The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3840: Pressure on people

Chapter 3840

Xu Feng did not have any pauses, and the Holy Spirit of the Thousand Thunder Thunder knife was directly displayed.

Carrying a powerful and powerful momentum, the silver-white knives are swaying toward the madness of Zhu Xi.

"I am just treating the person with his own way. Don't forget, when you attack me."

Said, Aurora magic knife smashed out.

The dense silver knives are facing the body of Zhu Xi.

Suddenly shuttled away.

Zhou Zhiyu is full of gloom.

He never imagined that he came to the scene.

Let the other party stop.

I still dare not stop.

"court death?"

Zhou Zhiyi did not rush to shoot, but stood there, with anger between his looks.


Zhu Xi was attacked by Xu Feng’s knife and man, and the whole person flew out in an instant.

The whole body is traces of blood, **** and fuzzy, he stood there, feeling the pain of the whole body, his face stunned.

"you wanna die……"

I wish you a bright red eyes with Xu Feng, and the color on your face became more intense.

Qiu Houwen’s eyes were firm and he went up against Zhu’s attack.

"Get out!"

I wish you a burst of screaming, but you can't open Qiu Houwen.

However, his injury is also very serious.

Xu Feng's three thousand knives, along with the second-order knife.

I went out with a knife, and I wish you no death.

But it is enough for him to drink a pot.


Seeing that Zhan Yu was completely crushed by Qiu Cheng.

Zhou Zhiqi could not stand it completely.

The momentum of the body broke out, and the repair of the peak of Dan Yuanjing emerged instantly.

Step out in one step and turn your hands into claws.

Grabbing Qiu Cheng suddenly.


Zhan Hao and others are full of joy.

Only then did I find out when I didn’t know.

Zhou Zhiyi has come to the scene.


Qiu Cheng floated with both hands and collided with the claws of Zhou Zhiyi.

Although his repair is a lot of recovery.

However, it is impossible to fight against the peak of Dan Yuanjing.

"Since you are the elder of the sword, come to the ancient city of Qingzhou, bullying, are you not afraid of being laughed at? Or is it the reputation of the sword?"

Qiu Cheng stared at the opposite Zhou Zhiyan, his eyes slightly picked up.


Zhou Zhiyan’s face was gloomy and said: “How about bullying? Since you dare to kill my disciple, I will kill you.”

Zhou Zhisheng’s voice is overbearing. He is at the door of the sword, but he is an ordinary elder.

However, when he walked out of the door of the sword, he was the real strongman. When he went to the territory of the Northern Territory, no one would dare to underestimate him.

"Ha ha ha ... no wonder the rumors of these years, the knife door is not as good as a year, faintly excluded from the seven forces, it seems that the elders of the knife door is really shameful."

Although Qiu Cheng was seriously injured and awaiting death in the ancient city of Qingzhou, he still had a certain understanding of the entire Xiangyang City and the forces within the territory of the Northern Kings.

“It seems that you are really tired?”

Zhou Zhiyan's face is gloomy.

The momentum of being strong is pervasive.

Qiu Cheng’s eyes were deep in jealousy and said: "You quickly retreat, I will drag him."

Qiu Cheng is very clear that he may not be the opponent of Zhou Zhiyi. The strength of the other party is not simple.

I know, at this time, Xu Feng took a step forward and stepped forward. He said: "The elders of the sword are the virtues of yours. It is no wonder that the elders of your swords are too old to be used. ""

"You really shame the gods, don't you go to the side?"

Xu Feng’s voice is powerful and his face is full of anger.

Dare to love, chasing the dragon knives that old things.

Let yourself inherit the position of the door of the **** knife door.

It is throwing yourself a mess.

Such virtues have become elders of the sword.

Still so unscrupulous.

It can be imagined how confusing the knife door is.

"When you count, you are also qualified to gesticulate in front of my master. My master can kill you with a finger."

Zhan pointed to Xu Feng, an angry martyr.

Xu Feng was full of pride and said: "I will let you see, what am I?"

"I hope that after you have seen it, you will have the courage to kill me. Then I really appreciate your great grace."

I saw that Xu Feng will chase the dragon to give his door to inherit the token and take it out directly.

That token is like a knife-like token, which looks very shape and very chic.

With Xu Feng throwing the token, he will throw it out to the opposite side of the road, saying: "Let's take a closer look!"

Zhou Zhixuan looked at the token that flew over, his eyes were suddenly shrinking, and his face was panicked.

His hands trembled and then the token, could not help but swallow the mouth, and looked at the opposite Xu Feng.

" is it possible? How can you have the main token of the knives?" Zhou Zhi couldn't help but ask.

Xu Feng’s mouth raised and said: “You still don’t know? Do you think you are qualified to let me report it to you?”

"Or, do you want to defect to the door of the knife and give me this doorkeeper directly to kill it here?"

Xu Feng’s voice sneered and said: “I believe that it is easy for you to kill me. However, if you kill me, I am afraid that the old guy who chased the dragon tyrant will not be able to smash the corpse for a long time. ”

"You must be chasing the character of the dragon knife, you should be clear."

Xu Feng is very clear, chasing the dragon tyrant is the elders of the **** knife door, the strength of the other party is terrible.

The ordinary elders of the Knife Gate in the district are afraid of being guts and really kill him.

"Master... This little boy screams and swears to the elders, and the disciples teach him lessons."

Zhan Yi does not know what the token is. After all, he is not qualified to know unless it is the core disciple of the knife.


Zhou Zhiyi suddenly slaps and greets Zhan's face: "Are you looking for death?"

"Do you know that the boy in front of you is the elder of the elders, and the doorkeeper of the future of the sword?"

The words of Zhou Zhiyi made Zhan Yi’s body a shock, and his heart was panicked.

They even offended the future of the door of the knife.

He seems to understand, why Xu Feng can repair the soul of the five souls, and reinvent the double glory of Dan Yuanjing.

This guy is a seven-minded genius.

For the entire Xiangyang City, there are no more than ten geniuses.

"What? The main heir of the knife door?"

Even Qiu Housheng and others are completely stunned.

Only Qiu Cheng couldn't help but nod.

The name of the chasing dragon knife, he has heard it.

If it weren't for the old things.

God knife door fear is already falling into the altar.

Sure enough, it is a well-deserved reputation.

Being able to do so, give the door of the **** knife door to a young man with five souls.

If it is someone else, there may be doubts.

However, Qiu Cheng knows a lot about Xu Feng.

He is very clear.

If Xu Feng really became the main door of the knife.

In the future, the gods will be afraid to become within the scope of the Northern Territory.

The real hegemon.

This is a genius!

"What? What do you do with the token? Do you want to niche?"

Xu Feng glared at the opposite Zhou Zhiyu and asked with dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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