The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4066: Mei Nong's horror

Chapter 4066 The horror of Mei Nong

"I don't think the old man is a little famous."

Mei Nong stood in front of Xu Feng, a faint road.

In the order of Dongyang's ancestors, he came to Heluo City to help Xiao Wuxin, against the strong sent by Chen Xianlong.

I thought that when I came, the battle should have not started yet, but I did not expect that Chen Xianlong’s speed was so fast.

He just came to Heluo City and realized that there was a fight.

"Your boy is Xu Feng?"

Mei Nong turned and looked at Xu Feng and asked.

“Well! Thanks to the seniors for their help.”

Xu Feng just felt the existence of the other party, and the breath was strong, stronger than any one in front of him.

"Sure enough, the ancestors are not unusual. Just this guy is doing it for you, are you really afraid of death?"

Mei Nong is very clear to see, Xu Feng has no intention of doing it.

If you don't shoot yourself, I don't know if Xu Feng died.

"The spiritual fluctuations of the predecessors are concealed, but they are very strong. However, the entire Dongyang collar, who can have such strong volatility, must come from the Dongyang family in Dongyang City."

"Since the Dongyang family arranges for the arrival of the strong, it must be to deal with the people sent by Chen Xianlong."

Xu Feng said slowly.

"The mind is good, the Taishan collapses in front, the face does not change color. It is also possible to make so many analyses in the blink of an eye. It is indeed worthwhile for the ancestors to violate Chen Xianlong’s order to save you."

Mei Nong and Xu Feng talked so arrogantly, completely ignoring the opposite of Chen Xianlin and black blood and other people.

Chen Xianlin was covered in iron and blue, and was attacked by Mei Gang just now. It was shattered and the injuries were serious.

Even if there are enough remedies, it will not be completely restored without ten days and a half.

"You Dongyang family really don't see the coffin without tears. At this time, dare to fight against the North King?" Chen Xianlin looked pale, Dongyang family has always been against Chen Xianlong, and even the fire is not allowed: "My big brother now breaks through The law is nine-fold, and you Dongyang family is looking for a dead end."

For Mei Nong and Xu Feng's self-concerned chat, completely ignoring Chen Xianlin's existence, he felt that he was greatly humiliated.

Immediately use Chen Xianlong to break through to the nine heavens of the law, to threaten the opposite Mei Ruo.

"Do you believe it or not? If I want to kill you, I only need three moves?" Mei Nong looked at Chen Xianlin, who was chattering, and asked coldly.


Chen Xianlin was shocked by the momentum of Mei.

Immediately biting his teeth, but did not dare to continue nonsense.

If it is really killed by Mei, then it is really white.

After all, it’s better to live better than to die.

"Oh... I can’t think of the **** bloodsuckers still alive? In our Dongyang collar, I was chased like two dogs. I now rely on Chen Xianlong as a dog, dare to come to Dongyang to lead the wilderness?"

Mei Nong's gaze shifted to the black blood scorpion not far away.

The black **** eyes heard the sneer of Mei.

In the depths of the old eyes, they are all fears.

There is a bit of timidity in the body.

Crazy to the far away of Heluo City, fleeing away.

They were almost killed by Mei in the same year.

Mei Nong can become the elder of Dongyang Family II by virtue of the identity of the surname. The strength can be imagined and must be strong.

Seeing the **** eyes, just being confused by Mei, he frightened and ran away.

Chen Xianlin couldn't sit still, and when he was not paying attention, he quickly fled.

In the depths of the plums, the killings flashed, but they did not chase Chen Xianlin and the black blood.

People like Chen Xianlin and black blood donkeys are just a few mad dogs, and it doesn't matter.

The most important thing is that Chen Xianlong broke through the law and was nine-fold.

Dongyang family is not suitable for tearing the face with Chen Xianlong.

"Old Mei, thank you for your help."

Xiao Wuxin quickly came to Mei.

When they were young, they were good friends.

It used to be the forefront of the ranks of Shengshi Tianjiao.

"You and me, are you polite?"

Mei Nong laughed, but suddenly narrowed his eyes and said: "Your body seems to recover a lot?"

What kind of eyesight does Mei Ling have, at a glance, it can be seen that Xiao’s unintentional body toxins have eliminated a lot and recovered well.

"Thanks to the Xu Feng little brother."

Xiao Wuxin smiled at Mei.

"Oh... mean he detoxifies you?"

Mei got a little wrong.

It seems that Dongyang's ancestors only said that Xu Feng's talent is very good, but it is the top five geniuses, but did not tell him, Xu Feng also knows poison.


Xiao nodded and smiled. "You don't be anxious to be surprised. If you know what is going on today, I am afraid I will be more surprised."

Mei Ruo frowned.

"Xu Xiao brother, don't you know that Chen Batian is still alive?"

Xiao Wuxin is very clear.

The toxins that Xu Feng forged are terrible.

When Chen Batian and others went to chase Xu Feng, it was tantamount to finding a dead end.

"I thought I could kill him. I didn't expect Chen Xianlong to be very smart. He left a projection on him and could resist the attack. In the end, he couldn't kill Chen Batian and let Chen Xianlong take it away."

Xu Feng said with some regret that he was very dissatisfied.

Only Xiao has turned his eyes and turned his eyes. It is really invisible and the most deadly.

You must know that Xu Feng is only a re-construction of Dan Yuanjing.

It is already amazing to be able to do this.

I don't know, I don't want to know if I want to.

The army was completely annihilated, and the wave of the sky was also smashed by Xu Feng, will not be even more surprised.

"Lao Mei, you are here, we just have to see, Chen Xianlong is proud of the army, how many people are alive."

Xiao Wuxin took the plum, and the two walked toward the depths of the street.

Xu Feng and Meng Jin and others can only keep up.

"Whose whose head is that?"

When I came to the place where Xu Feng and Chen Batian were fighting, they just saw the ground and waved their **** heads.

Xiao Wuxin was a little surprised and asked.

"Wandering the sky!"

Mei Nong directly opened the road.

Dongyang Shijia and Chen Xianlong have always been invincible.

Therefore, they know each other very well.

When Mei Nong saw the **** head, he decided that it was the head of the sky.

"Old Mei, is this wave of sky killing you?"

Xiao Wuxin immediately looked at Mei Ruo, and thought that it might be just that Mei Ruo, came here in advance, killing the waves.

Adding Mei’s eyes and seeing it’s the head of the sky, he decided that it should be the wave of the fight.


Mei Nong immediately shook his head.

Has he just arrived? How can it kill the waves?

"Who is killing the waves?"

Xiao asked indifferently.

It seems that in addition to him and Mei Nong, there seems to be no one, and there is strength to kill the waves.

"I killed."

Xu Feng faintly spit out three words, everyone is stunned.

One by one, the face is unbelievable.

"This kid's ability to brag is quite powerful. What does he do to kill the waves? That is the strongest person in the world."

Some people think that Xu Feng is bragging.

However, Mei Nong is full of horror.

It is worthy of the genius of Dongyang's ancestors.

It is no wonder that this Xu Feng, by Chen Xianlong, spent so much money and wanted to kill.

This talent is terrible.

"Xu Xiao brother, are you kidding?"

Xiao Wuxin knows that Xu Feng's poison is very powerful, but you can let the law of the poisoning of the law at most, how can you kill the five-headed head of the law?

This is incredible!

(End of this chapter)

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