The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3995: Sure enough, it is the branch of Xufu.

Chapter 3995 is really a branch of Xufu

Purple frost.

Xu Feng stood outside the Zongmen.

The eyes were slightly lifted, and the upper beam was not under the beam.

He found that the entire purple frost sect was not the so-called Zongmen.

How to look like a group of people.

"Your sovereign has been killed by me. From today, the purple frost is dissolved!"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded through the entire purple frost, and he stood up with his hands and stood there.

The depths of the eyes are full of arrogance.

"Who? I don't know how to live and die, I dare to come to my purple frost, and I am afraid that I am tired of living."

A middle-aged man with a sullen face and a group of people behind him are also full of momentum.

The middle-aged man is the deputy lord of the Zishuangzong, but it is the four peaks of Dan Yuanjing.

"Your lords were killed by me in Hedong Village, and those who followed him were dead."

"You either disband the Hedong Village now, or follow their steps and die."

Xu Feng's face is calm, and he does not give the opportunity to explain to the opposite people. The spiritual flow of his body brings a strong breath.

Zhou Minglin heard that the Sovereign and other people were killed, and the heart suddenly snorted.

However, he felt that Xu Feng was only the life of the soul, and his eyes were slightly raised.

The inner secret: "It must be that the law of Hedong Village plays a role in killing the sovereigns."

"With the repair of this little son's soul, how can he kill the dead master? Now dare to come to the purple frost swindling, if I beat him or kill him, then the whole purple frost, I am the boss. ”

Thinking of this, Zhou Minglin's heart is full of excitement.

Immediately burst into a burst, said: "The big words, the sovereigns, they must have been killed by the formation, you also have this ability? Today I will give the lords revenge and hate."

Immediately, Zhou Minglin, Dan Yuanjing's four-fold repairs broke out, and suddenly stepped out, his hands became claws, and suddenly hit Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's eyes deep, killing flashes.

"court death!"

Xu Feng really does not understand, in the end who gave Zhou Minglin's courage, dare to do it for himself.

The spiritual flow of the body, a fist to the claws hit by Zhou Minglin, smashed out.

When the fist and the claw collided together, the air wave spread to the surrounding area, and he was thrown out by the cockroach. The blood spurted out from the mouth, and the internal organs were shaken and smashed.

A punch!



The entire purple frost sect is worthy of the rabble, watching Zhou Minglin being killed by Xu Feng.

Immediately began to fall apart, one by one, all want to hate, and the relationship with the purple frost.

"Today, I will let you live and leave. If anyone dares to harass Hedong Village, I will kill it!"

Xu Feng's voice, shaking the purple frost.

Scared everyone’s souls.

However, Xu Feng took the little leopard and walked toward the most prosperous city in Silvermoon.


Silver Moon City.

Bustling and noisy, there are loud noises everywhere.

The shops on both sides of the street are also very large.

Xu Feng’s eyes picked up slightly and found that the shops in Silvermoon City were very good.

However, Xu Feng found a big shop.

This shop is in the middle of the most prosperous street in Silvermoon City, and it is a constant stream of customers.

The business of this shop, I am afraid that I can earn hundreds of thousands of products every day, it is not too difficult.

The reason why Xu Feng pays attention to this shop is because the name of this shop is called the pharmacy.

If Xu Feng remembers correctly, Xufu opened a drug store in the surrounding area, which is called a pharmacy.

"Sure enough!"

Xu Feng took a step and walked toward the pharmacy.

As he entered the pharmacy, he ushered in a shop buddy.

"I don't know what kind of medicinal herbs I need to buy. The medicinal herbs in our pharmacy are very complete and of high quality."

Xu Feng nodded and said: "I will take a look at it first, you will be busy with you, leave me alone."

Xu Feng immediately began to walk in the store, seeing a few fifth-order Holy Spirit Dan placed on the shelf of the medicinal herbs not far away.

I reached out and took the medicinal bottle. It was just a look, and a smile appeared on my face.

Sure enough, as he guessed, this pharmacy is the branch opened by Xufu.

Xu Feng was deeply gratified. He did not expect that Cang Jingnian and others would have developed Xu to such a degree.

It is no wonder that when I went back to Xufu last time, Cang Jingnian gave him a one-million yuan of Lingjing.

It is no wonder that Xu’s warehouse is able to collect so many spiritual materials, and some seven-order spiritual materials, even Xu Feng, are difficult to purchase in a short time.

However, Xu Feng is now in the storage ring, and a lot of spiritual materials are also collected from the warehouse in Xufu.

"It seems that I have to think of some ways to make it possible to carry out the cultivation of Cang Jingnian and others, and to force a step up."

"With the development of Xu Fu, they are conscientious in doing things, their strength is too weak, and it is not conducive to development."

Xu Feng’s inner heart is darkly measured. He is now able to refine the seventh-order Holy Spirit Dan. Unfortunately, there is no suitable alchemy furnace in his hand. The previous burning alchemy furnace was broken. He has not found a new alchemy furnace until now.

The alchemy furnace is not like a weapon like a weapon. It is not difficult to find a good quality.

"This guest officer, are you optimistic? What kind of medicinal herbs are available, we can provide them in the pharmacy."

Xu Feng is very clear that he has obtained the inheritance of the medicinal herbs.

Whether it is to improve the cultivation, or to enhance the strength, or to accelerate the speed of cultivation, there are many types of medicinal herbs.

Some time ago, when he went back, he gave Cang Jingnian and others to sort out nearly a hundred kinds of holy spirits below the sixth order.

After all, the entire market of medicinal herbs, in fact, the market below the sixth order is the largest, the number of warriors, under the Danyuan environment, is the most.

"Who is the person in charge of your store, I want to meet him." Xu Feng slowly said.

The shop buddy frowned slightly and looked at Xu Feng again. "I am going to give you a message. As for the church owner, I can't see you. That is the thing of the church owner."


Xu Feng nodded.

Not long after, the shop buddy came to Xu Feng and said: "The guest officer here, please let me take you."

Xu Feng came to follow the store buddy, came to a room, and saw a figure sitting there, the back is somewhat familiar.

"come yet?"

Gao Yu turned around. When he saw Xu Feng's moment, he immediately jumped up from the seat and came to Xu Feng's front, respectful salute, and said: "Below Gao Yu, meet the owner!"

Xu Feng certainly remembers Gao Yu, who was originally a desert in the Great Wilderness, the second elder of the Wilderness, and later learned that Xu Feng had killed the ancestors of the wilderness. He wanted to leave with his subordinates, but was ordered by Xu Feng. Belong to the Sihan team.

Xu Feng did not really think that the pharmacy owner of Yinyue was Gao Yu.

Inside the dark road: "It seems that this Gao Yu really has the ability, I am afraid to join Xu Fu, it will take less than a year to get the trust of Cang Jingnian and others."

(End of this chapter)

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