The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3865: Cooperation with Xuanyin Institute

Chapter 3865 Cooperation with Xuanyin Institute


Xu Feng looked at the many paths of unpredictable.

Take the lead in the middle, and change the road.

Just step on it.

Seeing Xu Feng go up.

Ancient children and others are closely following.

Going forward in front of the road, slammed.

"Is it really okay?"

Everyone found that when standing on the road, there was nothing special and no danger.

One by one, they all breathed a sigh of relief. I really didn’t know what to do.

Xu Feng reminded everyone: "I advise you, if you come to such a place, don't relax your vigilance. Otherwise, you don't know how to die, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Xu Feng is helpless in his heart. It is no wonder that the disciples of the Tianyuan are able to survive only three people.

These people, even Lu Wei, seem to have become relaxed at the moment they set foot on the road.

Only the ancient boy, a little nervous, the rest of the people, seems to think that it is necessary to pass customs.

"Xu Shixiong, what do you mean? Is there any danger?" Someone asked Xu Feng.

Xu Feng rolled his eyes and looked at the disciples recruited by the Tianyuan Academy.

In an unfamiliar environment, even the most basic moments remain vigilant, and I don't even know.

"If it is so simple to pass the assessment, do you think it is necessary to participate?"

Xu Feng said to the people, but he was too lazy to pay attention to it.


These disciples of Wangtianyuan watched Xu Feng walk toward the front, and all of them quickly followed.

It’s hard to meet a backbone, and of course they won’t leave Xu Feng easily.


"Oh! This kind of assessment, for our disciples of the Purple House, is simply a pediatrics."

Yu Zhonghai’s face is full of smiles.

The assessment they met was actually the illusion of a group of monsters.

Those virtual shadow attacks are very strong.

However, the disciples of Ziyanyuan are generally strong.

They are more than enough to deal with those illusions.

"Yu brother, if we meet the group of wastes in the Temple of Heaven, we must kill them."

Next to a young man, facing Yu Zhonghai, his eyes are cloudy, and the eyebrows are cold colors.

Yu Zhonghai heard the words, Xu Feng's figure appeared in his mind, and his heart was a strong killing.

"If there is a chance to meet them, they must all die in the Tibetan **** pagoda."

Yu Zhonghai is very clear, even if Xu Feng is a five-minded genius, now it is only a matter of comparison with Dan Yuan.

However, Dan Yuanjing’s one-time cultivation was done, and several of them were disciples in the disciples of the Purple House.

Not to mention his three geniuses in Dan Yuanjing, killing Xu Feng is a breeze.


Follow the road and keep moving forward.

Xu Feng, more than a dozen people, came safely to the end of the road.

Not far away, it seems to be a door.

The shape of the door is a bit special.

It turned out to be a round door.


Xu Feng took the lead to go inside.

Step out.

Heaven and earth change again.

There is an endless battlefield.

"This is the arena?"

Everyone is stunned.


At this time, the ghosts of the beasts rushed over to everyone.


Xu Feng's face suddenly changed, the virtual shadow of these monsters, the strength is extremely powerful.

It is very fierce, and each of the long claws, although they are all ghosts, they also have combat power.


A young man was torn by a shadow.

Die on the spot.

The rest of the people fled out behind them.

Just at this time.

The round door behind him disappeared completely.


Xu Feng is very clear that the strength of these monsters is very strong.

Staying, you will die.

The disciples of these Wangtianyuans around him are too weak.


Escaped for more than ten minutes, the illusion is still in the endless pursuit.

Not far from the left hand side, a group of women, also toward this side, crazy escape.

Xu Feng’s eyes were suddenly contracted, and they turned out to be the female disciples of Xuan Yin Yuan.

“How could it be so unlucky to meet this group of weak chickens?”

I saw a burly woman, and it was a matter of Dan Yuanyuan. When I saw Xu Feng, they were all disappointed and angry.

You must know that Wang Tianyuan has the fewest disciples and the weakest strength. When you meet the disciples of the Tianyuan Academy, you are dragging your legs.

"Hey, sister, don't say that, everyone is very dangerous now. If you meet them, it is also a force."

The woman who is headed, looks good, looks very beautiful, and is very good.

Her eyes sparkled and she took the initiative to say: "All the brothers and sisters, now we are all very dangerous. It is better for everyone to work together and help each other. Let's live and say, how?"

When Shi Yuyu entered the Tibetan **** pagoda before, Shang Lin would marry her and not to succumb to anyone.

Because, you never know, who can help you in the next moment.

What's more, there is a five-pointed genius on the opposite side.


Xu Feng did not hesitate and directly agreed to it.

"Xu Shidi, in your opinion, what do we do now?"

The poems of the poems are flashing, and I didn’t expect the disciples of the Tiantianyuan to be headed by Xu Feng.

After all, Xu Feng took the initiative to say that there was no dislike and dissatisfaction between the other disciples.

"Sister, I want to come, you have an answer in your heart, you don't have to ask me?"

Xu Feng smiled and he could feel it from the eyes of Shi Yuyu. This is a woman with a vision.

"Xu Shidi is a refreshing person. In this case, we all work together."

"Our disciple of Xuanyin's court is responsible for the shadow of the beasts on both sides of the left hand. You look at the heavenly court to take charge of the ghosts behind the monsters, and retreat toward the front, how?"

The analysis of poetry and rain is very clear. These monsters are all appearing in three directions. There is only one direction, and there is no ghost of the beast.

In this case, it is the only choice that must escape in that direction.

Xu Feng’s heart is also secretly nodding.

This poem is not simple.


Xu Feng, with his disciple from Wangtianyuan, immediately went behind him, resisting the ghost of the beast that caught up with him, and fought back.

The disciples of the rest of the Xuanyin Institute guarded the left and right sides respectively, and they also fought and retired.

The strength of the poems is very strong, and the swordsmanship is displayed. The swordsmanship is incomparably elegant and ethereal.

Obviously, the foundation is very solid.

However, I just looked down on Xu Feng’s woman.

Although the appearance is very poor.

However, the strength is not bad.

It can be said that it is not much weaker than the poetry.

The speed of everyone is very fast.

The number of ghosts of ghosts has become less and less.

Everyone is also exhausted.

Finally, not far away.

A golden light emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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