"I can't calm down! You saw it! This bastard held Angel hostage!"

Allen's body swelled inch by inch, his face twisted into a beast, countless lints came out of his skin, and his expensive suit hung in rags.

He transformed into a strong werewolf.

Looking at the werewolf pushing away the laurel flowers and rushing towards him, Amanozaki refused to dodge.

He suppressed his smile and stood calmly, holding half a crispy crab claw in his hand:

"In China, it is illegal to throw objects at high altitudes. There are pedestrians below."

"Fuck the law!" roared the werewolf.

So Amanozaki took action.

His feet are covered with magic circuits, extending along several thick trunks.

Amanozaki stepped hard with all his strength, and there was a tingling sound under his feet, and spider web-like cracks were all over the balcony made of logs.

He disappeared.

William turned his head, anxiously searching for traces of Amanozaki.

"Hey, stop looking, it's over here."

A voice sounded in front of the werewolf Allen. William took two tentative steps forward and saw the figure in disbelief.

Amanozaki passed through Allen's claws and bite attacks, and stood in front of the giant werewolf whose stoop was as high as the balcony, pressing against Allen.

He raised his hands flat, holding something in his hands like a painter hesitating.

William took a closer look and saw that it was half a crab claw covered with fluorescent lines.

The most terrible thing is that the crab claws are poking on the werewolf's testicles, and little red spots are secreted from the tip of the crab claws.

"If you have something to say, say it well, say it well!" William raised and put his hands down, feeling a little at a loss.

Of course he didn't think that such a small crab claw could kill his friend, but he knew that what the man in front of him just showed was just the tip of the iceberg of his own strength.

This is how the Chinese people are. Faced with easily avoidable battles, they always give in and persuade at the early stage.

According to his experience, if Allen continues to provoke, the other party will take action.

And he firmly believed that both of them would be like that.

All will die.

The evening breeze blew through, and the faint fragrance of laurel was mixed with the stench of canine creatures that had not been washed all year round.

Amanozaki pinched his nose and said leisurely:

"I heard that werewolves have super resilience. Even if their heart is gone, they will not die and will recover in two days. Do you think that if I tie this dog up and crush his basket every once in a while, how long will it last? Not committing suicide?"

William felt a chill, his legs felt weak, and he felt that his lower body had shrunk.

"Clean all the flower pots you pushed out. Don't leave any soil behind. You'd better pray that there are no victims this time, otherwise you will spend your whole life watching other people pick up girls."

With a dazzling leg sweep, the werewolf's waist was hit by Amanozaki's high leg sweep. With a dull click, the werewolf's body folded in reverse from the waist.

Everyone trembled when they saw it.

"It's broken..." someone murmured.

Allen vomited out a large ball of blood, rolled his eyes and fell from the balcony, hitting the bottom of the building.

William bit his lip and bowed: "I'm sorry to disturb you, I'm going to shovel the soil right now."

After saying that, he hurriedly evacuated. When he left the restaurant, he realized that he had bitten his lip without knowing it.

Chapter 105: The dance that no one appreciates

A circle of people gathered in front of the building, and they were quite indignant and took pictures with their mobile phones.

Just now, several laurel trees fell from the sky and flattened the roof of a private car parked in the parking space. Fortunately, the parking attendant was in a hurry to take over the next business and was very agile.

He had only been gone for a few seconds when a harsh banging sound attracted everyone's attention.

The parking boy himself was frightened, while the onlookers carried out justice with their mobile phones.

After a few more seconds, a black shadow enlarged in the sky, and among everyone's greetings to the rich family of the bastard who was accusing him of throwing objects from high altitude, it also fell on the two ill-fated cars.

So the car was completely scrapped.

A huge werewolf squatted on the wreckage of the car with an annoyed look on his face, growling at the mobile phones that kept flashing around him.

After scaring everyone away, Allen limped out of the car while screaming "The demons have invaded!"

In the process of being thrown down the stairs, he tried his best to heal his spine and correct his posture. Now his feet have absorbed the impact of the fall, and his ankle joints have been fractured.

Allen punched the ground angrily, punching him one after another, and howling incomprehensibly from his mouth.

Pain was nothing to the werewolf who was often injured. What was more important was the loss of face tonight.

He was threatened by a handsome young man with a fried crab claw that was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and then kicked away.

From the beginning to the end, the other party took the initiative and was polite and reasonable.

In comparison, he is like the clumsy big bad wolf in fairy tales. The only purpose of his existence is to compare with the 'prince' in front of him, to highlight the other's glory, tallness, handsomeness and refinement, and then be knocked down by the prince's sword.

"Amanozaki roar...this matter is not over yet!"

