Qin Shaochen also had no time to care about this matter.

Because, not long after returning to Zhangjiajie, he was summoned to a house by Qin Chaotian's people.

That house was very close to the clan leader's house, and it was specially vacated for Qin Chaotian and his party to rest.

Qin Shaochen came to the house, and as soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw Qin Chaotian's smiling and kind face, and his heart was happy. He immediately stepped forward and kowtowed to the old man three times.

Qin Chaotian laughed.

"Get up! Get up! You little kid, you are so well-behaved! But I called you here, not to kowtow! These two days, I was sent here, and I just had nothing to do, so I called you here to give me some pointers!"

Qin Shaochen was overjoyed and nodded frequently.

Qin Chaotian was very interested and didn't talk too much. After asking Qin Shaochen what martial arts he had practiced, he went straight to the point. He began to instruct Qin Shaochen...

Qin Shaochen originally thought that his great-grandfather might teach him one or two skills or martial arts, but he didn't expect that Qin Chaotian would ask Qin Shaochen to fight him.

No matter what martial arts moves you talk about, they are not as important as the "martial heart" cultivated in the fight.

Qin Shaochen certainly didn't know what "martial heart" meant.

After a detailed explanation from Mr. Qin, he understood that in a fight, one can anticipate the enemy's moves and see through the enemy's moves at a glance. This ability that is almost prophetic is called "martial heart"!

A warrior with "martial heart", even if his skills and martial arts are slightly inferior to his opponent. In a real fight, he will often win over his opponent...!

Qin Shaochen's eyes lit up when he heard this!

He always felt that he seemed to have some talent in this regard!

In many battles with the enemy, he seemed to... be able to feel some weaknesses in the opponent's moves!

Could it be that the "martial heart" that Mr. Qin said?

After Mr. Qin finished his theory, he began to demonstrate it himself. After a few gestures, he asked Qin Shaochen to come forward to fight.

While fighting, he kept reminding Qin Shaochen to observe the places to pay attention to and to feel the direction of the force...!

Of course, in these competitions, Mr. Qin restrained his skills to fight Qin Shaochen!

After the patient guidance of Qin Chaotian, a great master, Qin Shaochen found that the martial arts he practiced, whether it was the rolling stone fist or the flaming palm, actually had too many flaws.

Before, he didn't meet a great master like Qin Chaotian, and he didn't think these flaws were a big problem?

But after fighting with Qin Chaotian for a few moves, he suddenly realized that if he allowed those flaws to exist, once he met a real master, he could break his martial arts with almost one move.

Even... could take his life directly!

This shocked Qin Shaochen!

For the first time, I felt that my martial arts were still so weak!

Therefore, he was very alert and studied very hard!

After this careful study, Qin Shaochen immediately felt that he was very talented in sensing the "Martial Heart"!

Ever since he successfully opened his spirit, he has always had an extremely sensitive intuition. When the enemy attacks, he can often quickly find the weakness in the enemy's body movements or moves.

At first, he thought that it was because of practicing the spiritual formula that made him more sensitive and sharp-eyed, which strengthened his judgment!

Now, after listening to Qin Chaotian's explanation, he realized that this feeling is actually closer to a kind of understanding.

Not only relying on sharp ears and sharp eyes!

Only people with extremely high talent for martial arts can breed this kind of wonderful sense!

Qin Chaotian said with emotion more than once that he also gradually understood it after practicing martial arts for decades, practicing countless martial arts, and experiencing countless fights!

As the two people's discussion deepened, Qin Chaotian was more and more happy with the more he pointed out.

This great master has already determined in his heart that he might have really picked up a treasure during his trip to Zhangjiajie!

He discovered a true martial arts genius for the Qin family.

Although Qin Shaochen's martial arts cultivation is only a martial arts apprentice, he has an innate instinct in the perception of "martial heart".

Originally, it was thought that those more difficult questions needed to be explained repeatedly, demonstrated many times, and constantly reminded during the discussion before Qin Shaochen could understand.

But he never expected that Qin Shaochen would understand so quickly! This great master was shocked!

Qin Shaochen not only understood those difficult points quickly, but also applied them directly to actual combat without any effort.

One of them taught seriously, and the other studied hard.

Without spending too much time, Qin Shaochen was able to experience the different flaws in various moves...!

For Qin Shaochen, although Qin Chaotian's instructions did not teach him any moves, they were like opening a window, allowing him to glimpse the extremely mysterious realm of martial arts.

He even felt that he had been reborn in just one day.

At first, he relied entirely on his feelings to guess the enemy's weaknesses.

Soon after, he was able to combine multiple cognitions and directly see the flaws in the opponent's moves.

Even if it was a master like Qin Chaotian, he could find some weaknesses in the moves he used!

However, his great-grandfather's martial arts was too high. Although he felt those weaknesses, he didn't have time to attack, and Qin Chaotian had already changed his moves!

An old man and a young man fought in this small house for almost a whole day.

At night, even though Qin Shaochen was strong and strong, he was still exhausted!

He did not return to his residence, but found a small room in Qin Chaotian's house, fell on the bed, and fell asleep!

The next day, Qin Shaochen finished washing up briefly, had breakfast, and rushed to the compound happily.

At this time, he discovered that besides Qin Chaotian, there was also a middle-aged martial artist standing in the courtyard.

Qin Shaochen quickly recognized that this martial artist was one of the followers who came to Zhangjiajie with Qin Chaotian.

Qin Chaotian called Qin Shaochen over.

"Yesterday, I spent a whole day playing with you, baby. Today, I don't have the energy to play with you anymore! So, I found a helper to help."

After a pause, he pointed at the middle-aged martial artist.

"This is Senior Zheng Chen. He is also a master of our old Qin family. He has learned a wide range of martial arts. Let him teach you. The benefits are not small. You must understand it!"

Qin Shaochen quickly stepped forward and greeted him respectfully.

The martial artist named Zheng Chen had a very humble attitude. He nodded with a smile and complimented Qin Shaochen a few words.

Qin Shaochen could also see at this time that Zheng Chen had an extremely flamboyant aura, and he was obviously a late-stage martial arts master.

And Zheng Shaochen also murmured in his heart.

I thought that Elder Qin likes to give guidance to the younger generations, and just teach him one or two martial arts skills.

Call him a master of late martial arts to fight with this martial arts disciple. Does that make sense?

However, he didn't dare to ask this question, but he was patient and went off to accompany Qin Shaochen for a few moves before talking.

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