Chapter 3564 Chapter E Mozu

Yun Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes were killing.

There is a sneer between the gods.

"Xu Fuzhu, I am in the big city of Yunlou City, enough for you to have a pot! You can enjoy it slowly!"

Yunlin is full of confidence in the big city of Yunlou City.

"The way this garbage is, but that's it!"

Who knows, the language is not surprisingly endless.

Xu Feng slowly said.

Xu Feng’s words are disdainful.

Dong Wei and others heard the words and were surprised to see Xu Feng.

They are very familiar with Xu Feng's character.

Since Xu Feng is so discourse, it is inevitable that it will be able to easily break the big city of Yunlou City.

Yun Lin and other people in Yunlou City, but do not believe that Xu Feng understands the formation of the law, the road to the law is very complicated.

The big city of Yunlou City was set up a few decades ago by a master of formation.

For so many years, Yunlou City belongs to the big city of the moat. It can be said that it is cherished and will not be used as a last resort.

Of course, the annual cost of Yunlou City to maintain the large-scale maintenance of the city is shocking.

"Ha ha ha ... big words, the way of the law, complex, you really think, you can also crack the array. If you can crack the array, I will give you a slap on the spot."

Yun Lin made a big laugh and his face was arrogant.

The way of the law, the entire Ming Xuan collar, afraid that no one knows.

Not to mention the break.

I know, Xu Feng is taking a step.

Going ahead.

The place where his eyes swept, the inner darkness said: "After I have the purple pole konjac, the perception of the line of sight has become more powerful. This big city, just a moment of time, I saw the flaws."

Xu Feng's eyes are deep, with a winning ticket.

"It’s a whimsical way to block the garbage like this and want to stop me!"

Xu Feng mouth raised.

The spiritual flow of the body is magnificent.

I saw his figure, under the cloud building city, constantly floating.

Every time it floats, it is a wave of turbulence.

The above cloud is waiting for people, watching Xu Feng like this, they think that Xu Feng is doing nothing, but it is bluffing.

"Xu Feng kid, don't bluff, your wisdom, I have used it."

The disdain of the face of the cloud becomes more intense.

However, Xu Feng retired several dozen feet.

Go back to the place where you are.

I saw his eyes fixed.

"Ready to fight!"

With his order, the ghosts of the thousand hands and ghosts condensed, and said: "This kid will really break, what is there, is this kid not?"

The Thousand-Handed Ghost King discovered that since he met Xu Feng, he realized that what is called enchanting, what is called omnipotence.

"District, I will break open!"

Xu Feng screamed and screamed, his hands slammed into dozens of fists.

The fist shadow bombarded in the void, as if the waves were shaking for a moment, surrounded by spiritual power.

"Haha... kid, are you doing juggling? Why don't I feel that the formation is broken?"


Just finished speaking in Yunlin’s discourse.

Crazy air waves, collapsing around.

Above the walls of Yunlou City, Yunlin and others are stunned.

They did not expect that Xu Feng could really break through the big city of Yunlou City.

Clouds face a sudden moment, said: "You will quickly resist the attack, I will report to the Nine Majors."

Yunlin is very clear. Without the help of the big city guards, these people can't resist Xu Feng's attack.


Seeing the clouds approaching the city's main house to escape.

His subordinates, all of them are full of horror.

Xu Feng’s elimination of Li’s family is like a broken bamboo.

These people, even the souls of the souls have not, how to resist Xu Feng their offensive.

Immediately, many people began to flee when they spread their legs.

Xu Feng screamed and said: "The people who are not in the city's main government, immediately dispersed, the rest of the people, killing innocent!"

At this moment, Xu Feng became a **** of killing, and God blocked the killing of God.

What he has to do is to let the people of Ming Xuan lead know that Xu Fu is not the object of bullying.

Strongly rushed out, thousands of hands and ghosts and other people, but also spare no effort, blood stained Hongyunlou.


"The messenger is an adult, the big things are not good... The big city is broken, and those people are afraid to kill the city."

Clouds are flustered and panting.


B-9 looked at the clouds and couldn't help but roar.

"It’s just right, since the young man in your mouth is so powerful, I just let him be the person in charge of my Bundou in the mainland of Lingshen, as long as he knows the current affairs."

Yun Lin’s face changed dramatically, and suddenly he said: “The ambassador, the person we killed before, he will not cooperate with us.”

Yun Lin is afraid, if Xu Feng becomes the person in charge of the Emerald in the Lingshen mainland, then he is not dead more miserable.

"I believe that he is a wise man! The world is coming, the spirit of the mainland, it will not take long, it will become the territory of my demon, the Terran will become a slave of the Mozu, to worship the devil."

Among the sounds of B, the heroes are proud and proud.


Just at this time.

The voice of the city was heard.

Xu Feng took a thousand hands and ghosts and other people and directly killed the city government.

The people in the city's main house learned that Xu Feng and others had broken the big city.

Almost have escaped.

"Go, go out and meet him!"

There are self-confidence and dark eyes on the face of B-June, which is completely different from the Terran.

The clouds are coming to stop, and there is some regret in the heart.

If you know this early.

He should not cooperate with the Mozu.

"Cloud Pro, how come you flee? Before you were angry, it seems that you are also a kind."

Xu Feng’s face was smiling.

Yun Lin heard the words, said: "Xu Feng, don't be arrogant here, do you know who the adults are?"

"If you are interested, immediately kneel on the ground and surrender to the adults, maybe the adults can still spare you."

Xu Feng heard the cloud talking, and then noticed.

Clouds are around, wearing the presence of black robes.


However, above the sacred order in Xu Feng's body, a task emerges suddenly.

"Stop the Mozu, you can get 500 good and evil values." Xu Feng is excited inside.

It seems that the strong man who created the holy gate, when he made the sacred order, has already made a plan, that is, the people who want the holy gate, kill the demon, and defend the Terran and the Spiritual Continent.

Otherwise, Xu Feng’s sacred order will only meet the opposite Mozu, and the task will already be produced.

I saw that A. J. went out a few steps, and he looked up, under the dark black robes, covered with dark eyes.

The magical power of the body exudes, the momentum is very horrible, said: "The little guy is a good talent, if you are interested, if you are obedient, we can let you dragons for nine days, let you become the spiritual god, the most dazzling genius !"


Thousands of ghosts and kings are carrying a killer.

For the Mozu, he hates it.

The Mozu is cruel and killing, and it is fierce to treat the Terran.

(End of this chapter)

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