This is the common thought of the knights who were cautiously surrounding the building.

No, that's not right.

It should be said, how the hell did this building come from?

Everyone's eyes naturally shifted to Yubaba, who was standing in front of the wooden arch bridge painted red in the bathhouse, accepting the bows and salutes of hundreds of uniformly dressed employees.

Of course, more eyes were focused on Amanozaki.

Thanks to the gossip of the members of the Yushan Branch's baggage team and Yubaba's excellent performance, for several hours, people from all walks of life were asking about the origins of this old but amazingly powerful "newcomer" old woman.

When they learned that Yubaba was Amanozaki's ability and his girlfriend, the news spread even faster.

Yubaba's [famous] was due to Amanozaki's public confession during the day.

All the people at the scene put down their work, gathered at the bridge head, and looked at Amanozaki with complicated and curious eyes.

As the saying goes, three people make a tiger, and many mouths can melt gold.

Amanozaki couldn't stand the stares and whispers. He held his soup-baby tightly and asked with a straight face: "Tang, can we let everyone go in and take a bath and relax?"

Tang-baby rolled her eyes: "What nonsense are you talking about? If it wasn't for you, would I have summoned the soup house with such fanfare?"

She pointed to a young horse-faced girl wearing a red flower pattern and looking at her in a row of soup-house employees anxiously: "Xiaoling! You come to take care of the master! Take him to the innermost room and ask the boiler grandfather for the best brand of medicinal bath!"

When Amanozaki heard the name "Xiaoling", he immediately opened his eyes and saw that this horse-faced girl was the big sister who took care of Chihiro for a charcoal-grilled salamander in "Spirited Away".

But now Amanozaki is already an old man in his twenties, and the woman he once called "sister" is now just a sister.

The waist was twisted, and Amanosaki's face was twitching because of the pain. He saw that Yubaba, who was a head shorter than him, was looking at him with murderous eyes.

"You see that the young girl can't walk, right?"

Amanosaki forced a smile and explained: "How can it be, Ah Tang, you know me. Miss Lin, JK and that little nun are all beauties, right? But in my eyes, Amanosaki, they are not as beautiful as you."

"In fact, I am relieved by your current appearance. If you are still as beautiful as before, I am afraid I will not be able to sleep at night."

"Why?" Yubaba looked at Amanosaki with a smile.

"Of course, it's because there are more eyes looking at you now, and more people coveting you. It's not easy for me to keep my position as your boyfriend. If there are more scum and second-generation people who covet your beauty, I will be exhausted to death?"

"So Ah Tang, you are just right."

"You are the only one who is sweet and good at talking." Yubaba covered her mouth with a lace fan and giggled, which made Xiaoling, who was waiting respectfully on the side, stunned.

"What are you standing there for? Hurry up and help the master in?" When Yubaba saw Xiaoling, her smile disappeared and she returned to her usual sternness. She stared at Xiaoling with eyes like a borer. Her voice was not loud, but it made all the employees tremble.

In this bathhouse, employees who are considered lazy by Yubaba will be turned into pigs and sent to the pigsty to be raised for meat!

Xiaoling immediately took over the job of supporting Amanozaki with a charming smile, trying to be respectful without appearing to be seducing.

When they were halfway across the bridge, a frog and a human among the employees immediately ran into the bathhouse with a bang, and soon ran over with a sedan chair on their backs.

The frog knelt beside Amanozaki and arched his back. The man with a mustache next to him smiled flatteringly: "Master, please get in the sedan chair."

"No, no." Amanozaki waved his hand quickly.

A few days ago, he was still a proletarian who had to earn a living by painting with his own hands. This sudden big capitalist tune really made him unable to adapt.

What's more, you have to step on people's backs? Can't you use a stool?

Xiaoling saw that the soup mother didn't like these tunes, so she opened her mouth and said something fierce:

"Don't you look at your own virtues? You still want the master's daughter to step on you? Bah! Don't you think the pus on your back dirty the master's feet!?"

"But... I'm a frog." The frog man wore a black hat and pointed at his fingers aggrievedly.

Xiaoling scolded even more fiercely: "Do you still know that you are a frog? You are not sticky on your body, go and get a soft stool, what, are you waiting to become a pig?"

When the frog man heard this, he rolled and crawled into the soup room, and came out panting with a soft stool with a gold thread embroidery edge, and carefully placed it at Amanozaki's feet.

Seeing this, Amanozaki knew that these people had been ruled by the soup mother for a long time, and their lives depended on her, and they couldn't change it in a short time, so he sighed and stepped on the stool to sit on the sedan chair.

