The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3422: I misunderstood Xu Feng!

Chapter 3422 I misunderstood Xu Feng!

Li Pinghe’s mouth is rising, cold and cold: “It’s better to attract more people?”

"At that time, Xu Feng is really nowhere to go to the ground without a door, even if he is not able to escape."

Li Pinghe is very clear that the price of Ziyue Xianlin from Dongye Wangsan is too big.

I am afraid that many people cannot refuse this temptation.

"The son, but it seems that there really is a treasure here. When the strong people gather, how good is it for us?"

The person who reported the news looked at the strange scene in front of him, and there were Xuan Bingqiao everywhere, which seemed to extend in all directions.

Moreover, the heaven and earth spiritual power here is obviously more intense than other places in the Xuan Bingqiao.

Li Pinghe smiled and said: "You still don't understand? How long have we been exploring here?"

The person reporting the news said: "We have been investigating the son, we have been exploring for almost a day."

Li Pinghe nodded. "You think that since we can't find any clues, if we gather everyone here, when there are too many people, we may be able to find clues."

"And, everything here, we are more familiar than anyone. When we find out where the treasures are, we can take advantage of the fishermen."

Li Pinghe’s dead end is so clear that the people who reported the news are admired.

"The son of the public is very thoughtful, and the subordinates really admire the five-body investment." The reporter said.

Li Pinghe smiled and said: "Don't be flattering here, hurry to spread the news!"

The person who reported the news suddenly turned and left.


After Xu Feng killed Zhao Jihong, he continued to move forward toward the passage.

He does not know what is in the channel.

"It seems that there are other people in this channel who have also entered it."

Xu Feng found traces of fighting on the ground.

There are cracks everywhere.


Not far away, a warrior fell to the ground, and his double pupils were all frightened.

Xu Feng suddenly frowned and said to himself: "Hey, is this guy seeing something terrible? Is it such a look at death?"


I know, the moment Xu Fenggang stood up, the corpse in front of him turned into an ashes instantly.

"There is no flesh and blood?"

Xu Feng's face became dignified.

Even people who are blood-stained, they devour most of their blood.

However, flesh and blood are swallowed, leaving only the outer skin.

This approach is a bit strange.

"It seems that I have to be careful!"

Xu Feng’s heart is secret and cautious.

He is very clear, such a means.

Either the Mozu is called, or the servant who has cultivated the Mozu sect.

Xu Feng still remembers the situation of the Green Devil King that he had met before. Now he has the curse of the Green Devil in his body.

The Green Devil's servant is like a time bomb, and may come to kill Xu Feng at any time.

Continue to move forward, the spiritual power inside Xu Feng's body is flowing.

He suddenly found that his footsteps became a bit heavy, his eyes were all condensed, and he couldn’t help but say: "There is the existence of gravity and the space here, obviously becoming a lot heavier."

Xu Feng is a bit wrong, his gravity is still a first-order realm, and it is still difficult to upgrade to the peak.

There are many footprints on the ground.

It seems that there are warriors in front.

Xu Feng keeps moving forward, and gravity is getting stronger and stronger.

If Xu Feng does not realize the gravity of the righteousness, and the strength of the body is strong enough, it must be difficult.


Not far forward, there was a loud noise in front.

Xu Feng's eyes are slightly congested.

He heard a familiar voice.

It is the victory before you are separated from yourself.

"Kuan Sheng, today is your death, who makes you dare to gossip?"

"We want to kill Xu Feng, but you have to help."

Said a man.

Then there was another person who said, "But you don't help if you don't help. When you came to this fork, someone would kill him. He will die."

Guan Sheng heard the words, and suddenly he trembled, staring at the three people who surrounded him. He said one word: "You said, we just entered the fork and someone followed us?"

Guan Sheng’s heart is a shock. He seems to understand Xu Feng, why let everyone go separately.

Because, Xu Feng may feel that the tracker's breath is very strong, do not want to tie everyone.

Guan Sheng thought of it here, and his eyes were full of anger.

"I misunderstood Xu Feng!"

He thought that Xu Feng was afraid of many people and took away treasures.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng was afraid of hurting them.


Guan Sheng bit his teeth.

"Hey, the three of you want to kill me, I have to see, what can you do?"

Guan Sheng grabbed the big knife in his hand, and his spiritual power and madness surged, bringing a strong breath.

All three people can be repaired in six rounds of life, and their strength is not weak.

Oh la la!

At the same time, the three men attacked Guan Sheng, and the strong spiritual power continued to spread.

Due to the suppression of gravity.

The speed of the four people is extremely slow.


Guan Sheng continued to retreat.

His strength is good.

However, it was suppressed by the gravity of the righteousness, and it did not exert its due strength.

Of course, the other three people also broke out with real strength.

It is enough to kill Guan Sheng.

Guan Sheng was quit by a palm.

Seeing that the three people came together again.

Xu Feng appeared not far away, said: "Guan Xiong, I will help you!"


Xu Feng appeared here, and the three people opposite were surprised.

Guan Sheng is a look of guilt and shame.

Before him, it was really the heart of a villain, the belly of a gentleman.

"Xu Xiong, be careful!"

However, Guan Sheng's eyes are all condensed.

Xu Feng’s first-order gravity is constantly emerging.

So, Xu Feng is much faster.

"Zhao Jihong did not kill Xu Feng?"

The three are all a glimpse.

"Kid, since you took the initiative to send your door to death, you can't blame us!"

"To kill this kid together, we can get Ziyue Xianlin, and also get the Chinese spirit."

The three men swooped toward Xu Feng at the same time.

Guan Sheng naturally won't, watching Xu Feng be besieged by three people.

In an instant, the big knife has already been thrown out.


Xu Feng's broken knife, smashed out.

His speed is too fast.

There is a blessing of gravity and a sense of gravity, plus the gravity of its own.

The speed of the opposite three is too much suppressed.

Just a knife.

A man of six lives is tumbling.

In the process of successive retreats, a stream of blood is ejected instantly.

"This kid actually realized the gravity of the righteousness?"

Another man, his face is full of horror.

"Three feet!"

Xu Feng will not give the three people a chance to breathe.

The fifth-order upper-class holy spirit technique is displayed in an instant.

The knife method has become fast and strong.

The tear of the knife.

Guan Sheng couldn't help but burst into tears and said: "Xu Xiong is really a real person, not a good knife!"

(End of this chapter)

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