The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4061: completely annihilated

Chapter 4061 is completely annihilated

Chen Feng believes that everything is under control.

Immediately, I looked at the people of the army and said, "Some of you, rushing from the left hand. You guys rushed from the right hand side, and other people chased me behind me. I have to look at it, he can escape. how long?"

"At that time, no matter how he escapes, it will be in our encirclement."

Chen Feng's face smiles.

As his orders were issued, dozens of people in the army were divided into three parts and chased out toward Xu Feng in front.


Three waves of people are moving in different directions at the same time.

Chen Feng also slowed down a bit, his mouth raised and sneered.

"Even if you give your wings, you can't escape."

Among the two peaks of Xu Feng, there is a sudden killing.

The toxins in the hands are constantly diffusing out.

Just like this, move with the wind.

His mouth twitched slightly and said: "If you want to distract me, it will just let you die!"

"I wonder if Chen Xianlong knows that the army he has worked so hard to build is destroyed by me. I am afraid it will be very sad!"

The killing intentions in Xu Feng’s eyes have become more intense. The second-order space of the body has been functioning from time to time, and he is constantly appearing in three directions.

For a time, the toxins he dissipated, and the three waves of people, have absorbed refining.

We must know that the more poison that Xu Feng refines, the more dynamic the poison will be, the faster the poison will be emitted.


Xiao Wuxin was one of the three enemies, and the old ones were twinkling, and the two swords continued to fly up and down.

The combination of black blood and blood is very succinct, the strength itself is very strong, but it also has no heart, and there is no way.

However, coupled with Chen Xianlin's attack, so Xiao is unintentional, and some fall into the wrong.

However, it is almost impossible for the three of them to want to defeat Xiao Wuxin for a while.

"Xiao has no heart, why do you have to fight against my big brother for a young man who doesn't know each other." Seeing that he couldn't kill Xiao Wuxin at the fastest speed, Chen Xianlin's eyes were slightly raised, and he wanted to persuade Xiao Xiaoxin: "My older brother was the year." I appreciate you, if you are willing to return to my older brother, I think he will be very welcome."

"But also, I am afraid you still don't know? My brother, a few days ago, repaired to break into the law of heaven and nine. You continue to do this with my older brother, the entire Northern Territory, there will be no place for you."

Chen Xianlin constantly screamed at Xiao.

Xiao Wuxin was a little surprised, and immediately said: "I don't think Chen Xianlong has broken through to the legal world so fast. But it is a pity that I want to surrender Chen Xianlong unless I die."

Xiao Wuxin’s double swords continued to attack and did not accept Chen Xianlin’s allegations.

Fully shot, resisting the attack of black blood and blood, and facing the attack of Chen Xianlin.

"Since you are so obsessed with it, then don't blame us for being rude." Chen Xianlin's spiritual power is surging, but he is a six-fold cultivation of the law, facing the black blood, saying: "All efforts to kill Xiao Unintentionally, when we go back to the North Palace, it must be a great achievement."

Black blood double eyes are more embarrassing.

Xiao Wuxin’s swords danced, and the second-order sword of his body surged, and a sword rushed out to the black blood.


Chen Xianlin screamed and screamed again toward Xiao.

The battle of four people can't be won at a time.

As for other people, no one dares to join such a strong fighter.

If you are a little careless, you will put yourself in the trap. You don't know how to die.



Chen Feng’s face was filled with a smile, and he thought that before he chased Xu Feng and others, the army was killed several people, and he was angry inside.

Now, being able to catch Xu Feng smoothly, I finally found a little psychological comfort.

The people in all three directions have come to Xu Feng not far away and surrounded Xu Feng.

Chen Feng's smile on his face, standing not far from Xu Feng, faintly said: "Boy, why don't you continue to run? Run?"

Chen Fengming knew that Xu Feng was surrounded, but he still taunted Xu Feng.

"Why should I run? Is it because of your group of people who will die?"

Xu Feng heard the words and asked slowly.

There are dozens of people in front of us, and the poisoning is still unknown.

I don't know how they lived for so long?

"Ha ha ha... Are you telling a joke? Who is the one who will die?"

Chen Feng really did not understand, Xu Feng where the courage to come, actually said that they are the people who will die.

"You are all dead people." Xu Feng immediately waved his hand and spoke directly.

"Oh! No, my spiritual power is very strange. How can the meridians crack?"

The strong man of a human army suddenly found that his spiritual power was running poorly and his mouth was dry.

"Slow, my meridians also cracked, and the spiritual power seemed to leak." It was a warrior of the army. Immediately, he made a scream, and his face was scared. He immediately ran his spirit and began to sit on his knees. interest.

"No, what is the situation?"

Seeing dozens of people who followed him, each face was not right, and Chen Feng’s face became a bit ugly.

In his body, the meridians are distorted, and the internal organs are rolling.

"what happened?"

Chen Feng immediately slammed a sigh of relief, and his body was in full swing. But as his spiritual power moves faster, the pain in the body becomes more and more intense.


Chen Feng does not believe that what happened to his body? Crazy running spirit, knowing that it is only a few breaths of time, his meridians break, a stream of blood is sprayed from his mouth, and the depths of his eyes are unwilling and shocking: "Why?"

"Commander... I know... I know, we are poisoned... We have the **** of this kid!"

A warrior of a human army, he suddenly screamed.

When the army was in Zige, some people died of poisoning.

"How is it possible? Is this kid a poisonist?"

Chen Feng has wide eyes and is full of horror.

You know, the poison teacher is really terrible.


With the warriors of the army, and several people, the blood spurted out of the mouth, so it fell to the ground and struggled.

" dare to use poison... I advise you to give us the antidote quickly, or the North King will not let you go..."

Chen Feng's face is full of embarrassment.

Knowing the power of running, he will only die faster, and he will not dare to come around at random.

"Ha ha ha... You are so funny? You think I have let you go now, can the North King let me go?" Xu Feng’s mouth raised and felt a little funny: "I am afraid that you guys will immediately embrace me and will Give it a hand and give it to Chen Batian on merits?"

Xu Feng is not a young man, he is kind to the enemy, is cruel to himself, so simple, he understands very profoundly!

(End of this chapter)

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