The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4084: Poetry rain

Chapter 4084: Poetry Yu Yu was surrounded

"Inflammatory triple knife!"

"The seventh order is the holy spirit!"

Xu Feng’s eyes lifted slightly and his face was smiling.

"The flame is integrated into the knife, and it is integrated with the knife. It is like a knife of flame cohesion, killing everything..."

Xu Feng's physical strength surging, standing on the bloodthirsty altar, began to run the full body of spiritual power.

"Try to put the flameless flame into the knife method and try it." The power of Xu Feng's body surging, the second-order knife of the body is filled with the mystery, the moment of the aurora magic knife appears, the blood red light burst.

With Xu Feng's cultivation method of "three fires of the fire," he began to operate the spiritual power and control the flames in the body.

"Inflammatory triple knife, divided into three strokes, the first knife, the second knife, the third knife, one knife is stronger than a knife, as if it is in a gathering. The final method of condensing the knife, the power will become extremely powerful. ”

Xu Feng's face was firm, grasping the hand of the Aurora Magic Knife, and the spiritual force surging toward the Aurora Magic Knife.

In an instant, the knife slammed out and formed a majestic momentum, as if the heavens and the earth were discolored.

However, Xu Feng’s eyes were full of smiles, and he did not expect to practice the triple-knife of the fire. It was so easy.

Immediately, I also want to understand that the burning of the Buddha, which he had cultivated before, is also a fusion of heaven and earth.

However, the triple-knife that is now being cultivated is mainly to incorporate the flame into the knife.

If it is more skilled for the control of the flame, it is easier to integrate into the knife.


Xu Feng's Aurora Magic Knife, smashing out, instantly wrapped in flames, like a knife of fire, stretched dozens of feet, the void was torn, horrible.

Xu Feng’s heart was secretly horrified, and his heart said: “I don’t think that the seventh-order sacred spirit is so strong?”

However, the seventh-order sacred spirit is also very powerful. After practicing this time, the spiritual power in my body seems to have taken a third.

With my current cultivation and strength, I am afraid that at most, the first two knives of the three knives of the fire, I am afraid that the third knife can be displayed, and the meridians will be torn.

"Continue to practice!"

In this way, Xu Feng continued to practice the "three knives of fire and fire", and after the spiritual power was consumed, he began to practice on the knees and knees, and then he went back and forth, and the time passed without knowing it.


"What about your captain?"

Mei Nong took Dongyang Yunzhi and quickly came to the Dongyang City patrol.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a armor, and his body exuded a powerful momentum. He said: "Oh... two elders, Miss Yunzhi, what the wind has blown you..."

The middle-aged man is the captain of the Dongyang Family patrol, Dongyang Kun, and is the peak of the four heavens.

"Dongyangkun, your patrol team's recent inspection record, show me." Mei Nong looked at Dongyang Kun, directly speaking.

"Oh... ok!"

Immediately, Dongyang Kun turned and spoke to a patrol outsider: "Take the latest patrol record for the second elders."

Not much time.

A member of a patrol team, holding a large number of inspection records, almost dozens of copies, was sent to Meilong and Dongyang Yunzhi.

"Two elders, please see!"

Dongyang Kun smiled at Mei.


Mei Nong's eyes picked up slightly and immediately began to check the inspection records.

With his current cultivation, you can never forget.

"There have been a total of these three people in the recent inspection of the town of Qingtai. You are bother to call them."

Mei Nong said to Dongyang Kun.

Some people in Qingtai Town reported the information, but they did not reach the ears of Dongyang family.

"Two elders, I am really sorry, if you come early, you may still be able to see them."

There was some regret in Dongyang Kunming, saying: "Last night, our brothers found that Dongyang, who was in charge of inspecting the town of Qingtai, was killed. He died outside the town of Qingtai, and his blood was absorbed. I am afraid The people who are talking about the ghosts in your mouth do, and ask the two elders to seize the murderer and bring them to justice. Give the brothers of our patrol team, Shen Zhao Zhaoxue."

