The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3831: One never missed

Chapter 3831 is not missed

"Right, stop!"

On the face of Yan Qi’s old face, it appeared to be cold.

Against the thirty-sixth hole, a burst of bang.

You must know, but when you enter the 36-hole day, you will practice.

Both are the core geniuses of the three major families.

It all costs a lot of money.

Only trained.

Today, it is Xu Feng.

Strangled between moments.

Yan Qi is bleeding inside.

"Ha ha!"

Xu Feng heard Yan Qi’s words, his mouth rising and his smile.

Knife Mang suddenly fell down.

The young man who fled the Yan family died in an instant.

Among the eyes of Xu Feng, there was an icy killing.

Take control of 18 cave days!

The thirty-six-hole people outside the world are shocked.

"God! I am not mistaken! This young man, he controls 18 cave days."

"This is simply the 36-hole day of the ancient city of Qingzhou. Since its existence, it has been the most cattle record."

"It’s so horrible to mobilize eighteen caves. I really can't imagine how to mobilize thirty-six caves. What's the point?"

Everyone looked at Xu Feng, and they were all stunned at the moment.

They also thought that Xu Feng was just like this.

Now, one by one is shocking.

It’s just horrible.

Meng Gang and other powerful homes, his face became very ugly.

Xu Feng controls eighteen holes, which really makes them, some are caught off guard.

Xu Feng stared at the opposite, cold and cold: "Since you want to kill, I will kill you first!"

Xu Feng’s voice made the face of the 36-hole Tian Gang, and his face trembled.

If the blindness is really killed by Xu Feng, he will have only one son left.

"Do not!"

Meng Gang’s face was full of sorrows and said: “Qiu Housheng, immediately ordered Xu Feng, stop everything!”

"Otherwise, I will be home and you Qiu, will not stand!"

Qiu Housheng raised his mouth.

"Meng Gang, is it too much to deceive you?"

"How do you say when you want to kill my Qiu family? Can you remember?"

In Qiu Housheng's eyes, with firmness.

If this is the case, then it will hurt both the family and the family.


Meng Gang’s words have not been finished yet.

Thirty-six holes in the sky.

Xu Feng is really terrible.

So much so that it is just a fight between.

When you are wide, you are slashed and cut off an arm.


Wide and horrible snoring, blood flowing from his shoulders, constantly flowing.

"Don't want to run, today you want to kill the Qiu family, then let me send you all to die!"

Among Xu Feng’s eyes, the murderous intentions, the horrible momentum, and the complete pervasiveness, the momentum of the eighteen holes, is really terrifying.

Two screams rang.

They are the two young men who entered the 36-hole day.

"Do not……"

Meng Gang’s face is full of embarrassment, and the momentum of the five-fold peak of Dan Yuanjing is constantly rising.

"Qiu Housheng, immediately ordered the little beast to stop, otherwise don't blame me, you're welcome!"

Qiu Housheng had a war on his face, and his body was surging. He said: "I want to fight and fight, I am Qiu Jiaer Lang, why are you afraid?"

Qiu Houwen's spiritual strength is stirring: "Since you are in love with my Qiu family, let's do it!"

Qiu Jiazhi, at the moment, all of them are full of blood, and their eyes are crazy killing.

"Are you not very arrogant just now?"

Among Xu Feng’s eyes, staring at the vastness of the ground.

One foot toward the broad head, squatting out.

Widely flew directly out of more than ten meters.

Everyone is sucking a cold breath.

"I didn't mean to provoke, etc., Naier and others have to go forward, I really thought, I am a good bully?"

"The garbage of your brother, if I don't kill him, it is a shame to me."

"Being bullying, killing innocents, bullying women is simply a beast. I really don't know how your aunt gave birth to him."

Xu Feng’s words are unscrupulous, but many people are very happy.

As Xu Feng said.

Meng Wei these years, in the ancient city of Qingzhou.

It can be described as a slap in the face, no evil.

In Meng Gang’s eyes, they are crazy killings.

"Small beast, don't force me! If you dare to kill me, I will let your family die."

Xu Feng looked at Meng Gang outside and said: "Threaten me? You really think, I am afraid you can't!"

"Besides, you want my family to die, tell you the truth, I am afraid you are not qualified."

Xu Feng’s eyes were disdainful.

His father, Xu Pang, took control of the ancient temple.

Mengjia, who wants to let his family die.

It is a dream.


Everyone is still at the wrong time.

Above Xu Feng’s arm, the knife is condensed.

The brushed ones will widen their heads and they will kneel down.


"That kid is crazy, he really killed."

"Is he not to be killed?"

Unexpectedly, he would die in the hands of Xu Feng.

"Don't want to run!"

Mengya looked at the wide, just a few moments of fighting, was killed by Xu Feng, where he dared to stay, desperately heading out of the 36-hole day, fleeing out.


The momentum of the eighteen caves was oppressed toward Mengya.

The whole person of Mengya, a moment of embarrassment, is constantly struggling on the ground.

"No... don't kill me..."

"I beg for mercy... I am wrong..."

Mengya is pale.

He does not want to die.

"When you started, when you want to kill Qiu Yi, have you given him a chance to live?"

The voice of Xu Feng is cold and abnormal.

Among the eyes, the killing moment broke out instantly.

The knife fell again.

"Small beasts, Laozi Mengjia and you are incomparable!"

Meng Gang is eager to break.

The whole family has been working hard for decades.

All were destroyed by Xu Feng.

We must know that these young people are the future of the family.

"Don't I kill him, will you let me go?"

Xu Feng asked.

Meng Gang was full of faces.

As Xu Feng said.

Even if he does not kill Meng, do not kill Mengya, do not kill the people of the family.

He is also not allowed to let Xu Feng leave alive.

Because, Xu Feng's talent is too horrible.


Mengya screamed and died again.

"Hello, where do you want to go?"

Xu Feng figure, in the 36-hole day, even moved freely.

Appeared on the opposite side of Yan Xudong.

Looking at Yan Xudong.

Yan Xudong swallowed swallowing water and his eyes were full of fear.

Xu Feng in front of me is a madman.

I knew this early.

He shouldn't help.

"Little brother, there is something to say, I know it is wrong!"

"I apologize to you, we will be strict, and we will thank you."

Yan Qi sighed at the thirty-six hole Tianzhu.

"I also ask the little brothers to show their mercy, and the old man is grateful."

"There must be a thank you!"

Xu Feng looked at Yan Qi and smiled: "Old things, don't think I don't know what you want to do!"

"He is damn!"

Said, toward Yan Xudong, instant hands.

There is no hesitation at all.

"This is the rhythm of killing all the people in Mengjia and Yanjia."

Everyone is stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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