The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3834: Kill Yan Qi

Chapter 3834, Kill Yan Qi

Meng Gang's eyes are enlarged and his face is full of faces.

"How is this? You are taking advantage of the thirty-six-day sky."

Meng Gang could not imagine how Xu Feng did it all.

The 36-hole day exists in the ancient city of Qingzhou for thousands of years.

Why no one has ever thought of using it like this.

However, the thirty-sixth hole at the moment is so terrible.


The knife smashed down.

Meng Gang’s offensive was directly destroyed by the knife.

Immediately afterwards, the Aurora Magic Knife had already slammed toward him.

"Do not!"

Meng just made a miserable snoring, the whole person was slashed and flew out directly, and the blood spurted out from the mouth. Above the shoulders, there was a shocking scar.

Xu Feng is unsuccessful, and naturally he is not willing to let go of Meng Gang. It is the best ending to kill each other.

"Tear the knife!"

"Aurora is infinitely killing the knife!"

Xu Feng successively displayed the second move of the Aurora and the knife-killing method, and the third move, the knife is so horrible.

Meng Gang's eyes narrowed and the whole person madly regressed, and the spiritual power of the whole body also rapidly surging.

The whole body is so horrible that it becomes extremely horrible. When the hands are lifted up, the attack directly sweeps out.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth have become awkward, as if they were split apart.

Meng Gang smashed and said: "No... impossible... why are you so strong?"

At this moment, Xu Feng was all infused in the body by the momentum of the 36-hole.

Like a victory, it is invincible, you can sweep the Quartet, it is such domineering and invincible.


Meng Gang, the whole person, was hit by a myriad of **** red knives directly on the body.

The body is like a broken kite. The whole person flies out of the place dozens of meters away, and squats on the ground.

Blood gushed from his mouth, and he struggled to stand up and his face was blank.

A burst of screaming at the people of Mengjia, said: "Hurry back, don't be on the edge of the 36-hole sky."

At this moment, Meng Gang has completely understood that Xu Feng can use 36 holes to fight, the biggest reliance is thirty-six holes.

However, the use of 36-day-old Xu Feng, the strength of terror, comparable to the high-level Dan Yuanjing.

"Want to run!"

Seeing some people in Mengjia want to escape, Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and madly killed.

Among the old shackles of Yan Qi, there is also fear. The whole person wants to leave and leave, but he is entangled in Qiu Housheng.

"How? Strict old dog, do you want to escape?"

Qiu Housheng is crazy about Han Qi.

Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and slammed it out.

"I have been fighting with you!"

I saw it, Yan Qi’s hand.

A violent medicinal remedy emerged, and he swallowed it in his mouth.

In an instant, the whole person’s cultivation is soaring.

The meridians of the whole body seem to be tearing.

Yan Qi’s cheeks have become abnormal.


Yan Qi screams, the kind of violent tearing, only killing, can be eliminated.

"I want you all to die!"

Yan Qi's eyes became blood red, and at this moment Yan Qi, completely violent, madly attacked Qiu Housheng.


Just an attack, Qiu Housheng was shocked to fly out, the internal organs were rolling, blood from the throat, Europe, and directly sprayed out.

Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and slammed it toward Yan Qi. The knife was smashed.

Even Yan Qi, who was at the moment, resisted the knife and mans, and the Aurora killing knife could not hurt Yan Qi.

"Small beast, I want to kill you! Everything is forced by me, I will kill you first, then kill the Qiu family."

Yan Qi’s voice is hoarse, but it contains horrible killings. It is simply desperate.


Yan Qi rushed toward Xu Feng, and Xu Feng's face became dignified. This Yan Qi's cultivation and strength is simply an instant climb to the extreme, terrible.

Even if he controls the 36-hole day, it is not Yan Qi’s opponent at the moment. He can only use speed and constantly circulate with Yan Qi.

"The wings of Kun Peng!"

Behind Xu Feng, the wings of Kun Peng emerged.

You must know that his Kun Peng nine practiced to the third turn.

The speed is very fast, Yan Qi can not catch up with Xu Feng.

"Small beast, don't you just know how to escape?",

Yan Qi yelled at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng haha ​​smiled and said: "Strict old dog, do you suddenly take the medicinal herbs, forcibly improve the cultivation, I should give you death? You have the ability, after half an hour, come and fight with me."


Yan Qi's face is full of sorrow, the old face is above, the wrinkles are shaking.

Xu Feng actually saw that his remedy could only support half an hour.

You know, this medicinal herb was obtained from a cave house before him. There are only three medicinal herbs.

He has already taken two of them. This is the last one. Every time you take the medicinal herbs, the effect is only half an hour.

Xu Feng’s inner heart said: “The luck of this old thing is so good that it can get the eighth-order Holy Spirit.”

Xu Feng is very clear that the medicinal herbs taken by Yan Qi, by virtue of the efficacy of the drug, are at least eight orders of the Holy Spirit.

That is quite precious.

"Kid, since the old man can't kill you, I will kill the Qiu family!"


Yan Qi was full of faces and rushed out to the people of Qiu’s family.

Not even killing Qiu Housheng, nor killing Qiu Houwen.

Only kill the people of the Qiu family who are in the soul. ,

Or Dan Yuanjing is one of the two.


Xu Feng immediately rushed out and went to Yan Qi.

"Small beast, I thought you didn't shoot? Give me to die!"

On the hands of Yan Qi, it seems to be lightning and thunder, roaring for nine days.

Heaven and earth have been cracked.

"God! A terrible attack, I feel the waves of the world, it seems to be shaking."

Everyone on the crowd was stunned, and each face was worried about Xu Feng.

Only Xu Feng was calm and said: "Three Thousand Thunderknife!"

With the display of three thousand thunder knives, the silver-white lightning, all condensed into a knife.

It was so dense that it went to the opposite Yan Qi, crazy and criss-crossed out.

Yan Qi was desperate, letting the knife be torn over the body, the old palm, attacked Xu Feng.

"Damn, this old dog, actually killed to kill me?"

Just when everyone is stunned.

A figure suddenly appeared on Xu Feng.

"Yan Qi old dog, you are damned!"


Qiu Cheng's hands condensed and slammed out.

In an instant, Yan Qi’s attack was torn apart.

Then, Qiu Chengshen stood up.

The constant bombardment of the double fists was on the chest of Yan Qi, and every punch seemed to make a squeaky voice.

Yan Qi’s old eyes are shocked and said: “ are obviously a waste person...”

Everyone in the ancient city of Qingzhou knows that Qiu’s third child was a talented young man and became a core disciple of Humenmen.

Later, I didn’t know what was going on, and suddenly I came back, but I was seriously injured and almost died.

Since then, Qiu’s third child has never shot, because everyone knows that his meridian is a waste.

(End of this chapter)

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