The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3539: Kill the Ziyuan City

Chapter 3539 kills Ziyuancheng

"What is this holy spirit?"

Regarding the big eyes, I felt the knife method that was hit. The pupils of both eyes suddenly contracted and the heart was shocked.

Such a horrible knife, even if he has never seen it, is even more terrifying than the usual sixth-order Holy Spirit.

Xu Feng did not conceal, but Lang said: "Predecessors, this knife method is to cooperate with the Aurora Magic Knife, is the sixth-order best holy spirit, Aurora kills the knife."

Since Guan Yu has kindness to himself, Xu Feng will not hide the other party.

Of course, the biggest reason he does not hide.

That is what he knows.

Today, he can't keep himself with his care.

If the other party wants to grab the knife, it is tantamount to finding a dead end.

"Aurora killing knife method?"

"It is rumored that the Aurora Magic Knife contains inheritance. It seems that this is the case. I can't think of your air traffic, so it is so bad."

The voice of Guan Yu was shocked.

The Aurora Magic Knife has been in their home for so many years.

I don't know how many people, I want the Aurora Magic Knife to realize a hint of clue.

None of them can be obtained.

Now, Xu Feng not only collects the Aurora Magic Knife, but also inherits the Aurora Magic Knife.


This time, Xu Feng's knife method, and the moment of the collision of the knife method, two figures, while withdrawing.

Guan Yu only felt that the endless knives and continually rushed toward him, it was terrible.

His heart was shocked and his heart said: "Is this the horror of the sixth-order supernatural spirit?"

While the whole body is flowing, the silver knife is in the hand and it is constantly waving.

When the knife swayed, the knives that were attacked were destroyed.

"The second move, tearing the knife!"

Xu Feng did not hesitate, the double life wheel emerged, and the six incomparable halos contained the talent for growth and death.

The second move of the Aurora killing knife method, the knife method is overbearing, as if you are going out, you can tear the sky.


Under the tears of Xu Feng's knives, the emptiness sounded, the knife light tore the void, and the space hurricane broke out.

"A good trick!"

Guan Yu did not dare to care about it. He immediately displayed his strongest spiritual skills, and his spiritual powers all surged.


His knives are the fifth-order best of the Holy Spirit, and the knives contain violent waves.

The second stroke of Xu Feng’s Aurora killing knife method is obviously more overbearing and more arrogant.

The knives and knives are smashed out, and the whole world seems to be filled with knives. The power of Xu Feng’s aurora killing knife method is revealed.


Guan Yu only felt that a few knives, instantly tearing the resistance of his own attack, hit his chest.

The knife method became terrible, and it formed a strong and incomparable wave of waves. The heavens and the earth seemed to be shrouded in Xu Feng's knife.


As for the continuous reversal, if he is a little slower, he will have to be torn apart and tear his body.


Guan Yu was full of horror and staring at the opposite Xu Feng. He could feel that Xu Feng was using this knife method and it was very scary.

"Predecessors, the last move... I don't know if I can control it, I hope my seniors are careful!"

This is the first time that Xu Feng has used the Aurora to kill the knife. He and others have started, and his whole body is insanely surging.

In an instant, the light of the double life wheel seems to have dimmed.

The third trick of the Aurora killing knife method is that it is too horrible.

The most important thing is that you need the support of the majestic to be able to display this third move.

"Aurora is infinitely killing!"

The Aurora Magic Knife in the hands of Xu Feng seems to be a shining eternal knives.

In an instant, the dense knives of light gathered from all directions to form a violent shock wave.

Between the whole world, it was really shrouded by Xu Feng’s knives, which shocked the world’s momentum and was violent.


Even if Xu Feng’s heart is shocked, the last move of the Aurora to kill the knife is displayed. His spiritual power is like being taken out.

He knows that if the enemy is against the enemy, this third trick is inevitably a battle of life and death.

Once you kill your opponent, when you die, you are yourself.

"not good!"

When the pupils of the eyes blinked, the knife in their hands, the crazy dance, formed a huge aperture, and the knife that went to the attack of Xu Feng, resisted.


The madness of Knife Mang above the aperture formed by Guan Yu, shocking the incomparable air waves, surging within a few dozen square feet.

The knives and the turbulent waves will tear the surrounding towering trees into pieces.

Guan Sheng is early, and has already ran to dozens of feet.

Feel the aftermath of Xu Feng’s own ancestors’ battle.

His heart is shocking.

"Xu brother's current strength is so terrible."


The knives continue to emerge, and Xu Feng’s whole body is still disappearing.

As the knife method describes.


As if Xu Feng's knife method is unrestricted, it can be derived continuously.


Among the eyes of Guan Yu, with a hint of fear, at this moment he felt a dangerous atmosphere.

Immediately burst into a burst, said: "The kid, immediately converge your knife, your spiritual power is exhausted, it will cause damage to you."

Guan Yu is very clear, Xu Feng cast this knife method damage, spiritual consumption is really huge.

Xu Feng also had a surprise in the depths of his eyes. He knew that the purpose of his own discussion with Guan Yu had already been achieved.

He can see his own strength and cultivation, and he can stifle the existence of any realm.


Xu Feng grasped the Aurora Magic Knife, and the spiritual power of his body instantly converges.

Endless knives, no spiritual transmission.

The aperture formed by the knives that are instantly closed is to destroy the devastating destruction.


Xu Feng took out the refining medicinal herbs. After he swallowed it, the pure medicine was transformed.

Concerned about Xu Feng’s body, the rapid rise of spiritual power, he widened his eyes and said: “Little guy, do you still take the medicine?”

Xu Feng heard the words and smiled: "Yes! Many!"

Immediately, he grabbed a medicinal bottle and handed it to Guan.

"Predecessors, this medicinal medicine is my refining. You can quickly take it down and you can quickly restore your spiritual power!"

"You are an alchemy teacher?"

With wide eyes and incredible faces.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "Is there a problem?"

" problem..."

Guan Yu only feels that people are really mad at people.


Xu Feng followed Ling Qingqi and others.

Guan Yu with Guan Jie, and a few strong people.

This kills the Li family, the number of strong people, not the number of people.

Xu Feng looked at Guangyu, and Cang Jingnian and others, said: "You are killing Ziyuan City with me today. This kind of kindness, I Xu Feng remembers in my heart. If the dragon is nine days in the future, Seoul will certainly rise strongly."

Among the voices, it reveals self-confidence and hegemony.

(End of this chapter)

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