The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3570: Open array

Chapter 3570 Opening the array

Hong Xiaoquan heard the words and looked disdainful.

"I don't know the dead boy, killing you like this waste, why do you need help? Just me, I don't want to make you die so easily!"

Hong Xiaoquan is also very jealous of Xu Feng.

Since they went to Ziyuan City, they first came to Zimen.

He is still prepared and afraid that Xu Feng will suddenly shoot.

At that time, Dixiemen and Xu Feng lost both sides, but it was cheaper than the Bliss Mountain Villa and Xindanmen.

Xu Feng heard that he couldn’t see the meaning of Hong Xiaoquan, that is, when he arrived at the Lele Mountain Villa and Xindanmen, he would shoot.

"In this case, don't talk nonsense, just wait for your helper to come quietly!"

"I am now the owner of Xufu. I have a lot of things. When your helpers arrive, you will make trouble again."

After that, Xu Feng turned around and didn't even look at Hong Xiaoquan. He left the wall of Ziyuan City.

There is no worry in the look.

Hong Xiaoquan's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "This kid looks very calm. Is there any card that doesn't work? Is there any post trick, or is there any big force behind him?"

Hong Xiaoquan felt that if he changed to other young people, he knew that the three forces would be dispatched at the same time, and he would not be so calm.

Hong Xiaoquan’s life-changing old man said: “The psychological quality of this kid is good.”

"Before the investigation is very clear, there is no background behind this guy. Otherwise, the lock collar will not be killed by Dongye Wangsan." The old man slowly said.

"The doorkeeper, we inquired a lot. This Xu Feng really has no background. Before the lock collar, it was also risen from the place below the lock core, called Heicheng, and went to the lock of the holy place. Later, I didn’t know what was going on, I was provoked. Go to the East and look at the three, flee to our Ming Xuan collar."

When Hong Xiaoquan was indulged, the other people next to him said.

Hong Xiaoquan nodded and said: "Hey, this kid is bluffing, and I am a bit rude."

"However, do you think it is strange? Why Dongye hopes to kill this Xu Feng?"

Hong Xiaoquan's eyes narrowed slightly, and Dongye Wangsan was the lord of the lock of the heart, and it was the dragon of the North King of the Northern Territory.

The entire lock collar knows that Dong Ye Wang San is very cherishing talents. Why do you want to kill a talented young man like Xu Feng?

"I heard that it seems that Higashino Kanno personally assigned his daughter to Xu Feng, but he was rejected by Xu Feng. It was said that the face of Dong Yewang San was hit in public, making Dongye Wang three angry."

The Minglong guardian of the Dimension Gate reported to Hong Xiaoquan.

"That is so arguable."

Hong Xiaoquan frowned slightly, still had some doubts. He said: "But it can't be said."

"Even if Xu Feng refused to marry in public, Dong Tianwang had no face, but he did not want to spend Ziyue Xianlin and the Millennium Danxia Fruit to chase him!"

Hong Xiaoquan's eyes are deep, filled with a ray of light, and the inner secret: "I am afraid that this matter has another mystery. Perhaps Xu Feng is a kid, and there are some treasures."

In a blink of an eye.

The sun rises again.

I saw the blissful ghost Buddha with the people of the bliss mountain village, and came to the outside of Ziyuan City.

The bliss ghost Buddha looked at Ziyuan City and couldn't help but sigh. "Ziyuan City is really huge. I am very excited to see it."

"Hongmen Lord, your speed is really fast." The blissful ghost Buddha eyes sneered in the depths.

He thought that if he came later, Hong Xiaoquan might have a conflict with Xufu in Ziyuan City.

It seems that he is somewhat disappointed.

How did Hong Xiaoquan not know the thoughts of the blissful ghost Buddha, and immediately said: "The blissful ghost Buddha, killing Xu Feng, is not a matter of my powers. If you two forces, you have to drag and drop, I want to secretly play, I can only retreat now."

Hong Xiaoquan’s heart is also secretly vigilant. Fortunately, Xu Feng did not really fight with them. Otherwise, the benefit of the fishermen’s interests is the Bliss Mountain Villa and Xindanmen.

"Hongmen Lord, don't be angry, we are a little late, your distance from the Ziyuan City, you can be closer."

Not far away, Jia Dingmei took the heart of the Danmen's strong, and also came to Ziyuan City with imposing manner.

The warriors in the entire Ziyuan City have held their breaths, and the three forces joined forces. I am afraid that Xufu is a fierce and rare.


Hong Xiaoquan snorted coldly and said: "The people do not say whispers, what is the mind of everyone, we are clear to each other."

"However, according to the news I got, the strength of Xu Feng's kid is not weak. If today, I can't destroy Xu Fu, not half a year, I believe it is the day of my sacrifice."

Hong Xiaoquan is very jealous of Xu Feng's talent, and must not let Xu Feng grow.

"Hongmen Lord, since everyone has arrived, then be ready to do it!" Jia Dingmei urged.

For Xu Fu, she did not have any fear.

In her opinion.

A small force that has just been established in the district is nothing more than a slap.

There is no way to resist the real attack.

"Go and inform your housekeeper, and say that if he doesn't come out again, we will have to come in."

Hong Xiaoquan sighed at Ziyuan City.


"The owner! The three major forces have come to Qi, is outside the Ziyuan City?"

Xu Feng heard the words, nodded and said: "Since it has come, let's get ready!"

Said, Xu Feng walked toward the wall of Ziyuan City.


"Hong Xiaoquan, you are not saying that you saw Xu Feng's kid yesterday evening? Didn't he know that our three forces came to the siege and had already chosen to escape early?"

Jia Dingmei looked at Xu Feng and other people in Xufu, and did not appear for a long time, could not help but say.

Hong Xiaoquan said: "Oh, my people have been guarding the Ziyuan City. There are so many people in Xufu that it is impossible to escape."

"Unless Xu Feng is alone, regardless of the life and death of the people of Xu, they flee alone."

"Also, there are other exports in Ziyuan City."

The bliss ghost Buddha slowly said: "Hongmen Lord, if Xu Feng escapes, we are really sleepy."

"Oh, it’s very lively!"

Just when the three are in dispute.

Xu Feng appeared on the wall of Ziyuan City.

With a smile in his eyes, his eyes fell on the blissful ghost Buddha. He said: "The bliss ghost, you kill the brother, such a despicable and shameless villa, today Ziyuan City, is your death."

Xu Feng suddenly searched for tasks in the sacred order. He found that whether it was killing the blissful ghosts, or Hong Xiaoquan, and Jia Dingmei, there were even tasks to be released.

Without any hesitation, Xu Feng will be the next task.

Killing three people can get four hundred good and evil values.

It seems that these three people are really sinful.

"I don't know the dead boy! Today is your death, this Buddha thought you fled?"

The bliss ghost Buddha eyes are condensed.

I knew that Xu Feng was in the secret of Xuan Bing and had seen his brother.

"Kill it!"

With the bliss ghost Buddha burst into a burst.

"Huanlong Shouzhu big array, open!"

(End of this chapter)

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