The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4049: Regretful deacon

Chapter 4049 Repenter's Deacon


Lin Biao’s eyes widened and his face was astonished.

He knows his daughter's physical condition better than anyone else.

For so many years, Mo said to ease the pain of her daughter.

No one can do it even if it can alleviate a moment.

He once went to see Xiao Heng, president of the Liyang City Alchemy Association.

It took a long time to find a way to see each other.

I know that the other party saw Lin Xiaorou's situation.

Immediately said: "No power."

Now, the wind is actually able to alleviate the pain of Lin Xiaorou.

This is simply amazing.

Lin Xiaorou's pain eased, and her blue eyes were slightly opened. When she saw Xu Feng, a pale smile appeared on her pale face.

For so many years, she felt that the face in front of her eyes was so harmonious, as if it were like a spring breeze.

Although Lin Xiaorou is only a ten-year-old girl, but for so many years of pain, her heart is not tortured.


Xu Feng took back his palm and took a deep breath.

Lin Xiaorou's pale face, recovered a lot.

Next to Meng Jin, completely stunned.

Lin Biao’s eyes were first surprised, and immediately became awkward. He slammed into the ground with Xu Feng, saying: “Thank you for the helplessness of Shaoxia.”

I thought that I was still misunderstanding Xu Feng, and Lin Biao’s inner guilt was even more serious.

"No." Xu Feng waved his hand at Lin Biao. He shot Lin Xiaorou, but he only saw the celestial body. He wanted to see if even the alchemy teacher like Chenghua felt that he was helpless. What is it? kind.

Once in the southern continent, Xu Feng shot a bad luck poison, and did not know the little guy. After more than ten years, is it still alive?

"Disciple Lin Xiaorou met with Master and asked Master to accept me as a disciple." Lin Xiaorou was facing Xu Feng, his legs squatting on the ground, his pale face, with piety.


The depths of Xu Feng’s eyes are filled with vicissitudes of life.

Everything seems to be still yesterday.

However, he used to be the time of the Emperor.

The five disciples who have received it are still alive and dead.

The Southern Continent only met Tu King Kong.

However, he did not recognize each other.

About his two disciples, a sword is shining cold and Kyushu.

He later investigated some news in the southern continent.

Yao Kyushu has crossed the Qianjian Building and is still alive.

These two disciples should all be in the southern continent, and there have been news that they should all be alive.

However, his three disciples were so busy, and the four disciples, Xing Xingzi, did not receive any news.

As for the smaller fifth disciple, the ghost is almost the one he grew up with, and there is no news.

Qu Geng Ling is a celestial body, and his body is very talented. However, the spirit of the remnant is cultivated, but it is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be defiated by your body and you are very likely to die.

There is constant imagination in my mind.

Xu Feng is still being chased by Chen Xianlong.

How do you accept your disciples?

Immediately shook his head and said: "I have no plans to accept my disciples for the time being."

"I also asked Fengzi to save my daughter. I am willing to be a cow." Lin Biao squatted like this, staring at Xu Feng, his face full of dignity.

"I am afraid it is a misunderstanding." Xu Feng looked at Lin Biao and said: "I don't have any way to save her for the time being, but it is not difficult to let her live and live for decades."

"Ah! How many more years can you live?"

Lin Biao’s heart is shocking.

He traveled throughout the Northern Territory and visited almost all famous alchemists.

Almost every alchemy teacher gave the result of his own daughter, and his life was not long.

Now, Xu Feng can let Lin Xiaorou live for decades, and in his heart, it is like a blue sky, and it is over the river.

Xu Feng is telling the facts. According to the inheritance and memory of creation, Lin Xiaorou can really live for decades.

After all, as long as Lin Xiaorou's celestial body can absorb a lot of medicinal herbs and spiritual materials, he can continue to live.

"I also asked the wind son to shoot, even if it is to let the soft child live for five years, I am willing to go to the fire, and do not leave."

Lin Biao is still on the ground.

For the daughter, but also for the responsibility on his shoulder.

"I ask you, I can let you live for decades, are you willing to be with me? You have to remember, follow me, you will be very dangerous, you may die anytime, but you will become more Strong."

Xu Feng turned and looked at the thin Lin Xiaorou.

He is not prepared to accept his disciples for the time being.

However, leaving Lin Xiaorou around, it can be.

After all, as his alchemy level improved.

He can't always follow the inheritance of the recipes given to him, he also needs to develop a new medicinal formula.

However, Lin Xiaorou's celestial body can help himself and test the medicinal herbs.

"I am willing!"

Lin Xiaorou didn't even have a hesitation for a second.

Just now Xu Feng has let her ease the pain that is not as good as death.

"Wind son, I can also be with you."

Lin Biao said immediately.

"You are with me as a drag bottle?"

Xu Feng asked Lin Biao a counter.


Lin Biao almost didn't vomit blood. He was also a strong man, but he was so embarrassed by a young man.

However, what people say is also true.

"Well! If that's the case, get up, follow me, I will try to make you live for decades."

"If one day, you really have to die, I will do my best to keep you alive."

Xu Feng said to Lin Xiaorou.

The people next to them are all in the fog.

However, all this is the fate of the celestial body.

When a person with a celestial body is repaired to a very high level, the celestial body will slowly collapse.

At that time, it was the owner of the celestial body, when he died.

"Soft child, I will follow the wind son in the future, I can't stay with you and take care of you."

Lin Biao and Lin Xiaorou both stood up.

Lin Biao looked at her daughter with a spoiled look.

"Hey, you have worked hard these years. Then you will practice better and you will become stronger."

Although Lin Xiaorou is only ten years old, but the pain of torture, but her mind is already very mature.

"Meng elders, if you are involved in a gambling contract, but you change your gambling contract, what should you sin?"

Xu Feng handled Lin Xiao's soft Lin Biao's affairs, and his eyes fell on Meng Jin again.

Meng Jin is a glimpse, do not understand Xu Feng.

However, in the gladiatorial field, a middle-aged man, his face became iron blue, and his eyes were full of fear.

He looked at Songli, not far away, and said: "Song Erzi, you have to save me..."

Song Li's face was gloomy, and he never thought that Xu Feng actually came here.

As the elder and the person in charge of the arena, Meng Jin naturally maintains the reputation of the arena.

"We just don't want to die, I still don't believe what he can do with us?" Song Li said to the middle-aged deacon.

(End of this chapter)

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