The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4157: The Great Britain (5th)

Chapter 4157, The Great Britain (5th)

"Four esoteric? Third-order esoteric? Space esoteric?"

In the depths of the eyes of the sage of the eagle sage, the color of fear emerges.

He seems to understand why the Cliffwalker is so polite to Xu Feng.

Also personally sent Xu Feng to leave the Cliff City.

Being able to rebuild in Dan Yuanjing, I realized the third-order ambiguity, and I can also realize the existence of space ambiguity. How can this history be simple, most likely from the Qingyang dynasty.

"Since you want to die, I am fulfilling you, just as I have recently, I also want to find a way to try my best."

Xu Feng’s words are relaxed and relaxed, and his eyes are on the opposite side of the Eagle.

However, at this moment, the sage of the Eagle Bao, all sweaty, full of cold sweat, just look at Xu Feng, a little addicted, said: "This little brother, we are afraid of misunderstanding. I will leave, how?"

The Eagle Poet is very clear. Since Xu Feng is extraordinary, does he really dare to kill Xu Feng?

That is not to dare, if you kill Xu Feng, it will inevitably bring him endless troubles.


Xu Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with the sage of Yingbao. He couldn't easily find such a good opportunity. He could fight with the warriors of the law, and let go of the fight with no hands and feet. It was naturally very exciting.

At the moment of grasping the Aurora Magic Knife, the "Aurora 弑 弑 法 ” , , , , , , , , , , 施 施 施 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

Around the madness of the knife, the formation is a burst of knives, filled with the third-order killing method, become more horrible.

In particular, the aurora slashing method of the environment, along with the third-order killing, is simply powerless.


The Aurora Magic Knife smashed out like this, forming an endless wave, bringing a horrible wave of anger, and madly smashing out, causing the entire void to be torn.

"Kid, don't force me, do you really think that I am afraid that you are not?" Yingbao saint did not expect that he had already opened his mouth and Xu Feng wanted to do it with him.

"Despite your hands and feet, I will kill you today."

The killing of Xu Feng is very strong.

The aurora magic knife smashed out.


The sacred sage of the eagle eagle survived, and he evaded three tricks in succession and found that if he continued to avoid this, he would die.

Xu Feng is completely fighting all the time, especially Xu Feng's knife and mystery, are too horrible.


"Second-order space esoteric!"

"The third-order killing is righteous!"

"The second-order knife is righteous!"

"Second-order gravity is righteous!"

The four kinds of esoteric forces are all released to the extreme.

The sage of the Eagles thoroughly understands why Xu Fengdan is fourfold, but dares to be so arrogant.

The horrible righteous power has become endless, and the momentum is so terrible that it becomes extremely fierce.

Seeing Xu Feng's last move to show the Aurora and killing the knife, the knife is horrible.

The Eagles Sage wants to resist with all their strength, but they still can't resist it, and they can only retire.

Knife Mang cut his chest directly, bloody, his eyes round, filled with blood.

"Kid, I give up again and again, since you don't know how to be good, I will let you die here."

The eagle sage is completely angry, and the whole body is insanely rushing out. It is swept away by Xu Fengqi. The heavens and the earth are stirring and swaying along the hands of the sage of the eagle sage. This is the three things that should be in the heavens. strength.

Xu Feng’s face was filled with a strong smile, and the spiritual power of the madness surged. The spiritual power of the twin Danyuan flowed to the extreme.

Become more and more horrible!

"Inflammatory triple knife!"

Xu Feng's body, the hot air waves filled.

The flames burned and became terrifying.

The flowers and trees within a few tens of meters are turned into flames.


The sage of the Eagle Bao is annoyed with his heart. He knew that Xu Feng was so powerful. He really didn't want to provoke.

The existence of the seventh-order Holy Spirit, he is very clear, the entire Northern Territory, only the top six sixth-order forces, only to have.

Now, Xu Feng has demonstrated such a skillful seventh-order Holy Spirit, which is enough to prove his unusual.

The flameless flame is integrated into the Aurora Magic Knife, and the flame and the knife are completely integrated.


The horror of the sage of the eagle sage, the madness of the most powerful Holy Spirit, the sixth-order supernatural spirit.

Between the hands, it turned into an endless wave, and the flames that swelled toward Xu Feng smashed and smashed away.


However, Xu Feng’s triple-knife, the fusion of the Promise Flame, is really terrifying.

The sacred spirit of the sacred sage of the eagle sorrow is thus smashed directly by the flame knives of Xu Feng.


The sage of Yingbao spurted out a blood, and the whole person was filled with a scorching smell, making a miserable snoring, but no death.

However, the entire arm was cut off by a brush.

"I am fighting with you!"

The sage of the Eagle Bao desperately rushed out toward Xu Feng, and the spiritual power of the whole body stirred up.

Xu Feng’s face was indifferent. The Yingbao saints in the heyday were not their opponents. Moreover, they were still seriously injured and there was only one arm left.

The Aurora Magic Knife slammed out.

The Eagle Bao saint was killed by Xu Feng.

Take away the storage ring of the sacred sage.

Xu Feng turned and walked in the direction of the infinite monk's grave.



A short three days passed.

Xu Feng, with a small leopard, was far away and felt a rush of sound.

In the distance, the waves are rolling.

Xu Feng quickly came to the scene.

Found a lot of familiar faces.

Dongyang Yunzhi, Dongyang Jie and others have all stood together.

Dongyang ancestors personally led.

Not only the young disciples of the Dongyang family, but also the disciples of other big forces have come.

When Xu Fenggang came to the scene, he felt a lot of cold eyes coming. It seems that his enemies are really quite a lot.

However, his face was smiling, so he stood on the edge of the crowd.

A few dozen feet away from the place.

A grotesque mountain peak splits like this.

From time to time, there was a violent hurricane.

The hurricane swept through and the space was torn.

If someone is caught in a hurricane, fear that it will die.

The hurricane was a few hundred feet apart and was torn by the hurricane.

"Xu Big Brother, you are coming over..."

Dongyang Yunzhi greeted Xu Feng and smiled quietly.

Xu Feng also smiled and walked toward Dongyang Yunzhi.

As for the previous shackles and shackles, they have all been thrown away.

"Miss Yunzhi."

Xu Feng looked at Dongyang Jie and others and nodded.

Only Dongyang is harsh, his face is cold, and he has not taken care of Xu Feng.

However, Xu Feng also found out.

The young disciples of the Dongyang family have had several more people.

Their ages seem to be a lot bigger than Dongyang Jie.

I want to be a disciple of Dongyang family.

"Hey brother, he is the big brother I told you."

Dongyang Yunzhi pointed to a man not far from him, and introduced it to Xu Feng.

"Hello, I have heard your name long ago. It is a famous name. I hope I will have the opportunity to discuss it with you in the future."

Dongyang squatted at Xu Feng, his face showed a sincere smile.

(End of this chapter)

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