The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4052: Chen Xianlong broke through!

Chapter 4052 Chen Xianlong breakthrough!

"I don't think it's true that it helps me."

The cranes are all excited.

He knew very well that he found Xu Feng’s whereabouts.

If the news of Xu Feng is passed to the North King.

They loosen their homes and make great contributions.

At that time, Chen Xianlong will inevitably be angry.

Blame the city of Heluo City.

By that time, the entire river city will become the site of their pine home.

"I will immediately report the news of Xu Feng in Heluo City and pass it to Puyang City to the North King. It is necessary to send the news out the fastest time."

Songhe immediately yelled at the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man is the Song family. They are the ones who Chen Xianlong is inserted in Dongyang.

It has long been secretly chosen to surrender Chen Xianlong. Since the moment when Zige Qingshan was destroyed, Chen Xianlong received an order to arrest Qingshan Bazi.

He thought that it was impossible for Qingshan Bazi to remain in the Northern Territory. If he knew that Xu Feng’s courage was so big, he dared to stay within the territory of the Northern Kings. He was simply looking for a dead end.

Now within the entire Northern Territory, Chen Xianlong’s eyeliner is everywhere.

It can be said that as long as the Qingshan Bazi appears, there is almost no shape.

Just in the moment when the middle-aged man turned.


Songhe is obviously not at ease. For this matter, he feels that he must do it himself.

After all, it is only necessary to do this well. After the Song family became the master of Heluo City, it is almost a fact.

You must know that Chen Xianlong’s order, if anyone can find the whereabouts of anyone in Castle Peak, can get a huge reward.

If Chen Xianlong does not honor his promise, then it will not weaken Chen Xianlong’s own majesty.

Presumably, Chen Xianlong will also intensify his efforts to reward his own family, in order to be able to do an exemplary role.

Let the forces of the entire Northern Kings have to arrest the Qingshan Eight Sons in order to achieve the purpose of Chen Xianlong.

"I personally convey the message, I want this message to be conveyed to Xiangyang City as quickly as possible."

Songhe immediately stepped forward and walked outside.

It seems to have forgotten that he still has a son, still in the hands of Meng Jin.


Heluo City.

Inside a quaint courtyard.

Meng Jincang's old eyes are deep, his eyes flashing.

I don't know what I am thinking about.

Not much time.

There is a small room on the left hand side of the yard, and the door is open.

Xiao was unwilling to walk out of the room.

It was the boss of Xu Feng who lived in the inn before.

"The city owner, Song family has been very uncomfortable recently, and he is ready to move."

Meng Jin’s eyes are dignified.

Xiao Xiaoxin, who was opposite, slightly frowned, said: "It seems that Songjia really thought that they would take the line of Chen Xianlong and they could sit back and relax in Heluo City?"

Xiao Wuxin, as the city owner of Heluo City, Song Jia’s every move is in his sight.

"You should have something to come to, let me know!"

Xiao Wuxin asked Meng Jin.

He knows that Meng Jin will never come to him because of the Song family.

After all, the Song family is very restless in Heluocheng.

He and Meng Jin have known it for a long time.

"The city owner, Xu Feng, the Qingshan eight son of Zige, is in our river Luocheng at the moment. With my guess, I am afraid that his appearance, Songjia will certainly be aware, and Chen Xianlong knows that it will be sooner or later."

Meng Jin is the person in charge of the Heluo City Corner Fighting Field. In just a short time, he has already guessed everything.

Since the Song family has already turned to Chen Xianlong, the news that Chen Xianlong wants to arrest the Qingshan Eight Sons and various situations are all conveyed in advance.

Therefore, the people of Songjia only need to see the appearance of Xu Feng in the arena, and they can guess the identity of Xu Feng.

Moreover, within the entire Northern Territory, the number of five geniuses is not much.

"Xu Feng?"

Xiao Wuxin immediately frowned.

"I remember Chen Xianlong, the entire Northern Territory, and posted his portrait everywhere. If you still have it, show it to me."

Xiao Wuxin didn't know why, after listening to Meng Jin's description, there was a face in his mind.


Meng Jin took out a portrait from the storage ring and handed it to Xiao Xiao in the opposite direction.

"What is it?"

When Xiao Wuxin looked at the portrait, his eyes were filled with the color of surprise. Even with his guess, he lived in his inn and was able to resolve the deficiencies of his body's toxins.

"The city owner, have you seen him?"

Meng Jin is a bit wrong.

"Well! He lives in my inn now."

Xiao said with no heart.


Meng Jin almost didn't have a big surprise, and immediately turned a surprise, looking at Xiao Wuxin: "The city owner, are you talking about the toxins of your body, have you found a solution?"

Meng Jin is very clear, Xiao Wuxin's inn, who can live in, must answer the question, it is the toxin of Xiao Wuxin's body.

Today, Xu Feng and others live in the inn, presumably to find a solution.

Xiao nodded and nodded. He had already found the spiritual material Xu Feng needed. As for whether he could solve it, he still didn’t know it. He immediately replied: "Okay!"

"The city owner, is that Xu Feng?"

Meng Jin suddenly remembered that the quality of the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng handed to Lin Biao had far exceeded the quality of the same class of medicinal herbs purchased in the market.

"Well! He extracted the toxins and told me the spiritual materials needed. Going back tonight, he should detoxify me."

Xiao said with no heart.

"The subordinates congratulate the city owner on his early recovery."

Meng Jin immediately sang the ball to Xiao.

“The city owner, Xu Feng’s appearance is unusual. Do you need to inform Dongyang’s ancestors to ask him to decide?”

Meng Jin asked tentatively. He knew very well that if Chen Xianlong knew Xu Feng’s news, he would inevitably send a strong man.

At that time, it is very difficult for them to resist the strong ones arranged by Chen Xianlong with their ability.

"You summoned to Dongyang ancestors."

Xiao Wuxin did not know what attitude Dongyang’s ancestors had regarding the contradiction between Qingshan and Chen Xianlong.


Meng Jin turned and walked outside the yard.


Fuyang City, North Palace.

The vast and magnificent palace is full of splendor.

In the center of the palace, a strong atmosphere suddenly rose.

The people in the entire palace have opened their eyes.

They all stood up and looked towards the center of the palace.

There is a huge cultivation station, as if it is a cloud.

However, around the cultivation platform, there are nine spiritual veins.

The spiritual power above the cultivation platform is like a substantial liquid flow.

Feeling the horrible atmosphere, the people in the entire palace were surprised and shocked.

Their looks are a surprise.

They know that the people above the cultivation platform are terrible.

"Ha ha ha ha... I am Chen Xianlong finally broke through! Break through!"

Chen Xianlong’s crazy laughter pervades the entire northern palace.

Countless people feel the eardrum tremor.

(End of this chapter)

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