The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3515: Several people gather

Chapter 3515, the gathering of several people

Thousand-handed ghost king looked at Xu Feng, who was not far away. It was really stunned and some could not speak.

The Xu Feng in front of me looks so young and can refine the sixth-order Holy Spirit.

The thousand-handed ghost king is very clear, such a young sixth-order alchemy teacher, I am afraid that the entire north coast, also known as the alchemy genius.

However, such a peerless genius, but it appears in such a remote place as Ming Xuan collar, it is incredible.

What shocked him the most was that Xu Feng not only had a lot of means, but the martial arts talent was so powerful.

Now, the other party actually knows how to arrange the array, which is surprising.

Qiang Ghost Wang Hao was once a strong player on the North Coast.

For the array, there is some understanding.

At this moment, the simple magical array mentioned in Xu Fengkou, even his strong one, can not be seen.

If Xu Feng is not a more complicated illusion, he is afraid that he will fall into it, and he will die without a burial place.

Xu Feng took out the burning alchemy furnace, with some regrets in his eyes, and said: "Next, I will refine the sixth-order Holy Spirit Dan, continue to use the burning fire to make the perfect furnace, and I want to refine the perfect sixth-order Holy Spirit. The difficulty is great."

Xu Feng himself knows that the so-called clever woman is difficult to be without rice, and his alchemy ability is even worse.

The alchemy furnace cannot withstand the power of the sixth-order Holy Spirit, and it cannot be further refined.

"No matter how much, first refine the cold and sacred ice Dan, and give it to the thousand hand ghost king."

Xu Feng’s eyes are firm, the spiritual power of his body flows, and the Promise Flame and the Fire of the Ming Dynasty appear simultaneously.

Two kinds of heaven and earth fires, wrapped in the sides of the burning alchemy furnace, bring hot air waves.

Not far from the thousands of ghost kings, the eyebrows are sighed, Xu Feng has so many worlds of fire, it is really enviable.

The Thousand-Handed Ghost King used to be on the North Coast, and he was also a strong man of the wind. For so many years, he has never encountered the fire of heaven and earth.

Xu Feng comes from a small place like Ming Xuan, but he has a variety of powerful people who are so envious of him.

This kind of luck is really powerful.

Xu Feng took out the cold ice crystals and sent them into the burning alchemy furnace.

Sure enough, as Xu Feng expected.

The burning alchemy furnace cannot withstand the power of the sixth-order spiritual material.

It was only a moment of time, and the burning alchemy furnace began to tremble.

If Xu Feng is not capable of manipulating.

When it was replaced by other alchemists, the fire-smelting furnace had cracked.


Two kinds of heaven and earth are strange fires, burning constantly.

The raging flames continue to rise.

In the flame, there is a fierce momentum.

As the cold ice crystal melts into a spirit liquid, the impurities in it are all fired by Xu Feng's heaven and earth and instantly evaporate.

Xu Feng could have melted all the spiritual materials and brains, but did not do so.

He is very clear that the burning fire alchemy furnace is only the fifth-order best alchemy furnace. If it is smelting a variety of sixth-order spiritual materials at the same time, even if it is him, it will not be able to return to heaven, and the burning alchemy furnace will be broken.

Immediately, the purple dragon dragon flower was sent to the burning alchemy furnace, and it began to be smelted in an orderly manner.

As Xu Feng's technique changed constantly, he felt a shocking color in his heart, as if he had realized his mood.

He found that his own process of alchemy became more stable without any fluctuations.

Inside the dark road: "So the heart is like a meteorite, I am afraid that it is a great help for me to refine the seventh-order Holy Spirit."

Xu Feng is very clear. For the alchemy teacher, the most taboo is that the heart is not strong enough to concentrate on it.

However, he realized that his heart was like a meteorite, and there would be no mood swings.

Xu Feng's methodical refining of the cold and mysterious ice Dan, the thousand hands and ghost king also with expectations, staring around.


The hands of the ghosts and the kings are condensed, not far away, the two figures are coming towards this side.

One of the men's hair was gray and his face was wrinkled. He said: "It's unlucky. I didn't expect to become a slave to others. We will have no more freedom in the future!"

There is helplessness between men’s words.

The other person next to me said: "I don't think so. With our cultivation and talent, this life wants to go further and it is hard to go to heaven."

"But if we use the bloodthirsty magic in the body, we have hope to break through to the soul."

The gray-haired man shook his head: "What you said is somewhat reasonable, but it is a bloodthirsty person. In the future, it is really difficult to walk."

The other person did not care: "There is a strong person, as long as we break through to the soul, who dares to point?"

The two men came toward Xu Feng, and the breathing of the thousand hands and ghost kings became a little short.

If the two disturbed Xu Feng's refinement of Han Xuanbing Dan, he must let the two men die without a place to die.

He is very much looking forward to Han Xuanbing Dan, as long as he takes Han Han Xuanbing Dan, he can return to the life of the soul.

"Let's go! This place is a better environment, what can be the situation?" The hair white man urged.

The other man frowned slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he continued to stare at the surroundings.

"Chen Chen, do you think that there seems to be something wrong with the surroundings?" Hu Ting felt the fluctuation of the air spirit, and clearly had nothing in front of him, but he felt that something was wrong.

Chen Yu heard the words, looked up and looked at the same thing: "Hu Ting, you are afraid of getting paranoia."

Chen Wei seems to be exactly the same everywhere. What is the difference?

Hu Ting is more sure of his inner guess. He said: "There is a magical array in front of us? It must be a magical array!"

Hu Ting has a little understanding of the formation, he is very clear, once there is a magical place.

For those who don’t know the array, there is nothing.

However, people who know a little about the law.

It is very clear that the magic array is very dangerous.

Hu Ting didn't know what was inside the illusion, and he said in his heart: "Maybe I think more, let's go!"

Hu Ting's face changed slightly, and Chen Hao walked toward the side of the array and quickly left.

The spiritual power of the thousand hands and ghosts also converges as the two leave.

Thousands of ghost kings worry that if they break into the illusion, they will bother Xu Feng.

However, Hu Ting and Chen Yugang just walked out of a distance, Hu Ting immediately took Chen Hao, looked at the place just passed behind with vigilance.

"Hu Ting, what are you doing?"

Chen Hao is somewhat dissatisfied.

Hu Ting said: "Chen Chen, do you know? There is a magical array in the place where we are."

"What? Magic?"

The relationship between Chen Hao and Hu Ting is very good. He knows Hu Ting and has been involved in the formation.

Immediately surprised, after all, there is nothing special here, why is there a magical array?

"Yes! I am sure that the percent is certain, there must be a magical array." Hu Ting's words are all determined.

"How to do?"

Chen Hao asked.

Hu Ting Shuangyu took the cold and said: "Call us all together, I have to look at it, who is in the illusion?"

(End of this chapter)

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