he makes the Five Elements Wheel rotate, the spiritual energy will continue to flow into the body.

Time passed unknowingly, and with continuous practice, Qin Shaochen became more and more comfortable in controlling spiritual consciousness.

The scene of spiritual consciousness feedback is also clearer.

Not only could he see various tree roots, stones, and leaves in the soil, he could even see the small insect clearly.

Only then did he realize that there was nothing lonely underground. There are countless types of insects crawling around.

The big one is almost the size of a finger, and the small one is almost the size of a grain of rice. Everyone is busy and lively.

However, these insects were far away from Qin Shaochen, as if they were afraid of the potions around him.

Eleven feet northwest of him, there was another large tree root.

It is the wood energy there that is very rich.

Qin Shaochen's spiritual consciousness wandered around there, and he was greedy when he saw the rich wood energy.

"It's a pity that I just can't attract those wooden spirits!"

The roots of the trees on his side were wilted and nearly dry.

Even if Xiao Liuzi pours the potion, the wood energy he can absorb is very limited!

He also tried to control his spiritual consciousness to guide the flow of wood energy around.

However, the effect is not ideal!


Qin Shaochen suddenly thought of something.

"Why do you have to stare at the wood energy? The roots of the trees are in the soil. Can't I just draw them from the roots?"

Thinking of this, he used his spiritual sense to observe for a while, found a relatively thick tree root, and then used his spiritual sense to look into the root of the tree.

The scene inside the tree roots immediately came to mind.

The veins are criss-crossing and extending to the far end.

Qin Shaochen chose a strong vein, wrapped it with spiritual consciousness, and guided the wood energy in it to slowly flow out.

Sure enough, under the wrapping and guidance of spiritual consciousness, the wood energy actually flowed to the place where the body was buried.

As soon as he arrived around him, he was attracted into his body by the five spiritual apertures.

"It really works!"

Qin Shaochen was overjoyed.

Although the wood energy induced by this method is not very rich, it is much better than before!

"Take your time little by little, you can add up to something!"

In fact, what makes him happiest is that he has become even more comfortable in using his spiritual consciousness!

Just like that, Qin Shaochen started to be very busy underground.

Not only do you need to practice spiritual techniques, but you also need to practice spiritual awareness. You also need to guide the wood energy and strengthen the "green wood bark".

He has completely gotten rid of the pain and terror, and has devoted himself to cultivation in a very busy state.

The only thing that made him dissatisfied was that Zhou Ziyao's pill seemed to be less and less effective.

It made him feel very hungry from time to time!


Under the bitter mulberry tree, Xiao Liuzi poured another large pot of potion under the tree, and then asked Zhou Ziyao, who was standing under the tree with a frown.

"Master, is Senior Brother Qin breathing heavier?"

Zhou Ziyao shook his head.

"This kid is really a bit strange! Logically speaking, he has been practicing martial arts for many years, so his breath should be long and powerful."

"But this kid, on the first day he was buried, the breath coming out of the bamboo tube made him half dead! What's the truth?"

Naturally, he didn't know that half of Qin Shaochen's breathing was done through his body.

Therefore, the breath coming out of the bamboo tube is naturally much weaker than that of ordinary people.

"Could it be that Senior Brother Qin's technique is rather special, which is why this phenomenon is caused!"

"Probably not. I have been practicing martial arts for many years, but I have never heard of any skills like this!"

"Shall we dig out Senior Brother Qin first and see what's going on?"

Xiao Liuzi couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"No need. Although this kid's breath is weak, it is even and stable, so there should be no problem."

"Besides, look at this bitter mulberry tree, it's already very decayed. This proves that the kid's absorption is normal!"

"Think about it, it won't be long before the leaves on the big tree fall off, wither and die!"

Xiao Liuzi looked at the big tree and nodded.

Suddenly, the hand pointed to another tree.

"Not only is this big tree going to die, that big tree is also going to die."

Zhou Ziyao turned around and saw a bitter mulberry tree not far away. Most of its leaves had fallen off, and it looked like it was about to wither!

He couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Why...that tree has become like that!"

Xiao Liuzi shook his head in confusion.

"The day before yesterday, I noticed something was wrong with its condition, and it seems to be much more serious today!"

"It's strange. That tree has been fine for more than ten years. Why does it suddenly stop working?"

Of course Xiao Liuzi couldn't answer this question.

He was thinking of something else.

"Master, Senior Brother Qin, it has been more than ten days since I bought it. Are you not worried at all? Something happened to him?"

"The boy's fate is so great that even the Golden Demon Snake can't bite him to death. What could happen?

"Don't worry! If that kid really can't stand it, he will spit out the bamboo beads."

"As long as he doesn't send out a signal, feel free to let him practice!"

Xiao Liuzi nodded and looked at the bitter mulberry tree again. He thought that the big tree would die in two or three days at most.

By then, it would be enough to dig out Qin Shaochen.

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