The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4001: Come one after another

Chapter 4001 has come

Outside the pharmacy.

At sunset, it is very lively.

A middle-aged man in a pale white robe seems to be a Confucian student and looks very gentle.

He had a fan in his hand, cheeks on both sides, some long, and his chin was a little pointed.

In this way, standing in the pharmacy not far away, the eyes looked at the place where the pharmacy was located, while also shaking the fan inside the hand, the corner of the mouth raised slightly, with a smile and contemplation on his face.

"Hey, you seem to be jealous of pharmacy?"

Followed by Zhuo Yunzhao, there is a woman in a long skirt, about twenty-five or six years old, but she looks very handsome, and her body is filled with a book of anger, but it has a special temperament.

This woman is Zhuo Ting, the daughter of Zhuo Yunzhao, and one of the most proud things in his life.

Yes, this man with a book on his body is Zhuo Yunzhao, one of the six strongest men in Silvermoon.

This Zhuo Yunzhao is not simple. You must know that he is among the six strongest members of the Silver Moon. Apart from the strongest of the Zixi ancestors, he is repaired as Dan Yuanjing.

Don't underestimate the fan in his hand, it is a sword.

As long as the fan is unfolded, it is a sword.

"Xiao Ting, do you think that this pharmacy is really not simple." Zhuo Yunzhao's eyes slightly picked up, said: "The quality of the medicinal herbs sold in their pharmacies is over 85 percent, and even some remedies. The quality can exceed 90%, which is simply shocking."

"You said that I used to be a person who went to the north and the north. Within the entire territory of the Northern Kings, the quality of the refining of the medicinal herbs was so good that few alchemists could do it."

"What's more, the medicinal herbs sold in the pharmacy every day are at least hundreds of thousands. How many alchemists are behind the pharmacy?"

Having said that, Zhuo Yunzhao’s eyes are slightly raised: “I always feel that the people behind the pharmacy are playing a big game in the next game.”

"Take him what chess, anyway, it doesn't have much to do with us. You don't participate in the struggle of the entire silver moon."

Zhuo Ting's idea is very simple.

Zhuo Yunzhao smiled and did not answer.

He is more clear than Zhuo Ting, a lot of things.

It's not that you don't have the mind, you can stay out of it.

His gaze fell on a tea house not far away.

There, there are a few people sitting there.

The one who is headed, the fierce **** is evil, and both eyes are fierce, and the body is murderous.

This person is the chief disciple of Zixi's ancestors, the first son of Zixi Qizi, Zhang Hu.

Nowadays, it is already the six peaks of Dan Yuanjing. The other people who are sitting with him are also the people of Zixi Qizi.

It seems that Zixi's ancestors valued the pharmacy and personally arranged Zixi seven to solve.

Yin Xia Bing first came to the outside of the pharmacy, with a sigh of anger in her eyes. She really wanted to see what forces behind the pharmacy and dared to come to Silvermoon City to do business.

Followed by Yin Xia Bing, she is under her subordinates. There are about six or seven people, and everyone is Dan Yuanjing.

"Oh... isn't this the main teacher? Please come here!"

Gao Yu was outside the pharmacy early, waiting for the six strongmen who came to the banquet.

Seeing Yin Xia Bing first came to the outside of the pharmacy, immediately smiled and greeted Yin Xia Bing.

"Hey! Your pharmacy is a big shelf, and we want our six strongest people to come to the pharmacy to discuss things. If your pharmacy can't give me a satisfactory explanation, today the aging mother took someone and married your pharmacy. ”

Yin Xia Bing was tempered and took a step. He took six or seven people and walked toward the pharmacy.

Then, one of the six strongest men in Silvermoon, Shimao also stepped away from behind, followed by his most loyal two subordinates.

These two are his own brothers, Shi San and Shi Si, both of whom are Dan Yuanjing's five-fold cultivation.

"Stone helper, please inside!"

Gao Yugang received Yin Xia Bing and saw Shi Mao coming. He immediately went forward and made a gesture of asking.

Shimao snorted coldly and walked toward the living room of the pharmacy.

After the pharmacy store.

Sweeping through the pharmacy, the densely placed medicinal bottle.

Both are greedy and excited.

"Cough and cough..."

Not far away, an old man wearing an alchemy robes, he is also followed by several alchemists.

When I came outside the pharmacy, I deliberately coughed twice. It was the only six strong men, the only alchemist Lu Yidan.

It can be said that the biggest impact of the arrival of the pharmacy is Lu Yidan's drug business.

"Hey... please, Master Lu!"

Gao Yu greeted her.

Lu Yidan took his own people, passing through the front hall of the pharmacy, and the depths of the old eyes were full of horror.

He had long heard the disciples report that the origin of the pharmacy was not simple. I did not expect that there were so many sixth-order Holy Spirits.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Meng took his own more than a dozen people and smiled with a smile on his face. He smiled and said: "It seems that your pharmacy is very clear, are you ready to separate the benefits?"

"I believe that Sihan has already said that I have already said that if I want the benefits, I will be discounted at half point. I promise that the people in your pharmacy will die."

Jiang Meng is very arrogant, and those who follow him are also very arrogant.

I did not wait for Gao Yu’s invitation and walked toward the pharmacy.

"Brothers, just take some medicine."

Jiang Meng’s ten people are like a bandit.

Started looting the entire pharmacy.


Sihan's face was angry.

But it was stopped by people around me.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

After Jiang Meng took the medicinal herbs, he also made a big laugh, his eyes were provocative and disdainful.

"I want to do a business in Yinyue City. I don't know if I will wait for you. I really have no foresight."

Jiang Meng walked toward the living room of the pharmacy.

Gao Yu stared at the back of Jiang Meng, deep in the eyes, filled with cold and killing.

"Brothers, let's go to the pharmacy."

Zhang Hu's body stood up and took the other five people, all of them.

Only the third is missing.

"Hey... Zhang Da Ge, what about the Master?"

Gao Yu looked at the arrival of Zixi Qizi and immediately went forward because he did not find the arrival of Zixi's ancestors.

Zhang Hu heard the words, some displeased, said: "Do you think that our brothers are not enough weight?"

The other five people are also glaring.

"Ha ha ha ... the younger brother is wrong, the slip of the mouth ... a few are the high-ranking people of Zixi's predecessors, the representative of the master to come to the pharmacy, naturally let us pharmacy, and to eat and drink good ""

Gao Yu is not leaking on the surface, but his heart is worried.

It seems that this Zixi ancestor is really embarrassing.

"It's just us!"

Zhuo Yunzhao took the fan in his hand, and his footsteps were not urgent or slow. He just shook his fan and walked outside the pharmacy.

Zhuo Ting followed Zhuo Yunzhao and his face showed a proud look.

(End of this chapter)

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