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Sanada’s momentum was like a broken bamboo ball, and in the surprised eyes of everyone in Lihai, he was simply hit back by Lin Xuan’s swing!

In particular, Lin Xuan once again gave tennis new power, and the power of the ball was superimposed to an extremely strong extent.


“No, he… He single-handedly fought back Sanada’s aggression like fire? Marui opened his mouth wide, and the gum forgot to chew too.

“His five-dimensional strength and speed are probably higher than Sanada’s. Coupled with insight, he would be a difficult opponent. Liu Lian’er said.

“I thought it would be easy to win, but now it seems that Vice Minister Sanada’s Wind Forest Volcano has to be displayed in full.” Liu Sheng Beerus frowned.

“I’m really looking forward to it, Vice Minister Sanada’s Wind Forest Volcano.” Marui said.


In the field, looking at the ball that rolled down at his feet, Sanada frowned, and Sanada also explored Lin Xuan’s strength through the two points in front!

It was no accident that he was able to beat Kirihara 6-0.

Moreover, Sanada learned in the match between Qingxue and the Ice Emperor that Lin Xuan held a very powerful serve in his hand.

“That Sanada guy is finally going to be immobile. Hehe, is it the same as my game, planning to break his heart with a unique defense? Trace said with a squint.

“Indeed, Lin Xuan of Qingxue is like a strengthened version of the minister.” The yoji glanced at the traces beside him and said.

“Hey, Yushi, what an enhanced version of me. My potential in every way is no worse than his. Trace said depressedly.

However, in fact, the traces have no bottom in their hearts. The potential shown by Lin Xuan’s guy is really terrifying.

There are no fancy skills, no signature stunts, but the strength is amazing.

“I feel that he is powerful, and I really want to fight in the whole country.” The Bible Shiraishi said lightly.

“Don’t move like a mountain!” Under everyone’s gaze, standing like a mountain, Sanada, who was standing tall, caught Lin Xuan’s fierce attacks again and again.

“Hehe, that guy from Qingxue is going to lose. Every ball he plays, his strength and speed are indeed impeccable, but without the mountain-like defensive ability, he is unable to attack. Kirihara said.

“To break the immovable mountain, in addition to great strength, you may also need peak skills.” Liu Lianji began to write down the collected data in her notebook.

“But I have to say that the defense of that guy from Qingxue is also so strong that he will hardly miss every goal. Perhaps, the two will develop into a protracted battle of endurance. Kuwabara said.

Lin Xuan’s defense on the field is very strong, and he can appear almost extremely quickly in the position where every ball lands.

Sang’s original proud defense was simply a joke in front of them, and could not be compared with them at all.

“Not only that, Lin Xuan of Qingxue is speeding up the rhythm of every ball, wanting to try to break Sanada’s defense.” Kirihara said.

Even in his demonic state, he didn’t feel as good as Lin Xuan. What makes Kirihara smile wryly is that there are really so many wizards in the world.

He originally thought that after defeating the Big Three of Lihai University, he could become the first in the country, but he found that he might be a master in the upcoming competition!

Moreover, the three giants of Lihai University, the strength of each one still makes him look up.

Although they Lihai University High School dominated the country for two years, many wizards who surprised him this year appeared.

The genius who defeated his Seigaku Noji Shusuke, the Seigaku Lin Gen, the Seigaku Kunimitsu who has been thinking about Seigaku who has always been in Sanada’s vice captain, Echizen Ryoma, the first year of Seigaku !!

“Come on, Vice Captain Sanada, you can’t lose until I defeat you!” Kirihara shouted excitedly.

The fierce battle between the two sides makes people unable to take their eyes off, which is several times more exciting than the doubles number two.

“Hmph, don’t try to break my immobility like a mountain, defeat in despair.” Sanada said coldly.

“Hehe, his immovable mountain defense is indeed very powerful, but Ah Xuan’s strength has not been fully displayed. Therefore, if Sanada only has that ability, he will definitely not be able to win against Ah Xuan. Don’t think that only he has a trick, Ah Xuan let him taste your power. Not to be outdone, Tao said loudly.

Because Ryoma was just a copy of the Six Kings Spear, it was already a rout that copied King Ren like a mountain.

And Ah Xuan’s Six Kings Gun is completely two levels with Ryoma in terms of power, and it will not dislocate his arm like Ryoma. Even if it is really a mountain, it will blast out a hole!

“Ah Xuan’s strength cannot be analyzed, so far there is no data, I don’t know how strong he is. It seems that no one has ever been able to drive him into a corner. I don’t know if Sanada can let me collect Agen’s data completely. Ah Qian said softly. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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