"Master, please pay attention. The sedan chair is ready." The mustache man kindly instructed, and diligently lifted the sedan chair with the frog man. He raised his legs high, lowered them gently, and walked into the bathhouse with a proud step, passing by a crowd of envious eyes.

It looked like serving Amanozaki, the lover of Yubaba, made him superior in the bathhouse.

As for Xiaoling, she ordered several close sisters to follow and serve her, and she didn't even have time to change her shoes, and ran barefoot to the boiler room in the basement.

She also had to rush to run the water massage for the master in person, in order to leave a good impression on the master!

Everyone turned their heads and watched the young man and the mustache man who volunteered to grab the opportunity to show their courtesy to the new master. A thunderous voice sounded from the other side of the bridge: "You lazy pigs! The guests are here! Why don't you get back to work!"

Hurriedly bowing, everyone rushed into the bathhouse. Granny Yu looked at these employees who were not diligent enough and was furious.

But when she turned around, she put on an enthusiastic look, waving the lace fan in her hand, with a hint of passion in her voice:

"The bathhouse that was originally exclusive to the gods is now open to everyone, and the time is only for this night!"

"The hot soup in the bathhouse has many benefits, nourishing the kidneys and strengthening yang, nourishing yin and beauty, and strengthening the body! If you spend more than 100,000, you can upgrade to a VIP single room and enjoy a special medicinal bath, which can even nourish the soul, prolong life, and enhance supernatural powers!"

"Only cash and gold are accepted!"

Tangbaba chanted loudly with witchcraft, and the curtain of the bathhouse was secretly lifted. The eyes of the front desk were close to the curtain, and they were amazed: "Tangbaba personally came out to promote and receive guests. In the past, it must have been a scene that only happened during the river god or festivals, right?"

The owner of another pair of eyes sneered: "What a joke, our bathhouse still needs to be promoted in person? Even if the river god came, Tangbaba would only receive him in the house, but never go out half a step!"

The crowd of onlookers stood in front of the wooden bridge, and no one was willing to enter this suddenly appeared bathhouse.

Watching Amanosaki disappear in the bathhouse, Lin Shuyu bit her lip, her eyes emitting a faint light. She used [Heavenly Appearance] to make a detailed deduction, then resolutely stepped out and stepped onto the wooden bridge.

"Miss Lin! Be careful!" Someone from the Yushan Branch whispered to dissuade her.

Lin Shuyu paused, remembering her uncle's words. She had already made up her mind to persevere for love once, and she said without looking back: "Inform my uncle of my whereabouts, don't tell my grandfather."

After that, she strode towards the bathhouse.


The soup mother on the bridge was quite unhappy to see that Lin Shuyu was the first to come.

But in order to set an example for everyone, she did not stop him and let Lin Shuyu in.

"Anyway, Amanosaki is in the innermost room, and you can't get in without someone to lead the way." Tangbaba is very confident in her witchcraft and the bathhouse.

Although the bathhouse looks like a high tower, the internal space is extremely large. Under the blessing of witchcraft, the area inside the entire bathhouse is dozens of times the actual floor area.

The top floor where she lives has countless rooms and luxurious Victorian-style doors.

After shouting several times, Yubaba felt that her words should be passed on to the people above by the onlookers, so she bowed politely and returned to the bathhouse with elegant steps.

"Alas, it's really not easy to save some belongings for you. I have to sell my old face."

Yubaba thought to herself, shook her head, entered the bathhouse and asked someone to prepare the elevator to go to the top floor.

Witchcraft can indeed bring a lot of windfall to Amanozaki immediately, but whether it is gold, gems or banknotes. A few can still be tolerated, but too many will be interviewed or even held accountable by the government.

After all, Yubaba is not the fledglings before. She has been running the bathhouse for many years and is more sensitive to wealth and system. The reason why she is unwilling to give Amanozaki gems is not only because she is worried that Amanozaki will become a waste who indulges himself by spending money on everything.

In fact, it is more of a fear of the government.

Although there are many knights in this world, the most basic ones are still ordinary people. The government has been strictly monitoring those superpowers that can make people rich. Some superpowers that can manipulate metals are even under strict monitoring in Qunxia Mountain to prevent a large amount of precious metals from flowing into the market and destroying the stability of the existing currency market.

In the novels of the super rich, the plot that the male protagonist gets hundreds of millions or hundreds of millions of yuan from the system will not exist in this world, because that means that the country's credibility will depreciate with these suddenly appearing currencies.

This is a slap in the face of the country.

