The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4029: Dan Yuancheng, the day is robbery!

Chapter 4029, Dan Yuancheng, the day is now!

"Hey, don't stop me, I want to ask questions about Feng Brother. Does he really want to sell our family for the benefit of Dongyang?"

In the eyes of Dongyang Zhenzhen, tears flashed, she was really sad, she could not imagine that people would become so fast.

Dongyang Zhenzhen is a daughter of a thousand gold, has not experienced too many personnel complex.

However, Dongyang Pinghe's many elders are very clear that if the interests are large enough, any situation may occur.

"Missy, you are too young to know that people are sinister. People are greedy!!"

An elder said to Dongyang Zhenzhen, saying with a strong heart.


Dongyang Ping could not help but sigh.


"I haven't asked the little brother to honor his name!" Dongyang's smile on his face, knowing that Xu Feng is willing to help him testify.

As long as Xu Feng is willing to testify, not only will his son be innocent, but the entire Dongyang Ping family will be severely punished. Whenever possible, this forest will be assigned to their home.


Xu Feng's face is calm, but the heart is very excited.

He knows that he has obtained the crystal of red blood, and with the white moon Buddha lotus that he just obtained, his cultivation is a breakthrough in Dan Yuanjing.

"After the wind brothers are the guests of our family, and to solve this matter, please also ask the wind brothers, you must go sit down, I must be entertained to entertain the wind brothers."

Dongyang’s face was full of smiles, but his heart was cold.

He is very clear that Xu Feng’s life is not long.

Will soon be a dead person.

"Well, let's say..."

Xu Fengpi laughed at the meat.

The two came to the place just now. Xu Feng went to the knees and sat down, laughing and said: "I am here to practice, waiting for the people of your home, come to deal with this matter."

Seeing Xu Feng really sitting cross-legged, many people in Dongyang Pingjia, all face angry.

They did not expect that Xu Feng would face so fast.

Dongyang Zhenzhen is even more intolerable. He wants to rush toward Xu Feng, but he is pulled by Dongyang Ping.

He was afraid that Dongyang Zhenzhen would question Xu Feng, but it would be counterproductive. He could only secretly pray inside, and the elders arranged by the main family could handle this matter fairly and fairly.

Xu Feng did not pay attention to the eyes of everyone, but began to cultivate himself. The red blood crystals are sent to the inside of the building.

Chenghua Ding began to refine the red blood crystal, transform it into pure spiritual power, and headed for Xu Feng's meridians.

On Xu Feng’s body, the cultivation of the peak of the soul of the soul broke out. As he continued to devour the red blood, his cultivation became stronger and stronger, and his momentum was rising.

Dongyang smoldered staring at Xu Feng's figure, and his heart was cold and stern: "The **** is poisoned, and the life is not long. Otherwise, with his talent and momentum, he must smash the roots."

At night.

Dongyang Pingjia almost never sleeps all night, and many of them are sitting around Xu Feng in this way.

Dongyang Ping's face was dignified. He took several elders and core members, and he was in the hall of the discussion.

"Do you think that there is no possibility of Fengxie, in the white moon Buddha lotus that is intentionally pitted?"

An elder couldn't help but look outside the hall. The character and attitude that Xu Feng showed before was not like someone who would turn his face at any time.

White Moon Buddha Lotus is really precious, anyone will be heart-warming.

"Not very likely! If he dares to deceive Dongyang, the other party will not let him go."

Another elder said.

"What do we do now? If you want to negotiate with Xu Feng, you can't do it. You will give him some benefits."

Dongyang Ping’s face with a bitter smile, asked: “Where is there any treasure in our family, can we compare it with the white moon Buddha lotus?”

They all think that Dongyang Zhuo, taking out the white moon Buddha lotus, is really amazing.

If Xu Feng really gave Dongyang Zhuo a testimony, their home is really a hundred words. Many people can see that Xu Feng came back with Dongyang Zhenzhen.

"Everyone doesn't have to worry too much. The elders of our main family are not easily fooled."

Dongyang Ping comforted everyone


Late at night.

Xu Feng is still sitting on the knees and practicing.

The breath of the body becomes very strong.

He thoroughly refines the red blood crystal, and repairs it to the top of his life.

Next, it is the process of condensing Dan Yuan. As long as Dan Yuan is successful, his strength will inevitably increase.

Xu Feng opened his eyes slightly, his eyes fell on Dongyang’s body not far away, and his heart was disdainful.

However, many people in Dongyang Pingjia are surrounded by Xu Feng, and they all fall asleep.

Xu Feng did not stop practicing. Since he got the white moon Buddha lotus, he naturally wants to refine.

As long as the refining white jade Buddha lotus, his repair to break through to Dan Yuanjing, the strength can be greatly improved.

As for the testimony to Dongyang, the other party is really whimsical.

Xu Feng and Dong Yangzhuo did not trade in front of everyone.

At that time, Xu Feng’s reason is very simple.

Dongyang Zhuo wants to bribe himself.

Therefore, the white moon Buddha lotus was given to him.

Late at night.

Almost all of the people in Dongyang Pingjia have already slept deeply.

Only Xu Feng, still in the open square, is practicing as usual.

Not far from Dongyangping, I saw Xu Feng still practicing.

The heart is full of sighs.

He learned from the mouth of Dongyang Zhenzhen that Xu Feng’s strength is probably comparable to that of Dan Yuanjing, at least five geniuses.

I was shocked.

At this moment, watching Xu Feng still practicing, from the afternoon, never stopped.

Regardless of the talent, the perseverance and perseverance of the other side, almost 99.9 percent of the people can not do it.

early morning.

Dongyang Zhuan and others, all opened their eyes slightly.

Everyone felt the breath of Xu Feng, but they were all shocked.

Because, everyone feels it.

Xu Feng’s body began to permeate the momentum of Dan Yuan.

In other words, Xu Feng is about to break through to Dan Yuanjing.

Not far from Dongyang, the depths of both eyes are cold, and the heart says: "What about breaking through Danyuan? It will become a dead person."


However, with the peak of the Dan Yuan in Xu Feng.

I saw that Xu Feng’s head was over the sky and it began to gather some clouds.

"Day robbery?"

"Day robbery?"

Everyone is completely forced inside.

how is this possible!

Breaking through to Danyuan, it can also attract the catastrophe.

You must know that the robbery has appeared.

It is because the military is too much against the sky, it is possible to appear.


Xu Feng’s head overhead, a burst of roaring sounds.

The spirits of the heavens and the earth around them have gathered together in the sky.

Xu Feng is excited inside, only the last step, he will be able to break through to Dan Yuanjing.

"Dan Yuancheng!"

Inside Xu Feng's body, the double life soul is completely transformed into two dragons that are the size of the fist and emit light.

In the body, Dan Yuan slowly rotates like this, and he automatically absorbs the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth and quenches the flesh.

(End of this chapter)

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