The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3869: Xin Tianyin intervenes

Chapter 3869, Xin Tianyin Intervenes

"Yu brother, are we really waiting here? What if Xu Feng does not come out and hide inside?"

A young man asked Yu Zhonghai and asked with curiosity.

This piece in front of me is confused.

I don’t know when it will show up.

"Yes, we are participating in the third round of assessments. Will it be impossible to pass the assessment in the Tibetan Buddhist stupa?"

Another young man is also asking about Yu Zhonghai.

After all, they are all trying to enter the Purple Pavilion.

If it is here, it will delay the time.

I am not wasting this opportunity.

As for killing Xu Feng.

In fact, they are very clear inside, Xu Feng is not dead, and has little to do with them.

They are ordinary genius disciples, compared with Xu Feng, there is no comparability.

Yu Zhonghai smiled and said: "You can rest assured that Vice President Xin has arranged everything properly."

"After his guidance, we can be so smooth in the Tibetan **** pagoda."

"If you can't complete the tasks he has arranged, can you imagine how to mix in the Ziyuan Academy in the future?"

Yu Zhonghai is very clear to the people, and the meaning between the words is obvious. First, I will draw you a big cake, and then I will use the identity of Xin Tianyin to threaten everyone. The purpose is to ask everyone and everything, wait for Xu Feng to come out.

When everyone heard Yu Zhonghai say this, the heart suddenly felt helpless and could only wait for it.

As Yu Zhonghai said, Xu Feng is not a disciple of the Ziyan Academy. He is offended by Xin Tianyin.

What's more, if they are unable to complete the tasks arranged by Xin Tianyin, they will not know what will happen to them?


Xu Feng's eyes are deep, shimmering with the killing of Sen Han.

The array of methods around them are changing.

The dialogue between Yu Zhonghai and others was clearly heard by him.

"Very good! Since I want to let me die in the Tibetan **** pagoda, I will let your disciples of the Purple House be destroyed."

In the depths of Xu Feng’s eyes, both swearing and killing emerged at the same time.

He thought that he had sinned Xin Tianyin.

As a partner, I don’t really care about myself.

After all, the other party is the vice president.

Now it seems.

The reason why Xin Tianyin dared to be so blatant and wanted to kill himself in the Tibetan **** pagoda.

It is very likely that Zheng Junzhi secretly instructed, otherwise, where Xin Tianyin came from, he dared to provoke Qingshan.



If someone pays attention, you will find out.

Outside the Tibetan **** pagoda, the white-haired old man sweeping the floor.

There was a hint of surprise in the old eyes.

He really didn't think of it.

Someone even fell into the array of Tibetan gods.

Still able to be safe.

He has long been aware of everything in the Tibetan **** stupa.

Only with his current identity and status.

I don't want to intervene in the battle of Zige.

If Xu Feng really died in the Tibetan **** pagoda.

That is the fate of Xu Feng.

Moreover, the real peerless powerhouse.

Even if it is a crisis, it can be saved.

"This kid's understanding of the formation is very good, even if it is me, there is no understanding of his approach to the law."

The old man felt the change in the law of the Tibetan gods, the depths of the old eyes, and the twinkling of surprise.

"It's a bit interesting. If he can activate the Tibetan **** pagoda and get this spiritual treasure, it would be a good master."

The old man was slightly indulged, continued to bend down and began to clean the surrounding leaves and fallen leaves on the ground.


Among the peaks of Xu Feng, killing.

As his hands suddenly floated, the heavens and the earth seemed to be changing.

Inside the Tibetan **** pagoda, a horrible light is constantly emerging.

Buddha light has become more and more intense.

However, Xu Feng’s figure gradually went out from the formation.

"Yu brother, you see, isn't that Xu Feng?"

"He really came out of the battle."

"The luck of this kid is really against the sky."

"But it's a pity that even if it comes out of the formation, he will die."

Many disciples of the Ziyanyuan, watching Xu Feng come out from the formation, first surprised, immediately despised.

In their eyes, Xu Feng is only a five-repair of life and soul, and will soon become a dead person.

"Hey, is it really fun?"

Xu Feng looked up and looked at the opposite Yu Zhonghai and others, his mouth slightly raised, with a trace of disdain.

Yu Zhonghai heard the words and looked at Xu Feng’s calm expression. He said: "The kid, the Ming people do not say whispering in front of you, you are doing it yourself, or we want to do it ourselves. Today is your death anyway."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Who is the death of today, is it really possible? Why do you feel so confident, can you really kill me?"

Xu Feng’s words are filled with enthusiasm and filled with strong self-confidence.

"How hard is it to kill you?"

A young man with a life-threatening peak, he stared at Xu Feng, his brows picked, and his spiritual power flowed.

Above the hands, there is a wave of horror, fierce and fierce, and suddenly grabbed toward Xu Feng’s chest.

Only Xu Feng was calm and his mouth was raised. He stood there with his hands in his arms. The cold road said: "If you want to kill me, you are really not qualified!"

The voice just fell.

The array around it suddenly changed.

The sharp arrows of the violent violent violently attacked the nine-fold youth who had been attacked.

"How is it possible? How can these formations appear here?" The youth are shocked.

Obviously there is no such thing as a squad, how to attack the law now.

He suddenly went backwards, and his eyes sparkled with surprise, trying to avoid the arrow.

I know, the change of the formation, so that he does not know, how to avoid the sharp arrow.



A stream of blood spouted, and the arrow ran through his body, and blood rushed out.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Feng’s hands floated, and the cold road said: “Since you want to kill me, let you, all die here, I will see, who can you?”

Xu Feng’s hands danced, and the formations followed the dance, and the opposite Yu Zhonghai and others were all wrapped in the formation.

Among Xu Feng’s eyes, the killing was fierce and said: “Next, let you enjoy the enjoyment and the attack of the array.”


The sound of the road broke through. The number of sharp arrows has been increasing continuously and densely.

In just a few breaths, there were four disciples in the Ziyanyuan, who fell to the ground and died.

"not good!"

Xin Tianyin’s face suddenly changed, and the old eyes were deep and shocking and incredible.

He did not understand why those tactics began to attack Yu Zhonghai and others, and Yu Zhonghai, they were actually caught in the formation.

"The luck of the kid turned out to be so bad, just happened to encounter the formation in the Tibetan **** pagoda and changed."

(End of this chapter)

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