"But this should be enough. The bathhouse only appears for one night, and Nozaki can't rely on it to make a fortune. I also took out the bathhouse's treasured medicinal bath that can make superpowers stronger and prolong life in exchange... These bearded politicians and idol-like heroes will definitely not be able to resist coming in."

"And with this powerful but unstable support, Nozaki will undoubtedly live a better life."

Yubaba looked at her reflection in the metal door of the elevator and smiled bitterly: "It's better to leave the glamorous life to the young people... Well, it's all my own anyway, so I don't lose anything."

Outside the bathhouse, the knights who got permission from their superiors were ready to move. Finally, after several knights from the Yushan branch followed Lin Shuyu's footsteps and entered, people began to enter the bathhouse one after another.


Yubaba, who knew the bathhouse well, looked at these timid people and sneered disdainfully.

"If you don't want to come in now, it will be too late when you don't have time."

Chapter 62: Let me bear the rotten dregs of feudal dregs alone!

"Master, is the force appropriate?"


Amanozaki narrowed his eyes and groaned in response to Xiaoling's question.

He was now bathing in the single bathroom at the core of the bathhouse. In the bowl-shaped purple sand bathtub with a diameter of 20 meters, Amanozaki was the only one lying on his stomach.

The dark green magical hot soup exuded a faint bitter fragrance exuded by broken grass. In the misty steam, Amanozaki seemed to be lying on a bright grassland. He was lifted up by the hot soup and did not sink. Xiaoling stood in front of the workbench on the bathtub, bent over and rubbed various liquid medicines on Amanozaki's back, and then gently brushed it with a soft mouse hair brush.

She has no right to enjoy this most advanced medicinal bath, and as a staff member, she cannot enter the hot soup prepared for guests at will. She can only serve it in this awkward way. This is a rule.

Yubaba's rules.

Soup means boiling or warm water in Japanese, and this word comes from ancient Chinese. Apart from animation, the most typical example of Chinese people coming into contact with this word is the sentence "Because people hold soup" in the middle school textbook "Preface to Ma Sheng in Dongyang" Fertilizing irrigation, covering it with quilts, and eventually becoming harmonious."

The so-called hot spring house, in layman's terms, is a bathhouse, but it only uses hot spring water.

Amanozaki has been soaking for half an hour. In the past, his hands and toes would have wrinkles due to being soaked in water for a long time. However, in this round of medicated baths with different colors, fragrances, and effects, not only There are no signs of wrinkles or whitening on the skin, and the skin is even more rosy.

Amanozaki rubbed his fingers and felt that he had become tender.

Xiaoling, who has worked in the soup house for many years, is very thoughtful. When she saw Amanozaki's actions, she smiled and explained: "Grandpa Tang ordered me to use the best medicinal bath, but those medicines used to be used by gods to treat diseases." , although the master is very talented, he was injured when he entered the soup house, and it was not easy to use those strong medicines. So Xiaoling took it upon herself to get various brands from the boiler grandfather, and helped the master to adjust it first. Go take a bath."

Amanozaki raised his head when he heard this and said in astonishment: "I still want to take a dip!?"

"That's right!" Xiaoling nodded matter-of-factly, "What I'm taking now is sea fish bone powder and Ganoderma lucidum cypress leaf soup that strengthens the bones. I'll have to make two other medicinal soups later before I can enter the final medicinal bath!"

Amanozaki blinked: "But I'm hungry."

He just had a breakfast today, then rushed to Sanjiang Reservoir without stopping, and then turned to Sanjiang Hall to fight all the way until the afternoon. In the meantime, he drank a few bottles of glucose, and his stomach was empty. After soaking for half an hour, his stomach had begun to protest.

"Is this okay?" Amanozaki straightened his body and sank down from the surface of the medicinal bath. "I will go outside to get dinner now, and then come back and take a bath after eating."

Xiaoling smiled and said, "Sir, a soup house is always more than just a soup house."

After saying that, she stood up and tapped the long rat-hair brush on the workbench several times, drawing flowing clouds and green pines. The paper sliding door that was seven or eight meters high was pushed open by a short frog man who was one meter tall. That frog face He smiled and waved flatteringly.

A dozen trolleys pushed dinner plates into the house. The bearded man joined a group of human-looking men and entered the bathroom on wet wooden boards. They quickly built a two-meter-high exquisite platform and a wooden ladder set up beside the bathtub.

"Master, please change your clothes," the man with a mustache said. At the same time, Xiaoling turned around and stood in the corner, waiting quietly.

Amanozaki poured dripping water on the table, and these short men came over diligently to change Amanozaki into a bathrobe, hang up the sachet, light the incense burner beside the table, hang pictures, and arrange flowers. A large low table is placed in the center.

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