The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3774: Knife killer

Chapter 3774, the knife can kill people

Shi Hai finally understood, why Xu Feng dared to be in front of himself, still so calm.

It turned out that the other party was the most recent screaming knife that was rumored everywhere.

Even Shi Hai did not expect it.

After all, he thought before.

Xu Feng, although the talent of the Holy Spirit is good.

However, it is far from the point of genius.

It seems that he does underestimate Xu Feng.

Xu Feng was able to repair the soul of the second life, killing the soul of the soul, and successfully entered the top ten of the standings.

This shows that Xu Feng's strength is really strong, it is really surprising.

What's more, between Shi Hai and Xu Feng, they also have an understanding of Xu Feng's strength.

"I didn't expect you to hide deep, such a powerful strength, and still play pigs and tigers everywhere."

Shi Hai’s face was scornful and ironic. He felt that Xu Feng was deliberately playing pigs and eating tigers.

However, pigs are always pigs. As long as they encounter very powerful tigers, they will still be eaten by tigers.

There is no doubt that Shi Hai feels that he is the tiger.

"But, you know, I can become the top ten disciples without a sect. The strength is not comparable to the ordinary life. You can't be my opponent."

Shi Hai stared at Xu Feng, slowly.

"If you kneel down and apologize now, maybe I can spare you a life."

"And, swear to be my dog ​​forever."

Shi Hai said to Xu Feng, with a hegemony.

Xu Feng’s mouth rises: “I want you to kneel down, you don’t scatter your urine and look in the mirror. What are you like? What are you? Today I will let you know that I am not a soft persimmon. ""

Xu Feng burst into a bang, the spiritual power of his body surging, and the life of the soul was double-decorated and thoroughly revealed.

Immediately afterwards, the two souls emerged from the top of the head, which are the two talents of death and growth.

The soul of the soul is bursting out, the momentum of the soul is rising, and the breath is also horrible.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Feng’s second-order peak killed the righteousness and went to the opposite Shihai.

"What do you think, I also want to give you a kneel?" Xu Feng's second-order peak kills the righteousness, the horrible momentum, toward Shihai, all-out pressure to go out.

Shi Hai’s eyes were slightly congested, and he felt the pressure from Xu Feng’s second-order peak to kill the mysteriousness. The two eyes sparkled with cold chills, and the second-order esoteric body also emerged.

Shi Hai’s second-order esoteric continually condenses and moves toward the second-order peak of Xu Feng, bringing the momentum and oppression.

Cai Wei stood not far away, and both eyes were shocked.

The second-order peak of Xu Feng’s killing is really horrible.

Even if Cai Wei, I dare not approach.

Of course, Shi Hai’s second-order esoteric is not simple.

The constant confrontation between the righteous and the righteous is a violent wave.

"Don't think that only you realize the second-order meaning, my moral realm is not low."

Shihai is cold and cold.

"is it?"

Xu Feng’s mouth is rising. Since there is an uprightness that cannot suppress Shi Hai, what about the two kinds of meanings?

"Second-order gravity is righteous!"

The second-order gravity of Xu Feng’s body showed that the void began to fall, as if it were a violent wind and waves, the mountain collapsed, and the place where Shi Hai was located was oppressed.

Shi Hai runs the whole body and has a horror in his eyes. He said: "You have realized two kinds of mystery? How is this possible? You are just a life-stricken second!"

Shi Hai face Rong Rong, he does not understand why Xu Feng's talent and strength are so strong.

You must know that even if you are a life-threatening soul, you can feel the second-order ambiguity, which is a very good gift.

Almost few people are able to achieve the second-order ambiguity in the soul of the soul.

Even if there is no sect, now the chief disciple, Dai Hongyan, is also rehabilitated in the life of the soul, only to realize the second-order ambition.

Now, Xu Feng is only two souls, not only realizes two kinds of mystery, but also kills the righteousness and senses the realm of the second-order peak.

This is simply unbelievable.

"What? You are a waste, and must others follow you as a waste?"

Xu Feng spread his hands and stared at Shi Hai.

The spiritual power of the body began to flow.

The Aurora Magic Knife in the hand exudes a strong knife.


Shi Hai couldn't help but scream, saying: "Even if you understand two kinds of ambiguity, how about it? Fighting is about strength and cultivation. In the face of absolute strength, you are destined to die."

The mid-term peak of Shi Hai’s life is repaired, and the violent spiritual power flows through his meridians.

Accompanied by the moment of Shi Hai’s shot, the air and waves continued to roll, and his hands seemed to be spiritual gathering.


The formation of a horrible wave of whirlpools, the constant impact of the waves, makes the voids vibrate.

"Star Wind Holy Palm!"

Since Shi Hai knows that Xu Feng’s strength is not simple, he naturally does not dare to have reservations, and immediately goes all out.

The second-order wind of the body emerged, and the whole person's clothes began to dance with the wind and became very strange.

You must know that the sacred palm of his sacred wind is the sixth-order sacred spiritual skill he cultivated.

The palm of the hand spurred the sound of the emptiness.

Flying down the palm of your hand, pressing toward Xu Feng.

"Give me to die!"

Shi Hai's face is full of sorrow, and both palms have already rushed out.

Seeing the attack of Shi Hai.

Xu Feng was disappointed in his eyes.

I don't know if his cultivation is improving, his strength is increasing, or why.

He felt that Shi Hai’s attack was really too weak.

Xu Feng did not want to think about it. The life he had killed before was nine-fold, but it was no worse than Shi Hai.

"The Promise!"

Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and slammed it out like a emptiness.

Immediately afterwards, the knives on the Aurora Magic Knife continued to condense and became horrible.

Knife Mang’s palm prints against Shi Hai have already been greeted, without any muddy water.

Two holy spiritual skills, awkward collisions.

Xu Feng's Aurora Magic Knife is not the sixth-order elite spirit, the power is really strong.

In addition, Xu Feng's two second-order ambiguous additions.

This knife went out.

The seal of Shi Hai was broken.

Shi Hai continued to regress.

Xu Feng took advantage of the situation, and the second-order gravity of his body was oppressed toward Shihai.

Shi Hai was originally the righteousness of the wind, but at this moment it was suppressed by Xu Feng’s second-order gravity, which caused the speed advantage of Shi Hai, and could not be played at all.

After Shi Hai’s speed slows down, the power of the Holy Spirit is greatly reduced.


Xu Feng waved the Aurora Magic Knife, and each knife seemed to be in the void, drawing a strong arc.

Shi Hai is full of sullen faces, madly avoiding Xu Feng's knife.

After all, this time, there are some hidden things that can’t be avoided.

"No, I can't die."

Shi Hai bit his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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