The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3558: Send it yourself?

Chapter 3558 is sent by myself?

"Xu Fuzhu? Is this young man, who has recently made a lot of noise and killed Li, and established Xu Feng, the head of Xufu in Ziyuan City?"

I heard Zhu Lin’s words.

Many people in Liyang Town are shocked.

They don't know why Xu Feng appeared in Liyang Town.

According to rumors, Xu Feng’s strength is extremely powerful.

Obviously, it is the six-fold peak of the life of the wheel, but it can kill the soul of the soul.

It’s a genius.

"It must be him. Otherwise, how could he be killed by the seven-strong powerhouse?"

"It is no wonder that this young man was so arrogant before, that others have arrogant capital, and it is terrible."

"I don't know what Zhu family is going to do in the end, and can make a young genius like Xu Fuzhu."

Julie’s heart is unwilling, listening to the words from the ear, her heart is full of miscellaneous.

Looking at Xu Feng at the moment, she regrets her heart, if she is not so harsh and mean.

Perhaps, she will be able to strengthen Xu Feng, and the status of Liyang Town will inevitably be greatly enhanced.

Thinking of this, her eyes fell on Zhu Xi, said: "Sister, sister, it seems that you are really stupid and stupid."

Julie is really dead and repentant. She still feels that Zhu Xi is a stupid person who has a stupid blessing and does not know where she is wrong.

Liu Yuan’s heart is full of horror, saying: “Xu Fuzhu, here is Liyang Town. We are not the identity and status of Xu’s Lord, but also to intervene in this matter?”

Liu Yuan’s voice turned.

He is very clear that he is not Xu Feng’s opponent.

It is necessary to take advantage of Xu Feng’s identity, so that Xu Feng is obsessed with face, and he does not have to do it himself, he has a chance.

"This is a different story!" Xu Feng did not care, said: "Before your son, I can't look down on me."

"What's more, you are also a life-threatening martial art. I am also, it is normal for our fellow initiates to fight."

Xu Feng is holding the Aurora Magic Knife and is not prepared to give Liu Yuan a chance to live.

"Get out, as long as you can stop me from dying, you may still have a chance."

Xu Fengsheng sounded, and the Aurora Magic Knife lifted up.

The Aurora Magic Knife is not the sixth-order elite.

Silver-white knife light, constantly infiltrated.

Among the knives, there is a strong momentum.

"Do you really want to kill you?"

Liu Yuan’s heart is unwilling.

Seeing that the Zhu family will be destroyed, they will rise.

Why, at this time, Xu Feng appeared.

"If you want to hate, you hate your son. If it weren't for him, I might not come to Liyang Town."


Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife and went out to Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan’s heart is unwilling.

Now, what Xu Feng said before is the fact.

After all, after returning from the mountains, Liu Yan told him all the things he had experienced.

That is to say, the young man in Liu Yukou who was killed by Xue Mazi, together with Zhu Xi, is Xu Feng.

I am afraid that the **** maze will not know, and who is killing him?

Liu Yuan thought secretly.


The Aurora Magic Knife pierces the chest of the willow.

Still killing.

He is a warrior with seven lives, and he said that he could resist Xu Feng’s Aurora Magic Knife. Even if it was Xu Feng’s fist, there was no possibility of surviving.

Now Xu Feng has broken through to the seven-fold life, and his strength has become stronger. His double-life wheel has brought more combat effectiveness and strengthened his position.

"It’s really unexpected to kill this guy and get 50 good and bad values."

Xu Feng found that above the sacred order, killing Liu Yuan, there is still a task that has been completed.

Xu Feng’s good and evil values ​​reached 620.

The inside secretly sighed and said: "In exchange for the Kowloon Refining Body, you need 5,000 good and evil values. I want to collect good and evil values ​​as soon as possible!"

Xu Feng’s current cultivation has been upgraded to a life-and-death situation. It is necessary to get the Kowloon Refining Body as soon as possible, and the practice of the body of the life wheel.

Consciousness sank into the altar of heaven and earth, Xu Feng found those tasks, really a lot.

"When I arranged the ring dragon to defend the big array, I left Ziyuan City and began to kill those fierce people and get good and evil values."

Xu Feng’s heart decided secretly.

"Zhu Jiazhu, in the future, you Zhu Jia is self-sufficient, do not want to be evil in Liyang Town, to benefit the people of one side."

"If I let you know in the future, you Zhu dare to bully the hegemony and bully. Today's Sen Luozong is the end of your Zhu family."

Xu Feng is facing Zhu Lin, the voice is serious.

Xu Feng’s eyes fell on Zhu Xi’s body and said: “Your daughter is a small boy, his heart is simple, kind, and his talent is very good. Now Xu is in the process of employing people and needs a lot of young talents to join.”

"After you help her to rectify, take her to Xufu and let her practice in Xufu in the future!"

Many people heard the words of Xu Feng, and they all looked at Zhu Xi, and all of them were envious.

Many people look at Zhu Lin's eyes, they are envious and hateful, they know that Xu Fu is in full swing.

Zhu Xi was able to gain Xu Feng's appreciation. He joined Xu Fu in the future and was inevitably in a high position.

Zhu Jia, really is a complete rise.

Speaking of it.

Xu Feng said: "As for your eldest daughter, this woman is fierce, narrow-minded, and even her own sister, I want to be trapped in death. I hope you can teach well. Otherwise, he will send someone to come and marry her. kill!"

Xu Feng at the moment, without any feelings.

Zhu Lin did not know the temper of his two daughters.

I was sincere and fearful: "Xufu is assured that I will teach her well."

Xu Feng turned and left.

A violent scream sounded.

"Who killed the willow?"

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

I saw a place not far away, a man in a red robe, he took a step and walked towards this side.

"Who is this person, a strong and powerful atmosphere."

Xu Feng said: "I must be the bloodthirsty person who planted the bloodthirsty moth in the body of Liu Yuan?"

The red robe man said coldly: "Since I know that I am very good, now I am in front of me, maybe, I will spare you a life."

The man in the red robe is the life of the nine-fold peak of the life. He is only one step away and can break through the life of the soul.

Looking at Xu Feng is so young, naturally not in the eyes.


Xu Feng’s spiritual power, clutching the Aurora Magic Knife: “Since I sent it to death, I am too lazy to go to Sen Luozong to find you.”

"Get started!"

The man in the red robe was full of faces and said: "I don't know how to live and die, dare to provoke me like this, you give me to die!"

The arm stretched out and turned into a blood-red claw, which brought a strong wind, as if to tear the void.

However, many people are hesitant, rumored that Xu Feng can kill the souls of the soul, they also have some doubts, really someone, can it be so powerful?

Everyone has doubts inside.

(End of this chapter)

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