The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3435: Double life wheel

Chapter 3435 Double Life Wheel

In Xu Feng’s body, two hundred and sixty spirits began to flow.

The pulse and his meridians seem to be a scroll.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng actually began to flow.

The place where he kept falling, the spirit of the heavens and the earth, and his body began to gather.

Xu Feng’s eyes are full of horror. In his mind, there is a sudden emergence of the “chaos of the chaos”.

The chaotically inexhaustible path of operation emerges, and in his veins and meridians, spiritual power begins to circulate.

"What happened? My chaos is infinite, how can I cultivate?" Xu Feng is in vain.

He is very clear that the chaos of his previous cultivation in the southern continent is really terrifying.

However, Chaos Promise is only the upper part, which is the cultivation method of the innate world.

From the mysterious woman in the body, he knows that chaos is the most mysterious and horrible cultivation method between heaven and earth.

No one knows that chaos is the ultimate practice of cultivation.

However, the lower part of the chaos is infinite, but I don’t know where it is. I want to find it in the distant future.

However, Xu Feng’s chaos at the moment is inexhaustible and natural, and this is what a ghost situation.

He knows better than anyone, how terrible the chaos is, and he walks along.

In the southern continent, Chaos Promise did not know how many times he saved him, and now he is running again.

For the chaos of chaos, Xu Feng has long been familiar with the heart, and does not need extra operation.

The spirit of the whole body is constantly criss-crossing, and the breath of his body has begun to rise.

However, Xu Feng feels very clear that his chaotic operation is still the first half of the previous practice.


The body is still falling, and Xu Feng’s heart is filled with surprise and sorrow.

Even he himself did not understand, what the situation was, only knowing the constant running of spiritual power.

The spirit of heaven and earth is moving toward his body, and the body's breath is also rising.


"It was really interesting. I didn't expect to wait for ten thousand years, waiting for a genius. Unfortunately, what he actually cultivated is chaos?"

In the depths of the mysterious soldiers, a sound that makes people feel ordinary.

He is very clear that chaos is extremely horrible.

It is the mainland of the Spirit.

The oldest and most mysterious method of cultivation.

Legend has it that the Chaos Promise is the person who created the heavens and the earth, the practice of chaos.

However, the people of the entire spiritual gods have only heard of the legend of chaos, but have never seen any trace of chaos.

However, Chaos Promise is the only relationship with chaos.

Once, some people practiced chaos and promise.

Without exception, they all ended in failure.

The chaos of chaos is hard to climb.

Later, someone discovered.

The upper part of the chaotic Wuji is not very difficult to cultivate.

However, the cultivation of the lower part is almost a mortal choice.

Therefore, the gradual chaos is infinite, and it is scattered between the heavens and the earth.

"Oh! It's a pity that the second half of the chaos is infinite. I have found some clues."

"If this little guy can really survive and appear in me, I can give him some reminders."

The mysterious voice, in the sky of the sky, seems to be talking to himself.

The sound, in this way, constantly echoes in the void.


Inside the body of Xu Feng, the mysterious woman is very surprised.

"The upper part of the chaos of the chaos can play such a big role. Who is this guy?"

The mysterious woman is very clear, the upper part of the chaos is infinite, and the effect of cultivation is very strong.

However, for the warriors of the spiritual gods, the upper part of the chaos is almost useless.

Just because the upper part of the chaos of the chaos is the practice of the innate martial arts.

However, the warriors of the Lingshen continent can reach the day after tomorrow when they are almost in adulthood.

"Cohesive life wheel? Actually want to condense the life wheel?" The mysterious woman felt the change of Xu Feng's body, and the heart was incredible.

"Does this guy, the mortal situation, be rescued by him?"

The mysterious woman is clear about herself.

Below the bridge of killing.

The height is really terrible.

Xu Feng’s current cultivation, falling down, is almost certain to die.

Even her, has not completely recovered.

Want to save Xu Feng, but also helpless.

However, the pulse in Xu Feng’s body began to surge, as if to gather the life wheel.

"What a amazing guy."

I don't know if Xu Feng knows.

The mysterious woman praised him like this, will he be happy?

After all, it is not a simple matter to get the praise of a mysterious woman.

"Do you want to condense your life?"

Xu Feng felt the physical flow of the body, and the spirits began to float, bringing about dramatic changes.

He is very clear in his heart, is it finally to condense the life wheel and upgrade to the life wheel?

Xu Feng’s face was smiling with a smile, and he said: “I’m a dead end, I’m also a dead end!”

Feeling the friction of the skin and the void, it becomes more and more horrible, and there are blood marks on the skin.

The body of the destiny can not withstand such impact, the speed of his fall is really too fast.

"No matter how much, first condense the life wheel and say it again!" Xu Feng is firmly determined, not thinking much.

The Chaos Promise is still running, and the spirit of his body is constantly condensing, forming a huge whirlpool of heaven and earth.

The spiritual power between heaven and earth, moving toward his body, madly flowing, his body is like a bottomless pit.


The kitten did not dare to leave Xu Feng a trace.

He was clutching Xu Feng's arm.

With the constant falling.

The kittens are also unable to support.

"Kitten, hold on!"

Xu Feng's face became ugly.

He and the kitten were born and died so many years.

If the kitten is really an accident.

Perhaps his heart, really will last a lifetime, is a pity.

"Brother... I am holding you now, it will only become your burden..." The kittens are firm in their eyes.

Now, the weight of a trace, for Xu Feng, is a big burden.

The speed is too fast, the weight is bigger, and the cumulative speed of falling is more horrible.

"Do not!"

Xu Feng looked at the kitten that let go of his arm. His eyes were red and screaming.

"Brother... take care!"

The little body of the kitten flew out like this.


Xu Feng made a roar, the spirit of the whole body, instantly condensed.

Inside his body, a round of life rounds out.

The golden light above the life wheel seems to be dozens of feet.

"God! How is this possible? What is this life wheel? Why is it so strong?" The mysterious woman felt the breath of the life of Xu Feng, and the heart was shocking and incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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