The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3853: Inspection score

Chapter 3853 Test Points

Looking at Yu Zhonghai's first come up, Xin Tianyin's old face showed a sigh of pride.

You must know that this Yu Zhonghai is Xin Tianyin, a genius who has personally excavated.

Yu Zhonghai is only a family of the northern kingdom, a seventh-order small force.

However, the most difficult thing for Yu Zhonghai is that he is a three-minded genius with a strong talent.

That is to say, the current Yu Zhonghai, although only a sacred peak of Dan Yuanjing, is already comparable to Dan Yuan.

Xin Tianyingui, the deputy dean of the Ziyan Academy, has almost completely been determined and will accept Yu Zhonghai as a disciple.

Today's Yu Zhonghai's participation in the Purple Pavilion assessment is just a walk through the scene.

"Yes! Your first show of points is also good, just let some ignorant people know what talent is?"

On the face of Xin Tianyin’s old face, swept Xu Feng.

As the deputy dean of the Ziyan Academy, he is extremely powerful.

However, Xu Feng was repeatedly challenged and ignored five times.

As a result, Xin Tianyin’s heart is also full of anger.

Yu Zhonghai stepped forward and handed his identity token to the elders who were responsible for registration.

The token is inserted into a groove and, in an instant, the integral above the token is displayed.

"One hundred and ninety-eight points."


Looking at the points displayed on the token, many people took a breath.

In just three days, I defeated 198 people. I am afraid there is really no pause.

However, everyone thinks and feels normal. After all, Yu Zhonghai’s cultivation and strength are there.

"Not bad! Good! Although it is not the highest score of the Purple Pavilion, it is enough to be in the top 50."

Xin Tianyin nodded successively, and the score of Yu Zhonghai's assessment was able to rank in the top 50 in the evaluation of Zige for many years.

This proves that Yu Zhonghai has talents to dig, and may even grow into four talents.

Thinking of this, Xin Tianyin’s heart is full of excitement. If you can cultivate a four-minded talent, it is really a great achievement.

Moreover, it is a matter of glory.

"Thank you for the vice president, and the disciples will work harder later."

Yu Zhonghai is facing the Xin Tianyin, a respectful salute.

Xin Tianyin’s old face was happy and said: “Yes, the talent is superb, and I know that the young and the young are humble, you are a lot of disciples, the example of learning.”

"Next, who will come."

Then, Xin Tianyin yelled at everyone.

With three consecutive people, it is more than one hundred points.

However, these three are all disciples of the Purple House.

As a result, Xin Tianyin’s old face is proud.

Jiao Wenbo stood there, though a little embarrassed.

But there is nothing to help.

The reputation of Wangtianyuan in these years is not very good.

Almost, the top geniuses who came to Zige were coming to the Ziyuan.

Yu Zhonghai is a genius, and the other two are two geniuses.

"Go ahead!"

I saw Zhuo Wen look at a young man in the gale.

The young man was thin and the whole person looked a little dry.

However, both eyes seem to be flying.

He took out the token and went to the place where the points were checked.

"Well? One hundred points?"

Some people were shocked. I didn't expect the gale department to even receive such a disciple.

Xin Tianyin smiled and said: "Zhu Shidi, I can't think of your deep hiding. With his talent, is it afraid of being a genius?"

Zhuo Wen smiled and said: "Xin Shi brother is really a glance."

It is naturally very happy that Zhuo Wen received such a disciple.

"Ban Hua is indeed a second genius."

After the completion of the inspection of Ban Hua, he walked behind him.

It doesn't seem to be very talkative.

"It seems that Zhuo Shidi is painstaking, and it is not easy to recruit such a disciple."

Xin Tianyin is obviously ironic.

Be aware that the entire Northern Territory is within the bounds.

Forty-nine collars, tens of billions of people.

However, the true genius is rare.

If you want genius, you have to fight wildly.

Not only is the internal competition in Zige fierce.

The other major forces in the Northern Territory will also recruit young talents everywhere.

Even the three leaders will look for genius.

"Good luck."

Zhuo Wen faint.

Then, the test began again.

This time, there are no people with more than one hundred points.

Lu Wei is a Wang Tianyuan, and he received a very good genius.

They are all also flickered by Jiao Wenbo.

At the time of the inspection, it was only fifty-seven points.

Almost even the top ten are not allowed to enter.

Ancient Manganese is also very good, with forty-three points.

The ancient boy stepped forward.

Earn thirty-seven points.

The later the score, the lower the score.

A lot of people with more than a dozen points.

There are a lot of left, and they are a few points.

Xu Feng always stood there and did not act.

Has been tested.

Jiao Wenbo said: "After the inspection is completed, everyone will go to rest today and prepare for the second round of assessment tomorrow."

"Slow! The test is not finished, there are individuals, there is no test!" Xin Tianyin's old face, with a trace of irony.

He couldn't see it. Jiao Wenbo obviously wanted to end the test. After all, Xu Feng was a shame, and Wang Tianyuan was also a shame.

Some people are gloating to see Xu Feng.

"This kid is afraid of being a shame and losing a big hair. He can't get points at all, that is, he will live to the end."

"It’s sad, the strength is so bad, and I dare to offend the deputy dean. I really ate my daring leopard."

"If it is zero points, it is not very shameful."

Many disciples have begun to whisper.

Not far from Miao Fei, looking at Xu Feng.

There is no tolerance between the gods, saying: "Xin brother, the end of the test will end, after all, other, it does not make much sense."

Miao Fei feels that Xin Tianyin’s inspection of Xu Feng will really hit Xu Feng’s self-respect.

"Miao Shimei, some disciples, should let him have a long memory, no talent, do not do whatever he wants."

"What are you doing behind this kid? Since you came to the first round of assessments, and you still live to the end, you will quickly check the points."

Xin Tianyin yelled at Xu Feng, and his words were arrogant.

Not far from Zhao Li, but his face is a bit ugly.

Only he knows that Xu Feng is not only a few points.

I am afraid that the points are not low.

Xu Feng frowned slightly and said: "Old things, I really don't understand, is the high-rise of the Purple Pavilion a blind eye? Are you a small-bellied chicken intestines who are also qualified as deputy deans?"

"Who told you that I lived to the end, who told you I was hiding behind?"

Xu Feng is completely angry.

The gods are not allowed to go to the door.

When I came to the Purple Pavilion, I was suffocated three times and five times.

"you you……"

Xin Tianyin's face wrinkles are shaking, reaching out to Xu Feng, angry.

"Hey! What do you mean, are you not a few points? Who is the defeat of the five souls of the district?"

Xin Tianyin yelled at Xu Feng.


Xu Feng went straight up, took out the token and handed it to the elder.

"You have to hurry and let the dog look at the old things that are low. Why is this less lived to the end?"

(End of this chapter)

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