The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4146: Grave land

Chapter 4146 Land of the Tomb

Xu Feng is somewhat aggressive and does not understand what it means to chase the dragon.

When did you become a dragon in the Dongyang family?

Inside the dark road: "It seems that Dongyang family has some misunderstandings, and may have a relationship with Dongyang Yunzhi."

Xu Feng is very clear that he does not have the heart to talk about love now. For Dongyang Yunzhi, he is only a friend.

"I must have stayed in Dongyang for a long time, which will give people the illusion." Xu Feng is very clear inside, he does not want to hurt Dongyang Yunzhi, or leave as early as possible.

As for the tomb of the infinite monk, he can go alone, as long as the tomb is opened, he can enter it smoothly.

"Predecessors, younger generations are the ones who keep their promises. I originally wanted to go to the Knife Gate and be the master of the disaster. I know, I have just been halfway through, and I was killed by the strongman of your sword door. If it wasn't for me." I’m going to be fast, I’m afraid I won’t see you.”

Xu Feng’s memory is very clear. On the same day, Xuanjie, who is faced with the duality of the French environment, if he did not run fast, just as the space is uplifted to the second-order realm, I am afraid that it is really possible to die. .

After all, at that time, his cultivation and strength, Mo said that the heavens are twofold, even if it is a high-order Dan Yuanjing, it is possible to kill him.

"What? Is there such a thing?"

Chasing the dragon's knives with his face full of anger, he single-mindedly, finally convinced Xu Feng to go to the door of the knife, but did not expect Xu Feng halfway to be intercepted, is simply a rebellious command to chase the dragon.

"You tell me in detail, in the end, what should I do, I would like to see, who can stop you from going to the door of the knife?"

Chasing the dragon tyrant is not stupid, naturally very clear.

Inside the Knife Gate, there are people who have the energy to stop and block Xu Feng.

However, there are fewer people who can conflict with Xu Feng’s master.

Xu Fengxuan is about to tell the chasing dragon knife.

"There is no reason!"

Chasing the dragon's knives and old eyes are angry.

Looking at the side not far away, pretending to be nothing but Tianshanhai, a violent drink, said: "Tianshanhai, you roll me over!"

The sound is very shocking, forming a fierce sound, and does not give Tian Shanhai any face.

Tian Shanhai hardened his scalp and walked over to the chasing dragon knives. He smiled and said: "See the elders."

"Do you have this elder in your eyes?" Chasing the dragon tyrant immediately asked: "I asked you, the person sent to chase Xu Feng, is it arranged by you? You have to think clearly, if you If you dare to deceive me, if I investigate the truth, I will definitely want you to be different."

Tian Shanhai knows well, where can he admit at this time, and quickly said: "When you are too elder, even if you have a thousand courage, don't you dare to do this?"

"Not you? Is it Shitong?"

Chasing the dragon tyrant looked at the history of the welcoming, asked.

Shi Tong’s sincere face, said: “The elders of the elders are obsessed with the truth, and they are not interested in the main position of the door. I have no motivation to block Xu Feng.”

Chasing the dragon's mouth and raising the corner of the knife, looking at Xu Feng smiled and asked: "Do you remember the person who killed you on the same day?"

Xu Feng heard the words, smiled, apparently prepared, took out a memory crystal, and there was a face inside, isn’t it Xuanjie?

Tian Shanhai's eyes narrowed his eyes, and he never imagined that Xu Feng chose to escape, but he still had a backhand.


Chasing the dragon tyrants sounds chilly, looking at Tian Shanhai, once again asked: "Tian Shanhai, I will ask you again, intercepting Xu Feng, are you instructing Xuanjie to do it?"

Xuanjie is a person from Tianshanhai.

Tian Shanhai immediately changed his face and was sincere and fearful. "I really don't belong to the subordinate. I don't know Xuanjie has done this."


The chasing dragon knives coldly snorted: "If this is the case, if I go back to the knife door, I will investigate it clearly. The thing that intercepts Xu Feng is that you arrange Xuanjie to do it. When you don't blame me, don't talk about it. surface."

"Xu Feng Xiaozi, good things and more grinding, or you will go to the knife door with me personally, I will give you the succession ceremony of the slasher door. I will look back later, who will dare to stalk from it."

The words of chasing the dragon tyrants sounded, and many people took the eyes of envy and hate and looked at Xu Feng.

During the day, Lei Huangzong sent an invitation to Xu Feng, and now chased the dragon tyrant and directly let Xu Feng be the master.

We must know that although the **** knife door has declined, it is also a thin dead camel than a horse, and it is a sixth-order top force.

"Predecessors, don't hesitate to say that at that time, in order to escape, you gave me the identity token, I lost it to the other party. The doorkeeper who wants to come to the door of the knife is not with me. You will find another high-minded future."

Xu Feng refused to talk to the chasing dragon.

"Xu Feng is simply not knowing what to do. The chasing dragon knives personally invited him to be the master. Does this guy choose to refuse?"

"You must know that the Knife is the sixth-order top force. Under one person, above the people, he is not happy."

"This Xu Feng is a forced attack!"

Many people heard Xu Feng, and they refused to be the doorkeeper of the knife door. They all vented their indignation.

Deep in their eyes, they are filled with envy and hatred.

"You don't just come to our Dongyang family, you will be on the sidelines, and quickly enter the bar."

Dongyang ancestors are facing the chasing dragon, some impatient.

"Fart! You Dongyang family has a cheaper, originally this kid, I found it first."

Chasing the dragon tyrant is very convinced.

After three rounds of wine.

Xu Feng looked at Dongyang's ancestors and took the initiative to ask: "My ancestors, where is the cemetery of the infinite monk's tomb? I want to go alone."

"In this time, the time of harassing in Dongyang time is quite long, and I am not willing to go."

Hearing the words of Xu Feng, many people from Dongyang family frowned slightly. They didn't understand what Xu Feng meant.

Dongyang ancestors heard the words and quickly said: "Xu Feng, is it our Dongyang family, what is not enough."

"You Dongyang family is very good to me, this kind of kindness, I remember in my heart." Xu Feng said sincerely: "However, the tomb of the infinite monk is open, I am afraid there is still a lot of time. I stayed in Dongyang time, also It doesn't make much sense to go out and see."

"When the tomb of the infinite monk opens, I can reach the place of the tomb."

Not far from the Dongyang Yunzhi, the waves of the two streams flow, the heart is somewhat regrettable and lost.

Obviously, Xu Feng does not have much thought about himself, or he will not leave so anxiously.

Dongyang's ancestors couldn't help but shake their heads and sighed deeply. They took a map from the storage ring and said: "The place marked on the map is the infinite monk's tomb."

"Thank you for your ancestors!"

Xu Feng still has a lot of things to deal with. The Oriental Lingyue of the Southern Continent and the Yuruo and others are waiting for him?

He can't waste time in the corner of the Spiritual Continent, and he needs to improve his strength as soon as possible.

"Xu Feng, when we come to the Dongyang family, when you enter the infinite grave, you can also take care of one or two."

Since Dongyang’s ancestors knew that Xu Feng had no idea of ​​getting married, it was impossible to pull down his face and actively ask Xu Feng. When Xu Feng did not agree, he and Dongyang Yunzhi would have no face.

(End of this chapter)

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