The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3525: Destroy the magic

Chapter 3525 destroys the magic of the nine


Among the sinister scorpions, there was a flash of horror.

He did not expect that Xu Feng's strength was so powerful.

Seeing his own attack, he was resisted by Xu Feng.

His face became a bit ugly.

As a demon, the magic nine is not much different from the human race, but it is the magic that they radiate from them.

However, the Terran Warrior, the cultivation of the heavens and the earth.

"It seems that you are just that."

Xu Feng put away his fist and stared at the opposite face.

Many people can't help but sigh.

No one expected that Xu Feng could really resist the attack of Magic Jiuyan.

You must know that Magic Jiuyan is a strong Mozu.

The strength that was shown before is extremely terrifying.

Magic Jiuyan heard Xu Feng’s words and his face became more ugly.

However, people who just thought Xu Feng was arrogant.

They now feel that Xu Feng is really qualified to say this.

"I don't think Xu Feng's talent is so horrible, is Dongye Wang San cost so much, and wants to kill Xu Feng."

"But now it seems that among the secrets of the entire Xuan Bing, I am afraid that no one can pose a threat to Xu Feng."

"This magic nine fire can not kill Xu Feng's words, other people in front of Xu Feng, simply not enough to see."

Seeing that Xu Feng resisted the attack of Magic Jiuyan, many people could not help but sigh.

Only Xu Feng's face was calm, his mouth raised, and he looked at the magic nine with a playful look.

"Xu Feng, do you really think that the deity can't kill you? You are really whimsical."

Demon Jiuyan's body is full of magic, making a squeaky sound, making many people's eardrums feel tremors.

The dark magic is like a sharp sword, bringing a strong shock wave.

The violent magic is condensed around the body of the magic nine, forming a small whirlpool.

"Dare to provoke the deity, I will let you know that the sky is high and thick." Demon Jiuyan's voice is low: "If you look back now, maybe still have time. Immediately kneel down and be my slave."

"At the same time, surrender the purple konjac, you still have a chance."

Although Xu Feng resisted his first wave of attacks.

However, Magic Jiuyan does not think.

Xu Feng can beat himself.

It was just the beginning.

Xu Feng disdained: "Stupid hat, you really thought, I am afraid that you can't."

"Don't be thunderous and heavy, I want to see Xu Feng, you are such a mad man, can you help me?"

The whole body's spiritual flow, the growth and death of the two life rings, the breath of the breath, is extremely terrifying.

"Daci Shengquan!"

The Daci Shengquan that Xu Feng obtained before was also the fifth-order best holy spirit, which was immediately displayed.

The different boxing methods are different from the previous big sorrows, and it is like compassion for a fist.

However, above the fist, there are dozens of fist shadows, as if it were a mountain.

The incomparable momentum of the powerful, like the void, is tremble, coupled with the talent of death and growth, making Xu Feng's boxing method seem to be endless.


The Great Compassion is put to the extreme, and I feel the small whirlpools that come in and wrap Xu Feng in it.

Xu Feng is in danger, and the two hundred and seventy spirits in his body are criss-crossed.

At the same time as the strong momentum, the fist and the small vortex collided together, and did not fall into the wind.

Seeing this scene, many people are stunned and feel that Xu Feng’s strength is terrible.


The fists condensed into mountains, as if they were the vast sea, so they swept out and were spectacular.

Wherever the fist went, the small whirlpool village collapsed and could not resist the power of Xu Feng’s boxing.

The magic nine eyes of the pupils suddenly condensed, and the heart suddenly with annoyance, I knew so.

He should not let Xu Feng grow up, he should have suppressed Xu Feng and let him be his own servant.

Thinking of this, there is some regret in the magic nine.

At the same time, biting his teeth.

The magic of the body, toward the whirlpool, crazy flow.

The whirlpool of the sky is like a shocking world.

The whirlpool came out and brought a terrifying momentum.

"I don't know the time, you give me to die!"

The magic nine rushed out, hands over, endless black whirlpool, like a bottomless pit.

Towards the place where Xu Feng is, suddenly swallowed, and the raging winds filled the surrounding area.

Magic Jiuyan was completely angry, and he could not kill Xu Feng. He was completely angry.

Feel the breath of the magic nine inflammation, Xu Feng's face is also a dignified expression, the eyebrows revealed cold.

"The sixth-order Chinese spirit of the Holy Spirit: Daci and Great Compassion!"

Xu Feng's hands changed one after another.

As he worked with the great compassion and sorrow, his spiritual power seemed to be drained in an instant.

In the whole man's meridians, the spiritual power seems to be exhausted, and above the hands, two golden lights.

Containing the great compassion and sorrow that Xu Feng used before, the two breathable fists are like golden Buddha statues.

A punch is coming out!

The fists broke out and the world changed.

The eyes of the magic nine inflammation suddenly contracted.

Xu Feng's second-order killing, the second-order gravity, and the growth and death of the life-threatening talents are all integrated into the great compassion and sorrow.


The entire Zijinfeng, countless warriors, are wide-eyed.

His face is blank.

They feel very clear that the Holy Spirit technique that Xu Feng displayed is inevitably the sixth-order Holy Spirit.

We must know that the entire Ming Xuan collar, even the three major forces, the bliss mountain villas, the earthen gates and other forces, do not have the sixth-order Holy Spirit.

Now, Xu Feng actually displays the sixth-order Holy Spirit.

Ming Xuan collar countless warriors, dreams of the sixth-order Holy Spirit.


The face of Magic Jiuyan has completely changed.

He did not expect that Xu Feng’s weak cultivation would also be able to cultivate the sixth-order Holy Spirit.

You must know that the sixth-order Holy Spirit is not very precious for Magic Jiuyan.

However, it is impossible to practice the sixth-order Holy Spirit skill casually.


The golden fist of the great compassion and the sorrowful fist, wherever he went, the darkness of the magical nine-inflamed, is divided.


Demon Jiuyan once again said the word damn, the body continued to retreat, the ground is his footprints.

However, I did not expect that the suppression brought by Xu Feng's second-order gravity ambiguity was revealed at this time.

Devil Jiuyan bit his teeth and said: "Boy, you dare to hurt me... you will die very badly..."


However, Xu Feng was not threatened by Magic Jiuyan at all, and his fists were bombarded.

Demon Jiuyan only felt that when the golden Buddha light came, the magic of the whole body seemed to be suppressed.


Xu Feng’s fist, horrible, hit a fist on the chest of the magic nine, the sound of broken bones, instantly sounded.

The devil's chest is directly sunken, and the heavy cockroaches are on the stone wall of Zijinfeng, falling on the ground, and the breath is wilting.

(End of this chapter)

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