Next to the big mulberry tree, there are three smaller bitter mulberry trees.

Not only are they not as tall, but their leaves are not as lush!

It seems that Zhou Ziyao has chosen the strongest bitter mulberry tree as his opponent!

The man lives and the tree dies! The tree lives and the man dies! If they are not opponents, what are they?

"Elder Zhou, why don't you dig pits under those trees?"

Qin Shaochen couldn't help but speak after comparing several trees.

"'Qing Mupi'... mainly relies on this bitter mulberry tree to provide mulberry wood energy, neutralize the earth energy, and finally turn it into body-protecting true energy."

"Among them, the most important is wood energy! The thicker the tree, the more abundant the wood energy!"

Zhou Ziyao looked down on Qin Shaochen with dissatisfaction.

"I took great pains to choose the strongest and most woody tree for you, and you still have any objections?"

Qin Shaochen was speechless.

At this moment, Xiao Liuzi came over with a steaming big steamer.

Seeing this, Qin Shaochen hurried forward to help.

The two carried the big pot to the tree.

The big pot was full of green and viscous liquid, and the smell of medicine was strong!

Zhou Ziyao ordered.

"Pour it in."

Qin Shaochen and Xiao Liuzi poured the big pot of medicine into the big pit.

After that, Xiao Liuzi carried two more pots of medicine from the kitchen, and the two worked together to pour them all into the big pit.

The potion inside was almost full.

"Now you can take off your clothes!" Zhou Ziyao said.


Qin Shaochen was stunned!

"I said, you are not going to... soak in the potion with your clothes on, right?"

Qin Shaochen finally understood.

He took off his clothes neatly, jumped into the big pit, and then lay in the potion, leaving only his head exposed.

As soon as he entered the potion, he felt a burning pain on his body.

It seems that the potency of the potion is really not simple!

Zhou Ziyao took out a pill from his bosom and handed it to Qin Shaochen.

"Take this pill, and you won't be hungry for fifteen days!"

Qin Shaochen was quite curious when he took the pill.

I couldn't figure out how such a small thing could keep him from being hungry for fifteen days?

Zhou Ziyao coughed impatiently, and Qin Shaochen finally reacted.

He threw the pill into his mouth.

The pill melted in his mouth and quickly flowed into his stomach, which was quite magical!

"Just lie down and don't worry about anything! Wait a minute, after we seal the soil, you will feel that the pressure around you is very high."

"That's the medicine working. Everything from now on, you can only bear it by yourself!"

After that, he handed Qin Shaochen a long bamboo tube.

"When you are buried, you can breathe with this tube."

"There is a small bamboo bead in the tube. If you feel that you can't hold it anymore, just use your luck to spray the bead out. ”

“When I see you, I will dig you out!”

Qin Shaochen nodded.

“However, the success of this method depends on the duration of persistence!”

“If you spit out the beads within fifteen days, the effect of the ‘green wood bark’ will probably not be ideal!”

“So, you’d better try your best to hold on until… I take the initiative to dig you out!”

Qin Shaochen listened very seriously.

“There is another point. Underground, you have to practice your method and try to transport the wood and earth energy to all parts of the body.”

“Can any method be used?”

“Yes, any method is fine, there is no need to be particular!”

“But, I also want to remind you that when practicing underground, the meridians are under too much pressure, the blood and qi are not smooth, and the practice speed will be very slow!”

“Hey! In fact, most people can’t… really practice.”

“It’s already precious to be able to run a Zhoutian!”

“Got it! "

At this time, Xiao Liuzi, who was standing by, reminded him.

"Master, the time has come."

Zhou Ziyao nodded.

"Then let's start!"

Xiao Liuzi squatted down and said to Qin Shaochen: "Brother Qin, practicing this technique does require a lot of hardship! But I believe you can succeed!"

Qin Shaochen put the bamboo tube in his mouth and nodded to Xiao Liuzi. Then he buried his whole head in the potion.

He was soaking in the potion and soon felt that Xiao Liuzi had begun to close the soil.

It didn't take long for him to feel the pressure around his body getting bigger and bigger, and his whole body was squeezed by a huge force.

He wanted to move, but found that there was soil all around him and he couldn't move.

It didn't take long for him to feel the potion getting colder and colder, and his limbs began to become cold.

The previous burning feeling had long disappeared.

Instead, it was a more uncomfortable feeling... cold, painful, numb and itchy!

Soon, he couldn't even move a finger.

The only way was to grit his teeth and hold on.

As time went by, he felt the pressure on his body getting bigger and bigger, and every inch of his body was bearing hundreds of pounds of weight.

At this time, he only had one feeling, that is... it would be better to die!

He suddenly understood why practicing this "Qingmupi" would kill people!

Endure, endure...!

The only thing he could do was to endure it desperately!

And Xiao Liuzi, who was standing in the yard, was holding a shovel and beating a small arched mound.

At the top of the small mound, there was a thin bamboo tube exposed outside the surface.

"Press the soil on top a little tighter! That way the pressure will be enough to squeeze all the Qingmu Qi under the skin and into the blood vessels!"


Xiao Liuzi agreed, and did not dare to stop. He waved the shovel and continued to beat the soil mound.

After half an incense stick of time, the entire soil mound was flattened and the ground was smooth and flat.

Zhou Ziyao nodded with satisfaction.

"It should be almost done!"

Xiao Liuzi stuck out his tongue.

"Master, Brother Qin's pit is much deeper than mine! At this level, he won't be in trouble, right?"

"Of course he won't be in trouble. How can a person who can't even be bitten to death by the Golden Demon Snake be in trouble!"

Zhou Ziyao laughed dryly twice.

"That kid is much stronger than you! So, the medicinal properties in the medicine are also much stronger!"

"I don't want him to practice 'Green Wood Skin' like you! It's neither high nor low, neither fish nor fowl!"

Xiao Liuzi immediately hung his head and stopped talking.

"Hehe! Finally, there is another 'Poison-Repelling Tyrant Body' who is willing to practice 'Nine Layers of Skin'!"

Zhou Ziyao's old face showed a satisfied smile.

"I just want to see what that kid can practice 'Green Wood Skin' like?"

Buried in the ground, Qin Shaochen felt more and more unbearable!

Oh my God! How long has it been? He felt that he was going... crazy!

"I really don't know who thought of this kind of practice method?"

Qin Shaochen cursed in his heart!

"This is definitely not a method that a normal person can think of. Probably... only those who have been buried alive and not dead will use this method to practice."

It's crazy for people to practice underground!

However, despite his curses, he still felt that there was something unknown in the soil and potion around his body, which was constantly penetrating his body under the pressure of the soil.

Those things were probably what Zhou Ziyao said, the wood energy and earth energy of the bitter mulberry tree!

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