The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3784: Kill the sorcerer

Chapter 3784 re-killing the demon

Aoki Sanctuary.

With the appearance of the vision of heaven and earth.

The result is to enter the Aomu Sanctuary.

Almost all the strong people are moving closer to the place where the vision of heaven and earth is.

Everyone understands that entering the Aoki Sanctuary is for the inheritance of Luo Ze.

Nowadays there is a vision of heaven and earth, and naturally everyone is gathering here.

Xu Feng saw the vision of heaven and earth.

For the inheritance of Luo Ze.

Although his wishes are not very strong.

But it will not be easily let go.


"The son, here is the temperature is high, how can it be so hot?" The power of Cai Wei's operation can offset the hot high temperature, making the body's spiritual power run smoothly.

Xu Feng took two medicinal herbs from the storage ring and handed them to Cai Wei. For the high-temperature remedy, Xu Feng is a must-have for all ages.

After all, he hopes that he can get other worlds and fires, and that he needs the flames to make the most of his power.

"Subject these two medicinal herbs, presumably your hot, will inevitably ease a lot." Xu Feng handed the medicinal herbs to Cai Wei.

Cai Xin’s heart is fortunate. Following Xu Feng, almost the sixth-order Holy Spirit Dan has been eaten as a snack.

Anytime, anywhere, it seems that Xu Feng gave him the Holy Spirit Dan that others could not match.

Before Cai Wei was a martial artist, he knew better than anyone, what a lack of resources for the martial arts.

When he is ordinary, he wants to take the sixth-order Holy Spirit Dan, and he has to be careful to buy it.

Moreover, these sixth-order Holy Spirit Dans are used for emergency needs and may not be taken at any time.

Since following Xu Feng, he has been taking the sixth-order Holy Spirit Dan anytime and anywhere, and the quality of these Holy Spirit Dan is far more than the medicinal herbs he purchased before.

"Thank you, son!"

Cai Wei discovered that after taking these medicinal herbs, his meridians will last for a long time and will gain a lot of benefits.

The two men continued to move forward, and from time to time around, there was a burst of noise.

Since the Aoki Sanctuary has a vision of heaven and earth, other people who have entered the Aomu Sanctuary are also gathering here.

It is normal to see someone coming here at any time.


Walking, the jungle in front, suddenly came, a burst of screams.

Xu Feng's eyes are condensed, and the eyebrows are cold and murderous, just because he feels, a breath that makes him very disgusted.


Xu Feng’s heart was cold and cold. In the depths of the Great Wilderness Desert, he was almost killed by the Emag.

If it weren’t for the Zigeqiang who appeared in the East, he really didn’t know how to die.

Now, in the sanctuary of Aoki, there is actually an Emerald mixed into it, as if still killing, he is naturally angry.

Cai Wei is very surprised. He followed Xu Feng for such a long time and has not found Xu Feng so angry.

Immediately followed Xu Feng, in the place where the cry for help, quickly rushed forward.

I saw two Yimo people, who were holding a young woman and tearing each other’s clothes into pieces.

The young woman was covered in blood, and the miserable snoring came out constantly.

"Oh... still a woman of the Terran has a taste, I like a woman of the Terran..."

A strong man of the E-Men family, both eyes are greedy desires, looking at the body full of scars in front of him, he seems to appreciate his work in general, carefully look at it.

Another Yimo family, his face is smirking: "I don't want to talk nonsense, I can't wait."

"Hey! I can't think of the embers of your devils. It's really a ghost. Before you were in the depths of the Great Wilderness Desert, you haven't been destroyed by the Purple Pavilion. Now dare to scatter here?"

Xu Feng came to the original place and saw several corpses that were not far away, and the eyebrows were killing.

Those corpses are extremely miserable, apparently the masterpieces of the two former Emeralds.


The existence of the two E-Mothers suddenly turned around. When looking at Xu Feng, the dark eyes of the two eyes shimmered with ridicule.

They also thought who would dare to blame them here, in the end what is the strong man.

I know, it turned out to be a squeaky little boy, and it’s just a triple repair of the soul.

Wherever the courage comes, I dare to gossip.

"Oh! It’s still a life-threatening soul. Is this your courage to do nothing?"

An E Mozu looked at Xu Feng, his mouth raised and asked with irony.

Xu Feng said faintly: "Killing you is like pinching an ant. I have to look at it. You Bemons appear in the Aomu Sanctuary. Why is it coming?"

The depths of Xu Feng’s eyes are all flashing.

He always felt that the demon family appeared in the sanctuary of Aoki.

Not a simple matter.

"I don't know how to live and die, but dare to speak out, let you die."

The original two Emeralds are ready to start.

After all, they think.

Cai Wei behind Xu Feng will inevitably shoot.

I know, Cai Wei does not have any hands-on desires.

On the contrary, Xu Feng, the Aurora Magic Knife appeared in his hand.

The moment you step out.

A knife has already smashed out toward the E-Men.

"I am going to kill you!"

The demon family on the left hand side is full of magical powers, and it is the mid-term of the life of the soul.

His dark magical power gathered on the palm of his hand and condensed into a strong cyclone, rushing toward Xu Feng.


The knives of the knives fell down, together with the darkness of the cyclone, the tearing of the shackles, and the strong momentum, spreading in all directions.

"The Promise!"

Knife Mang will black the cyclone, instantly tearing open, toward the head of the E-Men, unstoppable.

The E Mozu did not think that Xu Feng was so powerful, and rushed to avoid the resistance.

However, he suddenly found out that Xu Feng’s body, the second-order gravity, directly broke out and suppressed his death.

"Do not……"

Only able to look at the knife, toward the top of his head, squatting down, the void is torn.


The Aurora Magic Knife descended from the head of the Emo, and the dark blood flowed instantly.

Another Emei family was full of horror, eyes staring at Xu Feng, and the eyebrows were frightened.

He is very clear that the strength of both of them is half a catty, but he did not expect that Xu Feng was easy to kill his companion.


There is still a desire to fight in his heart, and without any extra thoughts, he will flee directly.

"Hey! I didn't leave anything, I want to run?"

Xu Feng is on the fence.

His speed, coupled with the suppression of second-order gravity.

Just in the blink of an eye, it blocks the other's way.

The strong demon of the devil is full of anger, and the heart is angry.

He does not understand.

Why is there such a perverted person in the world?

Crossing so many realms, you can still kill the opponent so strongly.

(End of this chapter)

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