The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4208: The rumor turned out to be true?

Chapter 4208 Proverbs turned out to be true?

Fei Hetong can't imagine how Xu Feng did it.

In a short period of time, I have improved so much.

The most important thing is that Xu Feng’s combat power is so strong.

You must know that he is flying a crane and it is a restoration of the law.


Xu Feng sneaked up to the point where Fei Hetong fell down, and his eyes were deep and secret.

Fei Hetong was unwilling to face, and at the same time, his eyes were puzzled, and he could not understand why Xu Feng was coming to find the family of Feihe.

"I am really confused, why are you coming to Feihecheng to find trouble?"

Fei Hetong remembers very clearly that they are flying crane family, and there seems to be no intersection with Xu Feng.

Why Xu Feng wants to release such a rumor, but also to smash the blood of the entire Flying Crane City into a river.

Xu Feng heard that the corner of his mouth carries a stern, cold and cold road: "I asked you, the young master of your family, some time ago, did you catch a kitten? And it is not as good as the kitten." Dead, now the kitten is still closed in your flying crane family?"

Speaking of this, the voice has become low, with a strong killing, horrible.

"Don't the brother in the mouth of the kitten, you?" The entire family of flying cranes almost knew the existence of the kitten.

It is really that the kitten is too spiritual, it is simply the inside of the monster, the top of the existence.

Originally, Feihehong was a five-minded genius, but also a young master of the Feihe family, who wanted to surrender the kitten.

However, the kitten would rather die than surrender to Fei Hehong, and his brother would come to save him.

"Not bad!"

Xu Feng's heart, with a trace of heartache.

I thought that I had to delay so much time before I came to Feihecheng to rescue the kittens.

The heart is a bit embarrassing.

"The kitten is your monster?"

Fei Hetong thoroughly understood.

Why Xu Feng, the blood that killed the flying crane city will flow into a river.

"I walked along with the kittens, we live and die together. The reason why he was caught by Fei Hehong is also to save me. Your family of flying cranes dares to make him live better than death. I naturally want you to pay for the blood of the flying crane family." ”

Xu Feng finished, and punched out to fly crane Tonglu.

Fei Hetong wants to resist.

The sound of the broken bones sounded, and the chest was swollen by Xu Feng’s fist.


Fei Hetong made a miserable snoring, and the depths of his eyes were unwilling, and his heart was afraid.

He felt that Xu Feng's talent was too horrible, and Fei He's family provoked Xu Feng, definitely not the right choice.

The Feiyitong's esoteric fragments and storage rings were collected, and Xu Feng's eyes flashed with a smothering intention.

"It seems that the Feihe family arranged a patrol and began to inspect the entire Feihecheng. I would like to see if the members of your patrol team are killed and killed, how will your Feihe family respond?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised, his body was hidden, and it disappeared into the dark street.

The killing of the body has become stronger, as he appears in the next street.

It is another squad of the Feihe family patrol. This is a squad of six people.

The most powerful is still the small team leader, the realm of the heavens and the realm of the heavens. The rest of the people are high-order Dan Yuanjing.


A member of a patrol stared at Xu Feng with his eyes full of anger.

"Kill your people."

Xu Feng stood more than ten meters away, the dark night, the third-order killing of the body, became even more terrifying.

The powerful momentum has spread from Xu Feng, forming a violent hurricane, and the spiritual power is constantly surging, and the golden light is shocked.

"I don't know the dog things, do you know who we are? Do you dare to speak up here?"

The members of the patrol team are members of the Feihe family. They have long been used to flying in the city of Feihe, and they have been challenged by others.

Therefore, when I heard the words of Xu Feng, the two figures brushed and swept toward Xu Feng.

The spiritual power of the two men surging, it is necessary to attack Xu Feng's body.


Immediately after the next moment, the golden light broke out.

Double punches and brushed out.

Two sounds broke out.

Immediately after the two figures, an arc was drawn in the air, and the heavy squatting on the ground was completely ruined.

"Who is you?"

The flying crane stretches its eyes and is dignified. It is only faintly able to see the outline of Xu Feng. The spiritual power of the body flows quietly, such as the enemy.

As a small squad leader, he naturally knows what their purpose of patrolling is.

"The purpose of your patrol is not to want to see, who is it, dare to fly in the crane city, so big words?"

Xu Feng’s mouth is raised, and the twins are born, and the two talents of growth and death are integrated into the spiritual power.

The wings of Kun Peng emerged on the back, and the third-order killing of the righteousness and the second-order gravity of the righteousness simultaneously broke out.

"You are the one who is very arrogant!"

The flying crane is full of faces.

However, it was discovered that the wind and the waves were sweeping.

The other party actually took the initiative to shoot four of them.

"Quickly release the signal flare."

The flying crane stretched out and screamed, and his face was cold.

A bang!

I saw a signal bomb in the hands of a patrol member, and instantly rose to the sky.

"Since you want to die soon, I will fulfill you."

Xu Feng is very clear, once the signal bomb is released.

I am afraid that it will not take long for the entire patrol team of Feihecheng to come.

The most important thing is that the strongest of the Feihe family will most likely come.

In this case, kill the four people in front of you as quickly as possible.

"Dan Yuanjing's six peaks, dare to wild, look for death!"

A member of a patrol team, feeling Xu Feng, is only the six peaks of Dan Yuanjing, with disdain in both eyes.

It is a pity that his words have just finished, and his fists are on his chest. This is the legendary villain who died in words.

"Get out of the way, hold him back, our reinforcements will come soon." The flying crane screamed and screamed.


However, Xu Feng's third-order killing of the righteousness, along with the second-order gravity of the righteousness, coupled with the horrible boxing method, and the strength of the body of the Dan Yuan, the ordinary Dan Yuanjing Jiuzhong, can not bear Xu Feng a punch.

In just a few breaths, the other two were directly killed by Xu Feng’s two punches.

"It's your turn!"

Xu Feng blocked the escape of the flying crane.

The pupil of the eye is slightly contracted.

The powerful perceptual ability has made him feel that someone is not far away and is quickly approaching here.


Xu Feng sneaked up and displayed the world's killing and punching method. The double boxing will directly kill the flying crane.

The mysterious debris and the storage ring are collected, and the whole person's spiritual power flows, and it disappears quietly in the distance.


The signal flares were released, and the patrols of the Feihe family were surrounded by them.

When they saw the body above the ground, they all raised their eyes.

Is someone really killing a family of flying cranes?

The rumor turned out to be true?

The signal flares in the middle of the night naturally attracted many warriors.

They looked at the patrol members who were killed.

They all secretly decided to leave the Flying Crane City as long as the sky was bright.

Otherwise, when it is really killed, it will not be able to draw.

Looking at the body of the flying crane and other people, Fei He's face was gloomy and clenched his fists.

Their flying crane family is the master of the flying crane collar. I am afraid that for decades, no one dares to challenge the family of flying cranes.

This is a shame!

(End of this chapter)

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