At this time, Qin Shaochen realized that he seemed a little stupid. He had a storage bag with him, but he kept putting all the things in his arms, making his clothes bulge!

He hurriedly opened the storage space and put the things in his arms back into the storage space.

And the storage space didn't seem to take up much space.

"Storage bags are good! Everything can be easily stuffed in. Next time I will definitely put the pair of big hammers in!"

Looking at the sky outside the cave, it should be just after noon.

Remembering that it rained yesterday, he opened the storage bag again, took out the medicine basket and put it on his back, and left the cave excitedly.

Entered the Black Mist Valley and went straight to the bird bone land. After searching for a while, he picked eight more bone-washing fungi.

Then, he didn't waste time and went straight to Zhangjiajie.

Back to the town, many people greeted him along the way.

Many people asked him why he stayed in the town and didn't leave with the first group of people.

Qin Shaochen could only say that he was injured in the battle and would go to the provincial capital after he recovered.

He also asked about the recent situation in the town.

Only then did he know that five days ago, the group of people from the old Qin family finally set off.

There were about twenty members of the whole clan, and they all went to the provincial capital with Qin Xiaoluo and his group.

Qin Baye and Qin Nanshan also set off.

This time, those who could go to the old Qin family were strictly selected.

In order to be fair, the clan leader selected people from each family, but some had more and some had less.

Qin Qifeng was also in the team.

But Qin Zhenzhen stayed.

I heard that she planned to use two or three months to impact the martial artist realm.

After becoming a martial artist, she will go to the provincial capital to develop!

Among the top ten, six left, and only two or three stayed, waiting to set off again after the New Year.

What Qin Shaochen didn't know was that there were more than a few neighbors who cared about his return.

The news of his return to Zhangjiajie soon reached Qin Sanye's house.

In the lobby of the Sanye's house, Qin Sanye, with a gloomy face, snorted coldly after listening to his subordinates' report.

An old face is even more gloomy!

There were two people standing in the lobby, one was Qin Sanye's second son Qin Guangcheng, and the other was Qin Sanye's most valued subordinate Huo Zhengguang.

Huo Zhengguang was over 40 years old and had the cultivation of a martial arts master in the late stage. He not only had high martial arts skills, but also was smart and capable in doing things, and was highly valued by Qin Sanye.

He called himself the "military advisor" in the third room.

Qin Guangcheng saw Qin Sanye was silent for a long time, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious!

"Dad, please say something. What should we do? Otherwise, I will send someone to catch that kid and ask that bastard what happened in the woods at that time?"

Mr. Qin shook his head with an unhappy look on his face.

"Nonsense, he is in the town now. If we take action, everyone will see it. Do you think we are not in enough trouble?"

Huo Zhengguang coughed twice and said, "Mr. San is right. This matter cannot be rushed! We have to wait a little longer. If we arrest people directly in the town, it will be easy for the first and second houses to catch us!"

"Wait! Can we wait any longer?"

"I have heard that the Wang family has sent someone to investigate this matter."

"They have found Jiao County. They know that Wang Yueting met with the eldest brother! I believe it will not take long for them to find out about us."

"When the Wang family comes to our door, we...won't everything be over!"

Mr. Qin glared at Qin Guangcheng, stomped his feet angrily, and was quite regretful.

"I told you not to cause trouble, but you just didn't listen."

"If you have to say anything, just sell Qin Xiaoluo to the Wang family and you can get some Dawudan."

"What happened? We didn't get the elixir, but we got into so much trouble..."

"Dad! Aren't we doing this for you? What my eldest brother said... actually makes sense!"

"This time, a spiritualist suddenly appeared in the eighth room, and it seems that he is going to make a fortune. But if we operate well, we can get those benefits to our family."

"My eldest brother has already negotiated with the young master of the Wang family. As long as Qin Xiaoluo is captured, they will give us three Dawudan!

At this point, Qin Guangcheng paused, looking unconvinced.

"Dad! Those are three 'Dawudan'! When the time comes, as long as you eat them, you can become the third great martial artist of our Qin family."

"By then, we won't have to look at the faces of the first and second rooms anymore."

"Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how can we miss it easily! "

Mr. Qin San snorted coldly.

"That sounds good! Where is the Dawudan? Where is it?"

"What's the situation now? I didn't get any benefits, and I even lost your eldest brother's life!"

Qin Guangcheng's neck shrank and he stopped talking immediately!

Huo Zhengguang coughed again and interrupted: "The plan for that matter was originally good, but... no one expected that this sure thing would actually have an accident!"

"Alas! The eldest young master's life card was broken, most likely he encountered misfortune! That day... what happened is really hard to figure out!"

He glanced at Mr. Qin San and saw that Mr. San didn't say anything. Then he continued to speak.

"In theory, the spiritualist of the Wang family brought two great martial artists with him. It should be foolproof for them to take action! But something went wrong!"

"When I heard that the Wang family was also missing, I couldn't believe it!"

"Missing, if it was just missing, it would be fine! I heard that the token of the surname Wang was also broken, which means... he is dead! What's the point of missing!"

Mr. Qin San was still furious.

"Although the spiritualist surnamed Wang's practice was not very good, he was the eldest grandson of the Wang family's first branch and was deeply doted on by the old man of the Wang family."

"This time he died in Zhangjiajie, we... got into a big trouble!"

"Dad, Wang Yueting was not killed by our third branch, it has nothing to do with us!"

Qin Guangcheng also looked anxious.

"If you want to blame, blame the eighth branch. They must have set an ambush in the woods and killed the surname Wang!"

Mr. Qin San snorted coldly.

"Do you think that if we say this, the Wang family... will believe it? Will they stop asking?"

Qin Guangcheng opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything!

Huo Zhengguang shook his head again and again, saying, "This is really strange and hard to understand! There are two great martial artists guarding Wang, but how come his life plate is broken and his body is missing?"

"Could it be that... there was another great master hiding in the woods at that time?"

After hearing this, Mr. Qin frowned and was deeply confused.

"Yes! Those two people are real great martial artists! Who... can take down two great martial artists in one go?"

He looked up at the void, pondered for a long time, and then sighed and murmured, "Could it be that at that time, the Qin family came... not only Qin Chaotian and his gang, but also other great masters who were hidden and came to Zhangjiajie?"

Huo Zhengguang thought for a while and nodded very solemnly.

"The third master's inference makes sense! With the foresight of the old Qin family, this kind of thing is not impossible!"

"However...what happened in the woods that day, I'm afraid only Qin Shaochen knows the details."

"In my opinion, we should catch him as soon as possible to find out the truth!"

"That's the only way!"

The third master Qin sighed and nodded.

"Guangcheng, send a few more people to keep a close eye on him. As long as that kid... leaves the town, take action immediately!"

Qin Guangcheng nodded fiercely, with a hint of ferocity on his face!

"Dad, don't worry, I will personally preside over this matter this time, and I will definitely not let you down!"

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