The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4090: Killing Dongyang

Chapter 4090, killing Dongyang

"I advised you that the people of Zige, came to the site of my Dongyang family, still slightly convergence."

"I know that after you recently turned to Chen Xianlong, Zige seems to be very arrogant. However, here is Dongyang City, not Chen Xianglong's Xiangyang City."

Dongyangjie Station is there, the sound is calm, but it contains a faint overbearing and strong self-confidence.

Hearing the words of Dongyang Jie, many people secretly screamed and heard about the Dongyang family. They were divided into capitulationists and fighting factions for accepting Chen Xianlong’s Zhao’an. It now appears that Dongyang Jie, the second heir to the Dongyang family, is a fighting faction.

Xin Tianyin and others stood there and looked blue and said: "We are invited by your Dongyang family to come to your Dongyang event. Isn't it, this is the hospitality of your Dongyang family?"

Xin Tianyin knew that he was not an opponent of Dongyang Wang, and immediately there was a touch of anger between his eyes.

Dongyang Jie naturally heard the meaning of Xintianyin, and immediately smiled: "We invite you to Dongyang City, the so-called distant visitors. But if you don't know what to do, you want to be in Dongyang City, it is not our Dongyang family. Guests, we will naturally be welcome."

"let's go!"

Xin Tianyin knows that it will not take any advantage to continue to stay.

Immediately, the eyes were slightly congested and delivered to Xu Feng.

"Xu Feng, you dare to appear in Dongyang City, I am afraid that life will not be long, let you live a few more days."

Xin Tianyin took the lead in moving towards Dongyang City.

Xu Feng did not care about the threat of Xin Tianyin.

Over the years, he has grown up almost in various threats.

As long as his cultivation is constantly improving, his strength is strong.

In the end, these threats are all local chickens.

Seeing Xin Tianyin leave.

Xu Feng turned around and looked at the opposite Dongyang Jie. He immediately held his fists in both hands and said: "Thank you for helping the brother and Taiwan, and have not asked for a name."

Xu Feng did not introduce himself. Since the other party knows about the Purple Pavilion, I must know who I am.

"Dongyang family, Dongyang Jie."

Dong Yangjie also held a fist to Xu Feng, with a smile on his face. He said: "I have heard about your name, but you can't see each other. Xu brother is a famous five talents, future achievements. Not limited."

Between Dongyangjie and his speech, his words are sincere, and he is obviously sincerely admiring Xu Feng’s talent.

"Besides, this is the site of my Dongyang family. There are still a few traitors in the area, and I am here."

Don't look at Dongyang Jie's whiteness, but his character is fierce, and he is never afraid of it.

Therefore, knowing Xin Tianyin and others, turned out to be a traitor to the Purple Pavilion. Surrendering Chen Xianlong, he instantly looked down on it.

As the second heir to the Dongyang family, Dongyang Jie has long known the reputation of Qingshan Bazi.

It is not too bad to think that Chen Xianlong will issue a killing order and madly chase him.

"I watched Xu Xiong come to Dongyang City for the first time. If you don't mind, can you go to the next house and slowly explain it?"

"And the beauty around Xu brother."

Dongyang Jiemuguang fell on the poem of Yu Shi, deep in the eyes, sparkling with a touch of light.

I have to say that the appearance of Shi Yuyu is really beautiful.

"This is a poem, and it was also a disciple of our Purple Pavilion."

Xu Feng quickly introduced to Dongyang Jie.

"The poet girl is good!"

Dong Yang Jie said hello to Shi Yuyu.

"Oh hello!"

The poem Yu Yu responded.

"Xu brother, please!"

Dongyang Jie made a gesture of asking for Xu Feng.

"Since the brothers are so kindly invited, I am welcome. Please lead the way!"

Xu Feng did not tweak, this Dongyang Jie's character is quite good.

The first time he came to Dongyang City, he was able to find a foothold and it was also a good choice.

"A good little leopard!"

However, Dong Yang Jie's gaze swept through Xu Feng, followed by the little leopard, deep in the look, with a strange.

Dongyang Jie and Xu Feng walked side by side, and both faces were full of smiles.

Come to the entrance of Dongyang City.

Some people have looked at Xu Feng and they are surprised.

Especially the people of Dongyang family.

They are very clear, Dongyang Jie character is proud and confident. Do not talk to people like this, even in the entire Dongyang family, Dongyang Jie's friends, there are only a handful.

The reason is none of him, that is, Dongyang Jie is too confident. For those who want to have a relationship with him, he is always rejected.

Not to mention, Dongyang Jie and Xu Feng are very talkative.

Several people came to Dongyang City.

Xu Feng's eyes are slightly congested.

I have to say that it is the foundation of a thousand-year family.

Dongyang City reveals a simple atmosphere everywhere.

With the upcoming Dongyang event, the number of strong people is also rising.

Xu Feng’s heart sighs secretly, and there are all the warriors of Dan Yuanjing everywhere. From time to time, they can feel the breath of the strong heavens.

Follow Dongyang Jie, all the way to a quiet street, at the end of the street, is a huge mansion.

I have been coming to the outside of the mansion, which is the huge Dongyang family house.

Xu Feng can feel that the house of Dongyang family is very large.

"See the young master."

With Dong Yang Jie and Xu Feng and others, just stepping into the gate, the two guards respectfully bowed.

Xu Feng’s inner heart said: “It seems that this Dongyang Jie is very high in the Dongyang family.”

Xu Feng did not know that Dongyang Jie was the second heir to the Dongyang family, second only to the existence of Dongyang.


Dongyang Jie nodded to the two, and took Xu Feng to the house.

After walking for almost ten minutes, Xu Feng saw a place not far away, all of which were large yards, row upon row.

"Xu Xiong, not far from the front, is my yard." Dongyang Jie pointed to the left hand side, a large yard, the environment and scenery are very high. Of course, the best thing to look for is of course the front, the incomparable yard, but I don’t know who lives in the yard.

Dongyang Jie and Xu Feng did not go far.

I saw it, inside the very stylish yard.

A young man with a dignified face and an old man next to him.

Is coming towards this side.

"Hey? How is he?"

However, the old man is Dongyang Yu who had a contradiction with Xu Feng before.

He saw Xu Feng's moment, with a sneer in the depths of his eyes.

Mind: "The kid, there is a road to heaven, you don't go, there is no door to hell, you come in."

"Do you know him?" Dongyang smothered Xu Feng and felt that this face was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

Dongyang Yutu was in the harsh ear of Dongyang, and said a few words gently.

The harsh eyes of Dongyang are filled with the savage killing.

However, Xu Feng is a heart.

(End of this chapter)

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