Lin Shuyu's face was like a ripe apple, and her soft red face exuded a light fruity perfume. She slapped Amanozaki's hand away.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Amanozaki stared blankly at Lin Shuyu's movements, feeling deeply in the woman's heart.

The girl stared at him fiercely and stepped away to keep her distance.

Amanozaki sighed helplessly:

Alas - my girlfriend is more understanding.

Chapter 24: The girl’s imagination (2)

Yushan Castle moved the helm very quickly, and within a few minutes, all the things Amanozaki named were delivered via the elevator.

Of course, most of the gemstones are artificial diamonds and artificial crystals.

But Tohsaka Rin didn't care.

The ancestral magic characteristic of the Tosaka family is the accumulation, flow, and transformation of power. In terms of making barriers, drawing magic circles and academic research, the Tosaka family's magic effects are extremely remarkable.

Rin in "Fate Stay Night" once casually made a small barrier in the classroom to block Emiya Shirou.

However, the Tosaka family's magic attributes are not outstanding in direct combat, so the Tosaka family developed a method of storing magic power in gems and making up for the lack of burst of their own magic through the accumulation of magic power in advance.

Amanozaki is very familiar with this trick, and feels that Tohsaka Rin's gem magic is to some extent the same as the Qiankun Throw in "Sword and Fairy", both of which are krypton gold skills.

The JK girl sat cross-legged on the side of the martial arts arena, closing her eyes and stroking the cross sword gently, the blade swallowing bright and dark yellow light.

Tohsaka Rin observed for a while and soon lost interest.

"Gemstones are just a medium for storing magic power. Although the higher the quality of natural gemstones, the better the effect and will have additional properties. However, Nozaki said to use water, so there is no harm in using these."

Standing next to the lifting platform, he gently slid his fingers over the stones in the safe, picking out a few natural gems inside and infusing them with magic power.

‘Nozaki, watch it. Every magic storage gem in the Tohsaka family is a simple magic gift. I will imagine the operation process in detail in my mind, please pay attention to experience it. ’

Amanozaki, who was sitting in the audience, was inserting a needle into a blood vessel. Sensing Rin's intention, his hand trembled. The needle pierced the blood vessel wall and a bruise bulged on the back of his hand.

'What's the meaning? I realize what these do. I also want to draw a picture for you and post it online. ’

'So I just want you to experience it. I have thought about it. I change my form every day. No one can guarantee that I will not be strong enough to protect you tomorrow. The learning process of chakra is purely empirical, Origin Stone skills require Terra's bloodline, and only magic tests talent. ’

Amanozaki stood up suddenly, his body shaking with excitement.

‘Me, do I also have magic talent? ’

'Of course, you are my "master" after all. Enjoy half of my physical fitness, although it will disappear tomorrow...'

Tohsaka Rin smiled confidently, and a bright cobalt blue light burst out from his palm.

'But isn't magic about making the impossible possible? ’

Amanozaki immediately fell down and inserted the needle with trembling fingers.

He felt that the power from his limbs was being drained away, flowing towards Tohsaka Rin continuously along the invisible pipes. His stomach and intestines were spasming, and all the cells in his body were wailing.

He needs nutrition!

Amanozaki adjusted the infusion speed to the maximum, and glucose continued to flow into his body. He grabbed a piece of cake, stuffed it into his mouth with the wrapping paper, and devoured it.

Tohsaka Rin's other hand pressed down on the pile of broken diamonds in the box and released full power of magic power.

Amanozaki grabbed the chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth, his mouth full of sweets. He also picked up Coca-Cola and drank it crazily.

But it's still not enough.

His physical strength was declining rapidly, and he even felt like he was about to die from exhaustion.

Tohsaka Rin would not harm him, but this feeling of dehydration and loss of strength, like suffocation, was too uncomfortable for ordinary people.

Amanozaki has not screamed out until now, it is already supported by his perseverance from struggling for money over the years.

Different from Hinata's previous use of Soft Step Lion Fist, Tohsaka Rin injects magic power into multiple gems at once, and the physical energy consumed per unit time is several times that of before. However, Amanozaki now has superpowers and also enjoys Tohsaka's additional power. Even half of Rin's physical strength couldn't handle it.

‘No, we have to find a way. ’

Amanozaki's entire face began to develop wrinkles, and dehydration had begun to affect epidermal cells.

'If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to record Rin's heroic appearance. ’

In a daze, Amanozaki thought so, and he began to blindly look for new high-energy foods.

"You, what are you doing? These things are all made inside the helm, there is no poison. You, what is your situation? Do you want to call a doctor?"

Lin Shuyu sat on the other side, looking a little nervous at Amanozaki who seemed to be being fucked.

This slightly panicked female voice sounded in Amanozaki's ears, and Amanozaki, who was dizzy, immediately thought of a method that he would never think of under normal circumstances.

In "Fate", in addition to directly robbing human lives and converting magic power, there is also a very special way to obtain magic power. It is a special method originally designed to fit the original intention of Little Butter, called the method of mending magic.

Through the exchange of body fluids, the vitality of both parties forms a cyclic interaction.

"Ms. Lin, I'm offended."

Lin Shuyu heard the hoarse voice, and Amanozaki, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, suddenly jumped up, threw Lin Shuyu down like a mad dog, and kissed him ferociously!


Lin Shuyu's eyes widened. She was held tightly by Amanozaki, and her lips were sucked. Amanozaki's tongue roughly pushed away her teeth and entangled with her tongue.