"What? Dead?"

Mei Ning's eyes are slightly congested.

Immediately said: "Dongyang is being killed, then what about Dongyang?"

"This Dongyang 珩 was killed half a month ago, and the cause of death is exactly the same as that of Dongyang."

Dongyang Kun is a faint road.

"So, I am afraid that it was Dongyang Fu, who was responsible for Qingtai Town two months ago, and was killed?"

Mei Nong asked.

"The two elders are really powerful, so they can all be calculated. This Dongyang Fu and the two of them have different causes of death. Dongyang Fu is a violation of the rules of the patrol team, killing innocent people, and being ordered by the family to personally decide!"

Dong Yangkun replied calmly.


Mei Nong’s heart is full of anger. It seems that this ghost hand is helping, and the people involved are really quite a lot.

Otherwise, the patrol team responsible for the Qingtai town, it is impossible to clean up so clean.

"Dare to ask the captain, isn't the patrol team reported to you, recently there are many large-scale people who have been cruelly killed around Dongyang City?"

Mei Nong’s voice was angered, and his eyes stared at Dongyang Kun, and there was a faint pressure on his body.

Dongyang Kun heard, apologetic: "Two elders, I really did not receive such news."

After listening to Mei, he turned and walked outside.

Dongyang Yunzhi knows that the patrol team responsible for the three people in Qingtai Township have been killed.

Now that I want to investigate the root cause of this matter, it is completely broken.

"Two elders, what should I do now?"

Dongyang Yunzhi asked in a speech.

"Someone is obstructing our investigation and destroying the evidence. However, I believe that the wicked have their own bad news."

Mei made a slow road.


"Dan Yuanjing triple!"

In a blink of an eye, three days passed quietly.

The moment Xu Feng opened his eyes, the eyes were filled with a strong momentum.

It seems to be endless spiritual power flowing in the body.

The twin Dan Yuan on his head also emerged.

The three apertures are surrounded by the Danyuan, which is very rich.

However, the spiritual power of the entire bloodthirsty altar was absorbed by Xu Feng.

"It doesn't make much sense to continue practicing."

Xu Feng broke through to Dan Yuanjing's triple, and his cultivation of the "three fires of the fire", also cultivated into the realm of Xiaocheng.

After his cultivation was broken into the third place of Dan Yuanjing, it was too slow to improve. He continued to stay and did not mean much.

Simply walk outside the valley where the ghosts help.


"Poetry rain, you can't run out of my palm. The woman I want to get, I haven't missed it for so many years."

The puffy face and the pockmarks all emit a dark radiance, which is disgusting and terrifying.

However, the breath of his body is very strong. After all, Lie Shen is the core disciple of Zige.

Poetry rainy and pretty face is slightly cold, her face is gloomy, said: "Geng Shen, you are so against me, are you not afraid of being punished? The same door kills each other!"

"Ha ha ha... It’s ridiculous, do you really think. Is the owner really willing to accept your disciples?"

"If it wasn't for the owner who wanted to save his reputation, you would have been killed by him."

The ugly face is a bit embarrassing and terrifying.

Before the poem Yu Yu, he was a disciple who worshipped Xuan Yin Yuan.

Later, the dean and vice president of Xuan Yin Yuan died.

Most of the disciples of the Xuanyin Institute were forced to stay in the Purple Pavilion and did not dare to resist.

However, Zheng Junzhi also became a member of the Purple Pavilion.

Zheng Junzhi’s identity changed, naturally he did not want to be told that he was betraying the sect.

Therefore, the disciples who are forced to stay in Zige are also very good on the surface.

"I advise you to come from me, maybe I will make you comfortable, or you will be miserable."

Lie Shen saw the poems and rains at first sight. It was really a glimpse.

If it is not in the Purple Pavilion, Gu Ji is killed by Zheng Junzhi.

He had been in Zongmen for a long time, and he started to play with poetry.

This time, it is not easy to get the chance to leave the Purple Pavilion. Of course, the Shen Shen will not let go of the poems.

(End of this chapter)

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