Allen folded his arms and buried his head in his arms in shame. From a distance, he looked like a stray dog ​​abandoned by his owner.


Different from the noisy building, Amanozaki and Ikaros were walking in the riverside wetland park, slowly and leisurely walking towards the berth of the Barracuda.

The Wetland Park in Fengdu City is a newly built project in recent years. There are small hollow stone sculptures on both sides of the path, and music players are installed inside, playing relaxing and ethereal beautiful music all night long.

The two of them lost interest in the disrupted dinner, so they went out for a walk.

"Is everything okay with the foreigners?"

Ikaros' hand was held by Amanozaki, and the two walked in unison, swaying slightly from side to side.

Amanozaki raised his phone: "I called the branch, they will handle this matter."

"This is China, the Qunxia Mountain. Don't say he is a small organization like the Loyal Knights, which has been around for one or two hundred years. Even big groups like the Hospital Knights and the Teutonic Knights can't just take people in the Qunxia Mountain territory."

Ikaros hummed, suddenly changed direction, and pulled Amanozaki into the depths of the park.

The two walked through the symphony of crickets, cicadas and summer cicadas, stepped on the blue brick and stone road, and stopped by the shallow and wide lake.

This place is a little far from the city, and the light pollution is not so serious. You can see the stars above your head. As the observers look longer, the stars come out in twos and threes.

After a few dozen seconds, the sky full of stars was reflected in the sky.

"I thought there would be fireflies here."

Ikaros rested his hands on the wooden railing and stretched like a cat, highlighting the tight lace skirt, smooth back ridge and round shoulders.

Amanozaki leaned back on the railing and looked at the stars from an inverted perspective:

"Fireflies love cleanliness. If the environment is slightly polluted, the larvae will not survive. This wetland park has only been developed in the past few years. We have to give these romantic little things some time."

"What a pity."

Ikaros shrugged, and his delicate collarbone trembled slightly.

"There are stars in the sky and in the water. If there are fireflies around, this place will be like a dream."

"Then this place will become a popular tourist attraction, with thousands of people lining up to check in every night. It will be exhausting to come here. There will be no mood at all."

Ikaros tilted his head in anger, and his beautiful eyebrows, as blue as distant mountains, wrinkled into a beautiful arc: "Can't you be more romantic?"

"Yes, I can."

Amanozaki said, pressing the wrinkles of his clothes with his thumb, and said while pressing: "Wait a moment."

He pressed very slowly for a full minute. As Ikaros was about to lose his patience, Amanozaki stepped back.

At the same time, the previous music in the park ended. In the short silent interlude, Amanozaki put his left hand on his back, spread his right hand forward, and bowed slowly.

"It is my honor to meet the goddess in the forest. Am I qualified to ask you to dance with me?" Amanozaki smiled confidently and calmly. His muscular lines, as tense as a sculpture, were ready to move with his movements. His eyes were full of stars.

"May I?"

The cheerful and gentle rhythm sounded at the right time, as if spring was coming.

"Cuckoo Waltz"

Ikaros blinked. The man who was cynical just now seemed to become brilliant in the music. His open hands seemed to be not only an invitation, but also a certain expression.

Ikaros could not refuse such an action from the man she loved deeply. She reached out and put her hand into Amanozaki's palm. The warmth of the man's palm was transmitted to the brain along the nerves.

Amanozaki gently pulled, and Ikaros fell into his strong arms. As his arm went down, Ikaros, who was leaning on his forearm, also fell backwards.

Ikaros' feet formed an acute angle with the ground, and Amanozaki provided support for her falling action.

"Although countless people have said this, I still want to say, Miss Icarus, you are so beautiful that all flowers pale in comparison."

He waved his arm, and Icarus stood up again, and the two danced to the beat.

Amanosaki had never received formal dance training. The only instruction he had received since childhood was the simple dance he learned in the middle school art performance.

And Icarus had never danced before.

So on such a wonderful natural stage, in the sultry music of "Cuckoo Waltz", handsome men and beautiful women stepped on some messy steps and danced the simple dance steps of their middle school days.

This made Icarus laugh.

"What, are you dissatisfied?"

"No." Ikaros let go of his hand, and the two of them turned around awkwardly with the rhythm and hugged each other again, "I just feel that there is a big gap between imagination and reality. The two of us are like weasels hugging each other. If other people see it, they will definitely laugh at us."

Amanozaki laughed:

"If anyone dares to laugh, I will help him replace his ceramic teeth for free."

Ikaros said "hmm", pressed against Amanozaki's chest, felt his heartbeat with the music, and spoke after a while:

"How long do you think we can last like this?"

"I don't know."

Amanozaki pulled Ikaros around and said honestly, "Anyway, no matter how long it takes, we will always die together. That's enough."

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