The hot breath blew on her face, sweeping like a foehn wind. Her face heated up with the hot airflow, and the tip of her tongue was played with by Amanozaki's tongue.

Lin Shuyu didn't have time to think about the fact that her first kiss was taken away from her. She was wrapped in strong male hormones, and Amanozaki's lean body was squeezing her. She was a little dizzy after being deeply kissed, and her willpower was strong. Along with Amanozaki's sucking, he was sucked away.

Her mind was in chaos. Lin Shuyu, who had never experienced anything like this before, had no self-control and just followed Amanosaki's movements.

Her lilac uvula was wrapped by Amanozaki's tongue, and the tip of her tongue captured countless flavors.

The richness of chocolate, the fragrance of fruit, and the sweetness of honey.

The nose is full of male scent.

Fresh sweat, sweat glands secrete pheromones and hormones.

The aroma and taste are like the tide of the Qiantang River, rushing in. Amanozaki's chest and arms are like the impact of the tide, bringing a physical experience.

The will she had cultivated over the past twenty years fell apart under the multi-dimensional wash.

The most terrible thing is that she is a girl.

One is physically and mentally sound, one has had adequate nutrition since childhood, one is in her youth, and one has read countless love stories.

If Amanozaki is the tide of Qiantang, then Lin Shuyu's young body and the countless fantasies buried in his heart are the ant nests that have been gathering momentum on the dam for a long time.

The electric current was like countless ants swimming inside her body, making her gasp slightly, her limbs weak, and unable to resist.

His hands, which had been struggling slightly, now became limp, and his breath gradually became heavier.

The clothes are soaked with sweat, and the hormones are also leaking out a little bit.

Lin Shuyu closed her eyes tightly at this moment, but her mind unconsciously reflected Amanozaki's handsome face.

'He seems... quite good-looking...'

‘He, he doesn’t really like me, does he? ’

In the martial arts arena, JK, who was sitting on the ground, watched in horror as Amanozaki forcibly kissed Lin Shuyu. She was so angry that she glowed with yellow light and dyed the cross sword in her hand to look like lightning.

"You bastard!"

The JK girl was about to chop Amanozaki to death with her sword. Several crystal diamonds the size of sesame seeds were shot towards her. JK waved the cross sword to block the diamonds, causing a series of crisp balloon explosions.

JK, who was holding the sword with a ferocious face, pointed at the two entangled people and yelled: "Don't you see what your man is doing?!"

Tohsaka Rin crossed her arms over her chest and pursed her lips. Her skin like mutton-fat jade could be broken by blows, and her heroic eyes reflected JK's figure.

The majestic wind blew by, blowing Tohsaka Rin's skirt. She was like a strong bamboo in the wind, carrying an awe-inspiring and inviolable aura:

"I firmly believe in my boyfriend's character and intentions. What he does is the result of judgment based on form. If I let you go, Nozaki's hard work will be in vain."

Rin Tosaka flicked his right hand, holding two artificial crystals between his fingers, a dangerous light brewing.

"You crazy bitch!"

JK cursed angrily, knowing that he really couldn't stop Amanozaki unless he dealt with Rin Tosaka. Murderous intent arose in her heart.

Anyway, the woman in front of him is not a real person, so if he kills him, he will kill him. If Amanozaki loses his superpower for this, it will be just his punishment!

Tohsaka Rin held the gem in her hand and took the time to glance aside. She saw her boyfriend kissing another woman. On the surface, she didn't care, but she was still quite angry in her heart;

After what happened last night, does he still have energy? Looks like I need to squeeze this bastard dry later.

Li Junzi, who was covered in bandages, stared blankly at Amanozaki who was hugging Lin Shuyu. He didn't come back to his senses until JK yelled and slapped his thigh.

The eldest brother is indeed the eldest brother, he even fucked Miss Lin!

With the help of big brother, I will be able to catch Jiajia!

Chapter 25: The girl’s imagination (End)

Tohsaka Rin studied under the fake priest, the spokesperson of pleasure on earth, and the student of Kotomine Kirei, the servant of the King of Heroes. He is a rare magician who is good at both magic and martial arts.

Now that she had waved her hand to stop JK whose name she didn't even remember, Tohsaka Rin was fully prepared for a close combat.

The development of the war was just as Tohsaka Rin expected.

The prior magic infusion and the explosion of the thrown diamonds confused the JK girl's judgment, making her think that Rin Tohsaka was better at close combat today.

But anyone who blames Rin Tosaka for her gender and seemingly slender figure under a red windbreaker will eventually pay the price.

Medea, the magician of the Gods, was like this, and so are today’s JK girls.

Wang Jiajia... or JK, in other words, was carrying a cross sword that was a head shorter than him. The muscles of his calves wrapped in white stockings were curved, and his speed was increasing with every step.

After seven or eight steps, JK's entire body turned into a ball of light and rushed in front of Tohsaka Rin.

The cross sword burst out with energy that made even Tohsaka Rin tremble.

Tohsaka Rin saw with his own eyes that the girl's terrifying potential energy disappeared in an instant. She stood in a bow and thrust out the cross sword in her hand. The cross sword shot out like a missile. The blade turned red at high speed. The friction with the air was causing this antique The sword heats up rapidly!

'Is it a power that converts potential energy into weapons... No, if that's the case, she should use a lance or a motorcycle to stab her. ’

The diamonds between Tohsaka Rin's fingers shattered one after another, and the accumulated magic power was instantly released along the magic seal. A colorless crystal shield opened in Tohsaka Rin's left hand, holding the cross sword at a subtle angle.

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