The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4063: Chen Batian cried

Chapter 4063, Chen Batian cried

After Xu Feng’s killing of the waves, the black toxins in the palm of his left hand are spreading.

The reason why the whole body's spiritual power cannot be used, as if it was blocked, is the toxin in Xu Feng's hands.

This toxin is called the sacred smoke of the Eight Gods, and the poison is emitted, which is a burst of smoke.

As the smoke spreads, once the person inhaling the toxins, the short-term systemic meridians are blocked, and the spiritual power cannot be used.

From the beginning of the journey to the scene, Xu Feng did not have any emotional changes on the surface, but the heart has already begun to act. He will already prepare the eight gods and smoke, use their own spiritual power to push the toxins toward the waves. The direction of the sky is spreading out.

However, after the trip to the scene, the inhalation of poison did not have any notice at all.

The reason is very simple. All the attention of the waves is on the dead army. How can you notice the poisonous smoke that Xu Feng walked out? Even if it is a little discomfort, it will not care.

This is also the reason why Xu Feng is holding the Aurora Magic Knife and moving toward the place where the waves are in the sky.

Of course, if it is noticeable, Xu Feng’s Eight Gods will be so smooth.

After all, the good weather is also a strong person in the law, only need to slightly control the flow of spiritual power, but also can resist the erosion of the Eight Gods smoke.

It is a pity that all the attention of the waves is on the dead body. How can we pay attention to a little special situation change?

Xu Feng bent down and took Chen Feng and Lang Xingtian's storage ring directly and sent it into his storage ring.

The Aurora Magic Knife inserted the head of the wave, and he walked toward the outside of the inn.

There, there is a person Xu Feng has to deal with, that is Chen Ba Tian.

Since the army has been eliminated, the waves are smothered.

Xu Feng didn't mind, killing Chen Batian again.


"What's the matter? It's been a long time to go to the sky, not coming back?"

Chen Ba Tian’s eyes narrowed slightly, and I don’t know why, he always felt that there was something wrong, not quite right.

However, if there is something wrong with him, he can't say it, just feel a little weird.

First, dozens of people in the army chased Xu Feng. About half an hour later, no one came back to report to him.

Now, the day is going to check the situation, it took almost ten minutes, and there was no news.

This is really weird.


Just as Chen Ba’s heart was constantly thinking about it, he saw a place not far away, and a figure that made him sleepy, and slowly walked toward it.

I saw, inside Xu Feng’s hand, holding the Aurora Magic Knife, the place where the knife tip was, the blood dripping, hanging a **** thing, and could not see clearly, what was it.

"This Xu Feng can still survive? People Chen Feng, what about them? Waves in the sky?" Chen Batian's heart at the moment, a myriad of thoughts and thoughts emerged in a flash.

He is very clear that it is impossible for the army and the waves to make Xu Feng live out.

In this case, it is very likely that the human army and the waves will encounter unexpected events.

However, when he thought of it, he immediately shook his head.

He is very clear about the strength of the waves and the army.

It is impossible to kill the waves and the people in such a short period of time, unless it is a strong man with more than eight heavens.

However, the strong and powerful people of the heavens and the earth, even the entire Dongyang family, are only one person.

"Wandering the sky?"

As Xu Feng walked into Chen Batian, he finally saw it clearly.

The **** head of Xu Feng's knife tip turned out to be a wave of the sky.

In other words, the waves and the human army have suffered unexpected events.

"How can this be?"

Chen Batian’s heart is incredible. He can’t believe it. This is true.

Seeing Xu Feng approaching, there was a cold killing in his eyes, saying: "Xu Feng, I don't think you have any help."

Chen Batian felt that it was necessary to help Xu Feng in the dark to be able to kill the waves.

"If I said, there is no helper, do you believe?" Xu Feng looked at the opposite Chen Batian, slowly asked.

Chen Batian heard the words, suddenly burst into laughter, with a sarcasm: "You really idiots say dreams? With your district Danyuanjing a heavy repair, even if you are a five-minded genius, but also at most and Dan Yuanjing six people In the First World War, how could it kill the waves? What's more, and the people who have been painstakingly cultivated by my father?"

The dual imposing manner of Fa Tianyu broke out from Chen Batian’s body, and the depths of his eyes shone with cold light.

"Today, I will kill you first. I have to look at it. Who is dare to do nothing?"

As Chen Xianlong breaks through the nine realms of the heavens and the real world, Chen Batian’s self-confidence is stronger.

Even if the army and the waves are destroyed by the other side, he does not believe that there are strong people who dare to come out and suppress him.

If someone dares to do that, they will have to face the endless killing of the North King Chen Xianlong.

"You can't kill me!"

Xu Feng stood there, his face was light, if he did not have full grasp, how could he come to Chen Batian?

Before he was at the top of Castle Peak, he had seen the strength of Chen Batian, and naturally he could not harden it.

However, if you can't harden it, you can only use poison.

The poison he developed, even the waves will suffer, especially the opposite of Chen Batian.

It is also the smoke of the Eight Gods, flying away toward the body of Chen Batian.

"I can't kill you? Are you afraid of not dreaming?"

Chen Batian thinks that Xu Feng is too confident too much?

Although he is not a genius, he is also a genius.

The martial arts talent and strength are very strong.

Although it is only the second restoration of the law, the combat power is very strong.

If Xu Feng, who is a heavy Dan Yuan in the district, can't kill, isn't it a laughing stock?


As Chen Ba Tian worked to the physical strength of the body, at first he discovered that his spiritual flow speed became extremely slow.

However, in just a few minutes, Chen Batian’s face changed completely, and his spiritual power seemed to be sealed.

Among the meridians of the whole body, the majestic spiritual power cannot flow, which means that it cannot be used.

"Xu Feng, what did you do to me?" Chen Batian was full of faces, and his eyes were anxious.

"I didn't do anything to you, but it was a poison for you. I didn't expect you to be so junk. It was really boring."

Xu Feng said indifferently.

The toxins under him can't even be used in the waves, not to mention Chen Batian.

" a poisonist?" Chen Batian thought of it and shook his head. He knew that the horror of the poisonist could not appear in the territory of the Northern Territory: "Impossible, you can't be a poisonist. What did you do to me?"

Chen Ba’s eager voice made a loud noise, and in his eyes, he left a tear.

"Chen Ba Tian, ​​your father and son, aggressive, I will send you to die today."

Xu Feng walked toward Chen Batian.

In Chen Batian’s eyes, tears burst out.

"Do not kill me……"

(End of this chapter)

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