The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3439: Guan Sheng’s horror

Chapter 3439 Guan Sheng's horror

"Off win, you can't run!"

Li Junwei’s eyes are all embarrassing, and his life is full of repairs, and his physical strength is surging.

Guan Sheng did not hesitate, and continued to escape, and Li Junwei behind him was getting closer and closer.


Guan Sheng only knew that he was escaping, but he did not find it. There were several figures in front.

"Hey, brother?"

Xu Feng did not expect that when he first came to the hall, he met Guan Sheng.

However, I saw Li Junwei who was chased after Guan Sheng.

His eyes are full of killing.

This Li Junwei is a Li family.

He knows.

Before that, this guy was with Li Pinghe.

When Guan Sheng saw Xu Feng, he first slammed his eyes and immediately opened his eyes. "Xu Xiong, are you not dead?"

Xu Feng nodded and said: "Is this not a good job?"

Xu Feng patted his chest.

Guan Sheng only remembered that he was still being chased by Li Junwei.

Suddenly said: "Xu brother, let's hurry up, Li Junwei has been chasing me?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Since he chased him, I really want to see, how strong is he?"

Xu Fenggang broke through to the life of the wheel and repaired it, he just can test and test his strongest strength.

Cheng Bai, who was defeated before, still seems too weak to test his strength.

Guan Sheng heard the words, some surprised: "Xu Xiong, don't make a joke, Li Junwei is a life-long round of repairs."

Guan Sheng's face changed, but he and Li Junwei handed over and thought that he and Xu Feng could beat each other.

Moreover, there are many Li Jiawu who come with Li Pinghe, if they are found by others.

At that time, he and Xu Feng, really can not escape.

"I'm not joking."

Xu Feng spread his hands.

"Li Pinghe had caused me to jump from the bridge of killing. I am lucky not to die, naturally I want to take revenge."

Xu Feng’s voice was cold and savvy, and he stared at Li Junwei who rushed up.

Several people beside them were surprised. They didn't expect Xu Feng to say that it was true.

Xu Feng really jumped from the bridge above.

"This guy jumped from such a high place and didn't die?"

Someone couldn't help but scream.

When Li Junwei saw Xu Feng's moment, it was a glimpse.

How can you not die when such a high abyss jumps down?

Li Junwei’s cold smile said: “Xu Feng, I can’t think of your life so big. Jumping from such a high place, you can still survive, and it’s really a bit extraordinary.”

Li Junwei saw Xu Feng jumping from the top, so high, Xu Feng could still survive.

It’s incredible.

Xu Feng’s face was calm and smiled. “You have not finished the Li family. How can I die?”

Li Pinghe wanted to put him to death five times, and the entire Li family also regarded him as a nail in his eyes.

If he Xu Feng does not destroy Li, how can he be willing to die?

What's more, the treasure land like Ziyuan City.

It is occupied by the waste power of the Li family. It is really a violent thing.

Xu Fu, founded by Xu Feng, will be established in Ziyuan City.

Li Junwei was glaring and disdainful: "I don't know the tall and thick boy. You also want to fight against our Li family. You are afraid that you don't know, Ming Xuan leads the three great families."

Li Junwei's face is full of killing, the spiritual power of his body, crazy flow, bringing a strong cyclone.

Above the top of the head, the life wheel emerged, filled with seven halo, making many people feel the fear.

"Boy, what do you fight with me?" Li Junwei's momentum broke out, and his clothes made a squeaky voice.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body is faint: “There is a seven-fold cultivation of the sacred life and a sense of presence in front of me!”

"It is a pity that you are really not qualified to find a presence in front of me because you are not worthy!"

After Xu Feng finished, the spiritual power of the body broke out instantly, accompanied by the simultaneous emergence of the double life wheel.

The two distinct life wheels bring a completely different atmosphere, and the spiritual power of the body is even more violent.

The majestic spiritual power, like the flow of sea water, is not weaker than Li Junwei.

Guan Sheng's eyes wide open and his face horrified. He knew that Xu Feng was still a sacred sacred peak.

It took only a long time for Xu Feng to jump from the bridge of killing, but instead cultivated to break through to life.

This is simply unbelievable.

Moreover, Xu Feng is still a double life wheel.

Throughout the Ming Xuan collar, it seems that there is no warrior with a double life wheel.

"God! Double life!"

"This Xu Feng's talent, enchanting to this."

"It's no wonder that Higashino looks at the third, preferring to use Ziyue Xianlin as a price, but also to chase Xu Feng."

"I am sure that if he gives Xu Feng enough time, he will certainly grow up indefinitely."

"Are you not nonsense? His current double-life round has clearly indicated that his future is limitless."

Everyone is horrified, they have never seen a warrior in a double life wheel.

It’s just rumors.

Those days of arrogance in the land of the Northern King.

There are quite a few warriors, all of which are double-lived.

Unexpectedly, they will be able to witness it for the rest of their lives.

"I don't care, if you have anyone who dares to let me kill Xu Feng, I will turn his face with him."

"This kind of genius must be the air transport, and it is not a simple matter to kill him."

A man who has a six-pointed peak in his life, he looks at the people around him, his face full of indignation.

Li Junwei’s face was cold and cold: “You turned out to be a mistake, and you broke through to the life circle. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant!”

"However, unfortunately, you should converge and converge. With your talent, it only takes a year and a half, and I will not be your opponent."

"It's a pity that you can't hold your breath."

Li Junwei finished.

The palm of the hand condenses, like a giant beast, roaring toward Xu Feng, fierce.

The waves caused by the attack spread continuously around.

Some people, instead of Xu Feng, pinch a cold sweat.

Although Xu Feng is very strong.

However, in front of absolute strength.

Talent can't kill opponents.

"Great Sadness!"

Xu Feng is not prepared to keep a hand, directly display the fifth-order best holy spirit skills, great compassion.

His current great sorrow and sorcerer practiced in the elementary realm, and when the palm of the hand was blown out, it brought strong wave fluctuations.


At the moment of the collision of the boxing arm, the second-order killing of Xu Feng was also accompanied by the spread.


Two consecutive punches, the smashing of the bombardment, Li Junwei opposite, was shocked and tumbling.

His steps were back and forth, his eyes were stunned, his pupils shrank, and he said, "How is it possible? Your strength, why is it so strong?"

Li Junwei also came over from the life of the wheel. He could not imagine that Xu Feng really was a life-threatening player?

(End of this chapter)

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